
=== danieli6 is now known as danieli
ELFrederichWas looking at VM pricing on various clouds.  I have a feeling I'm not comparing apples to apples.  Looking at 16G options.  digitalocean (8vCPU): $96/mo, vultr (6 vCPU): $80/mo, linode (6vCPU): $96/mo, but hetzner (4 or 8 vCPU): 17 or 25 Euro/mo18:17
ELFrederichwasn't sure what channel to ask in, but this seemed appropriate ;-)18:17
apmeltonHey folks, I'm trying to use the NoCloud datasource via a CD ISO and I've got it mostly working but, I can't seem to get it to recognize a scripts folder. I've tried scripts/vendor and scripts/per-once, but neither seem to get recognized. Is this expected to work?19:02
minimalapmelton: a cidata ISO only contains meta-data, user-data, network-config, and vendor-data19:46
minimalI don't believe any other files are used from such an ISO19:46
apmeltonThat does appear to be what I am seeing. Just a bit confusing reading the docs (ex: https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/modules.html#scripts-vendor) which state that datasources can include a scripts directory.19:52
apmeltonAs an alternative, I'm considering combining a write_files directive to write out the script, and a runcmd to run it.19:55
minimalthat's refering to vendor-data or vendor-data2 files19:55
minimalas I said earlier you can have a vendor-data file (AFAIK) on a cidata ISO19:56
minimalsorry, to be more specific, vendor-data is vendor-specific config info, which is different from per-vendor scripts which is what the cc_scripts_vendor module runs20:01
minimalIt does say "On *select* datasources", it doesn't specifically mention NoCloud20:03
apmeltonAh yea, I see the "select" phrasing now.20:15
holmanapmelton: perhaps there is another way to do what you want. What are your trying to accomplish. 21:21

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