[01:47] I have returned :) [05:06] Is there ab app or function to turn the blue light off to warm [05:06] Onlcd [05:47] What is the difference between Kernel 6.5.0-28-generic and 6.5.0-34-generic? I'm asking because -28 boots fine but -34 is ending up in a kernel panic [06:27] skramer, you could look in the changelog for clues; https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/l/linux-meta/linux-meta_6. but don't forget 6.5 kernel is used by more than one release (its a 23.10 kernel, but available via HWE for 22.04) [07:39] guiverc: Thanks for your reply. I just wondered why one 6.5 booted without any issues and the other one does not. Anyway, I'll stick to the -28 kernel for now. Btw. 22.04 was the right guess ;) === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === diogeness_ is now known as diogeness === bar0n is now known as BaR0n [13:59] Is KDE considered "light weight" like XFCE or LXDE? [13:59] The "Bouncy bongy bongy" GUI of Ubuntu made me want to shoot the screen [14:15] Jim`: lubuntu is the light weight ubuntu that uses lxde [14:15] j #macos [14:16] oops [14:16] xrandr: I suppose I should be looking into that if I want quick and fast and all that jazz? [14:17] Depends on your hardware and your needs. Older hardware should probably take advantage of lubuntu [14:17] 950 SC + FX8370 [14:17] I decided I aint going to come in to $400 before Oct 2025 magically [14:17] I have a 12 year old PC right now that I am running Kubuntu on and it works just fine. [14:17] to get a Win 11 machine [14:17] * xrandr shudders at the mention of Windows [14:18] xrandr: I was told if Win 11 don't support it now, it probably wont by 2025 [14:18] Specially with no TPM2.0 [14:18] It's also an i5 quad core with 24gb ram, and kubuntu is running on a sata ssd [14:19] Jim`: that is true. Obviously use what you are comfortable with; even if that is Windows (and all the exploits and malware that comes with it) [14:19] xrandr: I aint Keeping Win10 after Oct 2025 [14:20] but Ubuntu made me want to shoot my screen soon as I booted it up and it started bouncing around in the middle back and forth [14:20] Might be a graphics driver issue then [14:20] I thought it was just how it's GUI is?? [14:21] if the whole screen is bouncing back and forth, that is not the way the GUI is [14:21] No, when you open/close programs [14:21] oh, then yes. But you can customize that behavior [14:22] I was hoping for more old Gnome Hardy times [14:22] but got that Unity junk [14:22] and Linux Mint hasn't upgraded to the latest LTS [14:22] so I don't see installing that [14:22] You can always just remove ubuntu-desktop and install gnome-desktop [14:23] sudo apt install ubuntu-gnome-desktop [14:23] for the full gnome desktop [14:24] https://www.gnome.org/ [14:24] but it looks like that new junk now?? [14:24] Dunno. I use KDE. I prefer it over Gnome. Can't explain why, I just do [14:24] I want someone more "start bar on bottom and doesn't do flippity stuff" like Windows feel [14:25] I want some more* [14:25] start button* [14:25] I was thinking KDE might be that [14:25] It does [14:25] but I also don't wanna use up all the VRAM on a GUI trying to play games [14:26] an 950 SC with 2 GB VRAM [14:26] * Jim` shrugs [14:26] I have an nvidia geforce gtx 770 which has 2gb ram [14:26] works just fine [14:26] This adventure off Win 10 is a good one [18:04] if you are wondering "which ubuntu flavor" why not burn a thumbdrive and try it out? [18:04] I run the very latest kub. on my at-least-6-years-old little Dell [18:05] and on this much beefier laptop [18:05] Sysinfo for 'valorie-oryxpro': Running inside KDE Plasma 5.27.11 on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat) powered by Linux 6.8.0-31-generic, CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz at 3398-3402/3800 MHz, RAM: 15453/32045 MB, Storage: 909/1060 GB, 311 procs, 139.78h up [18:07] but with any *buntu, you can run any software you want, no matter who creates it - KDE community, Gnome, xfce/lxqt, independent, etc. [18:08] I even have a piece of windows software on this machine: RootsMagic, for genealogy [18:08] using WINE [18:09] genealogy? there are some websites for that :P [18:09] loads [18:10] free & pay, about all aspects, in the US and around the world === gerald is now known as buttfartley [23:36] 24.04 - I getting this error when I apt update in console. "The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY E6D4736255751E5D". How do I remove that? [23:40] remove the repo that has no key [23:40] output should says what repo [23:42] "Neon CI" key, OK. [23:44] neon on top of kubuntu? interesting [23:50] oerheks: thanks [23:51] 24.04 - I can't open discover and on the panel says there is an update but I don't see any in console. How do I get discover to open?