
AaronRainboltlooks like Simon or someone else dutifully started the next step of the cycle for us16:49
tsimonq2[m]Yup that was me 🙂16:51
tsimonq2[m]Give it, meh, 6 hours and this will be up to date: https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/transitions/html/qt-6.6.2.html#!good,bad,partial,unknown,!notintesting16:51
tsimonq2[m]Also fun fact, once qt6-declarative is built and published, qt6-tools can also be synced16:51
tsimonq2[m]I know it's slightly confusing when just looking at a bullet-pointed list... the diagram is better16:52
* tsimonq2[m] uploaded an image: (219KiB) < http://localhost:8008/_matrix/media/v3/download/ubuntu.com/OPhwQLTcjRbKomdyyqFfRnrE/image.png >16:52
AaronRainboltbut yes that is helpful :)16:52
tsimonq2[m]lmfao it's debatable on whether it's more or less helpful than the bullet pointed list 😜16:53
tsimonq2[m]Aaron Rainbolt: Have you ever done no-change rebuilds for a transition before?16:57
arraybolt3I don't know for sure, but I think I probably have and I believe I know how it's done.16:59
arraybolt3DOwnload package, bump version (carefully!), add a changelog about why you NCR'd, upload, right?16:59
tsimonq2[m]I'd suggest pinging LocutusOfBorg and asking for his NCR script hah, there's a way to get a package ready with one command if you do dch-foo right17:00
arraybolt3ok :)17:00
tsimonq2[m]Otherwise once all the Qt packages in the stack are synced/built, probably before the two NEW packages, this will have a good list of what needs NCRs and in what order: https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/transitions/html/qt-6.6.2.html17:01
tsimonq2[m]If we make Madison mad and the stack still won't migrate, we should see what it complains about: https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_output.txt17:01
tsimonq2[m]anyway that's about all there is to it - dch -R is what I'll typically do17:02
tsimonq2[m]and I've already seen calibre and that one German ID package both FTBFS, so those won't need NCRs, they'll need retries17:02
-Ubottu[m]:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Jammy 22.04.4] has been updated (20240507)17:19
-Ubottu[m]:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Jammy 22.04.4] has been updated (20240507)17:21
wxl[m]<tsimonq2[m]> "I'd suggest pinging LocutusOfBor..." <- I want to know this17:34
tsimonq2[m]We'll share :)18:29
tsimonq2[m]It's late in Italy, so probably a tomorrow thing... plus qt6-declarative isn't built and published on riscv64 yet18:29
* RikMills[m] sent a code block: http://localhost:8008/_matrix/media/v3/download/chat.staging.ubuntu.com/vDEjskicggymguOdoaxwaaSQ18:55
RikMills[m]called rebuild-for18:55
RikMills[m]so you do rebuild-for "what you are rebuiilding against" source18:56
RikMills[m]That is what I use anyway18:57
RikMills[m]Came from doko I think18:57
* RikMills[m] posted a file: rebuild-for (0KiB) < http://localhost:8008/_matrix/media/v3/download/kde.org/822c458ff6de6609036e73dcd60ef97b02550c211787919844398596096 >18:58
ErichEickmeyer[mThat's one of those things that should be in ubuntu-dev-tools.18:58
RikMills[m]Simon Quigley: wxl  ?18:59
wxl[m]ErichEickmeyer[m: send in the PR!19:01
ErichEickmeyer[mwxl[m]: I'm just saying I'm surprised doko hasn't.19:01
tsimonq2[m]<RikMills[m]> "#!/bin/sh..." <- > <@rikmills:kde.org> ```... (full message at <http://localhost:8008/_matrix/media/v3/download/chat.staging.ubuntu.com/PHxvhjYlIwvFPRrlwnDfQQtH>)19:08
RikMills[m]I don't doubt it ;)19:08
RikMills[m]But it works.....19:09
ErichEickmeyer[mJust a few safeguards, but nothing too terrible.19:11
tsimonq2[m]I actually like LocutusOfBorg's iteration better ;) https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/rBmTtsst5n/19:12
tsimonq2[m]¯\_(ツ)_/¯ they're all just scripts wrapping around dch and dput, I'm sure a Pythonic approach can be taken too19:13
RikMills[m]In the end you get a commends you can script into a long batch list of packages, so prepare hundreds of source packages in one dir in one go19:14
RikMills[m]then do dput ubuntu *.changes19:15
RikMills[m]oh, LOBs does the dput. same difference though19:20
tsimonq2[m]RikMills[m]: Not only does it do the dput, it has the prompt/safeguard commented out ;)19:21
tsimonq2[m]Perfect, who needs that anyway? :P19:22
AaronRainboltHardware RISC-V64 builders when21:26
ErichEickmeyer[m<AaronRainbolt> "Hardware RISC-V64 builders when" <- Too RISCy.21:59

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