
pycuriousmy 20.04lts installer wont let me get a better resolution than 800x600 - on a 4090 - any ideas?00:08
oerhekstoo old kernel and mesa, try 22.04 with that new hardware00:10
oerheksyou would get HWE automatic00:10
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack00:10
pycuriousoerheks: Is there any hope of installing ubuntu 20.04lts perhaps using the cli on this machine?00:11
oerheksnot that i know of00:14
oerheksthat card came out in 2022....00:14
soloslingerWell, it prolly exists in the realm of possibility.  Linux being linux.  But at that point it prolly wouldn't be recognizable.00:20
pycuriousis there a way to install ubuntu without using the gui interface? perhaps using a tui interface?00:30
oxoxMaybe an install script00:38
oxoxCompletely done here.   https://askubuntu.com/questions/122505/how-do-i-create-a-completely-unattended-install-of-ubuntu00:40
oerheksuse the 22.04 iso ..00:41
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pydevis there a tool that i can install in my ubuntu server to check ram/cpu USAGE DURING A WEEK ?07:25
evilscrewwwhere is the app store in this09:09
lotuspsychjeevilscreww: 'this'?09:11
lotuspsychjewich ubuntu release evilscreww09:12
evilscrewwthe very latest09:12
lotuspsychjeevilscreww: app center, the orange bag icon09:12
evilscrewwgot it. thank you09:13
evilscrewwi tried to install hexchat with flatpak and it didnt work09:13
evilscrewwTue May  7 08:59:02 2024 [ERROR] The signature of the volume (MSDOS5.0) doesn't match the BitLocker's ones (-FVE-FS- or MSWIN4.1). Abort. Tue May  7 08:59:02 2024 [CRITICAL] Cannot parse volume header. Abort.09:18
evilscrewwhttps://superuser.com/a/1512524 when following these instructions09:19
evilscrewwhttps://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=dislocker which one am i supposed to get09:43
tripstahhi! anyone know a tool for ubuntu to move the windows from another display to other? some applications open the windows to another display, minor annoyance because i don't usually have the other display on. trie kooklin' but without much success yet! i liked that caffeine -app yes!10:27
negrogodhi all11:29
pycuriousgood morning11:30
Jim`Do you still need to install nVidia drivers to play games?11:44
Jim`Or is all that taken care of already on it's own now?11:45
tarzeauyou can always play nethack even without graphics card. with a vt420 hooked up11:45
Jim`I got no idea what that is11:45
Jim`I was talking like TF2, Borderlands 1-311:46
Jim`ya know games11:46
tarzeauno idea, i know nethack, typespeed, bsdgames and wipeout 1..311:46
ogra_no doom ?!?!11:46
tarzeauand doom! wolfendstein sauerbraten11:46
Jim`ogra_: Too many Satanic symbles11:47
zaggynlyes Jim11:47
zaggynlthey're referring to text based games or games that will use software acceleration11:47
Jim`Also a Hollywood depiction of Hell11:47
Jim`note: Hollywood knows Hell cause they are Satanic at the Behemion Club/Grove11:48
Jim`anyway this is a different channel's topic I imagine11:48
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Jim`Although BOrderlands is totally LGBTQ+ Demonrat too11:49
Jim`Anyway enough about Lilth and Samuel vs Adam and Eve, etc.11:50
CosmicDJJim`: yes you still need to install the nvidia driver12:02
Jim`CosmicDJ: is it in the repos?12:02
CosmicDJJim`: yes, it's even signed for secure boot12:03
Jim`CosmicDJ: sounds like I might as well back up and make the jump before oct 202512:04
Jim`cause I aint buying a new machine12:04
Guest6I installed uwuntu12:13
CosmicDJGuest6: congrats12:13
Guest6damn first impression is really good12:13
Guest6guys is it bad to just work in a bank in the field informatics12:14
CosmicDJGuest6: this is a channel about ubuntu support, not advice about your life choices...12:17
Guest6does ubuntu support apt12:17
CosmicDJGuest6: yes12:17
Guest6is it recommendet to install apps via apt or via store12:18
CosmicDJGuest6: depends, try the snap first and if it doesn't work for you try the deb version?12:18
Guest6is app in appstore like snap or is it apt12:19
CosmicDJGuest6: at least with mantic you could pick whever you want the snap or deb12:20
Guest6steam has become really buggy on every os12:21
centHOGGmemory eater12:22
CosmicDJGuest6: how so? every complaint I've seen the last months seems to be snap-related12:22
Guest6CosmicDJ I tried steam on arch, it was the same like on ubuntu12:22
Jim`Guest6: SteamClient WebHelper App keeps eating me up12:22
Guest6and I tried it on windows it was even worse on windows12:22
Jim`I had to tell it not to use the Steam Overlay to get it to stop12:23
CosmicDJGuest6: guess your last hope is steam on macOS then ;)12:23
Guest6CosmicDJ why would macos be better if windows and linux failed already12:23
Jim`Is there a way to get closer to the old Gnome look than whatever this new Ubuntu look is?12:23
Jim`Unity I guess?12:23
Guest6steam should not have been building on an arch system12:24
Jim`I guess I'll have to install an off spring of Ubuntu like Kubuntu or Lubuntu?12:24
Guest6no wonder their games and client are buggy as hell12:24
Jim`I don't like this "in the middle of the screen" look12:24
Jim`centHOGG: I just used Ubuntu Live and it makes me want to rip the screen apart and shoot it with .00 buckshot or atleast .000 out of a .41012:25
centHOGGhehe... i think there is a flavor of ubuntu unity now... i saw a video on youtube yesterday touting it12:26
centHOGGhold on i'll fetch12:26
Guest6I use ubuntu btw12:26
Jim`I just want the old Gnome look12:26
Jim`or closer to windows12:26
Jim`not this bouncy in the middle of the screen mumbo jumbo12:27
manwhowouldbekinHi all! I have upgrade to Ubuntu 24 from 23.10 recently and am wondering what is the quickest way to re-enable the third-party PPAs which were disabled during the upgrade?12:28
Jim`centHOGG: I'll try LXDE I guess12:29
centHOGGoh no they gotta unity flavor... i think its about 4 or 5 in... before reaching xubuntu bit :p12:30
centHOGGLXDE = laptops12:30
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Jim`How long does Ubuntu Jammy have ?13:34
Jim`Looks like Apr 202713:35
MaikJim`: indeed, 2027. However that is only for the main Ubuntu LTS release. All the other LTS flavors have only 3 years of support.13:47
Jim`Maik: I was venturing off in to Linux Mint land13:47
Jim`Trying to find something that doesn't make me want to shoot the screen13:48
Maikyeah well, we do not support mint here13:48
Jim`But also something where I wont be installing another OS in 5 days13:48
Jim`Maik: Yeah.  I think I'm gonna have to go with XFCE or KDE or something to get closer to Windows feel13:49
Jim`rather than "bouncy middle GUI thing" of Ubuntu now13:49
Jim`I think it'd make more sense to stick with Kubuntu then since it's already upgraded13:50
Jim`vs the mint13:50
kuiperan`I need to use docker buildx, but my docker appears to not have the buildx feature enabled. I installed docker using apt. The docker-buildx-plugin (or docker-buildx) packages are not in my apt repository. I'm using debian 12 (sorry, not ubuntu, but can I get help?)14:02
kuiperan`I'll see if downloading buildx from github and moving it to ~/.docker/cli-plugins works14:03
kuiperan`that didn't work. 'buildx' is not a docker command14:04
kuiperan`where does apt-key add add my asc file?14:15
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kuiperan`Nevermind, I folllowed these instructions for my problem, and solved it https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/debian/#install-using-the-repository14:20
Guest92I can not start overwatch 215:32
Guest92in ubuntu too15:32
lotuspsychje!details | Guest9215:35
ubottuGuest92: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.15:35
Guest92well overwatch2 a steamgame doesnt start15:35
Guest92maybe I have to reboot15:35
Guest92I will be right back15:36
Guest92I try reboot15:36
Guest79hmm still not launching the game15:39
lotuspsychjeGuest79: feel free to share your error logs in a !paste15:40
Guest79how to find steam error log?15:40
lotuspsychjeGuest79: you could launch 'steam' from a terminal, and/or keep a journalctl -f on the background too15:41
Guest79launching steam with sudo?15:42
Guest79or how to see whats going on inside steam15:43
Guest79maybe trying to launch the game in terminal?15:43
Guest79I will just try lutris instead15:44
lotuspsychjeGuest79: not sudo no, just type steam to launch15:45
Guest79ye but this give only a single output15:45
Guest79it is not interactive15:45
sixwheeledbeastis steam play enabled, it's windows only game so will need steam play stuff.15:47
Guest79Also tried all the proton versions15:48
sixwheeledbeastI'd generally try Proton Experimental and force steam play in compatibility if it's "Playable" on steam deck it usually works.15:53
Guest79sixwheeledbeast I already  tried it15:56
Guest79but not working on arch or ubuntu15:56
Guest79or debian15:56
Guest79I try now lutris15:56
Guest79since steam is borked15:56
sixwheeledbeastYou can try it but I doubt it will work then.15:57
Guest79only because steam is retarded and using arch to build stuff?15:59
Guest79I doubt battle.net is as stupid as steam16:00
CosmicDJGuest79: steams linux runtime is still based on ubuntu12 IIRC16:00
ruserhello, is there any reason I shouldn't use a jupyter meta package in ubuntu to install jupyter lab/notebooks?16:01
Guest79CosmicDJ why are they using then arch linux16:02
Guest79I mean they have no clue what they use for building their software16:03
Guest79could be trojan horses16:03
CosmicDJGuest79: https://www.pcgamer.com/this-is-why-valve-is-switching-from-debian-to-arch-for-steam-decks-linux-os/16:04
Guest79well, idc about what steam is doing16:04
CosmicDJare you mixing up SteamOS and Steam?16:04
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!16:04
Guest79because they became insanely bad since  they are on arch based distro16:04
pycuriousis anyone using incus here? I'm trying to add a gpu and then start a vm - and it hangs on my ubuntu 24.04LTS = host, 20.04LTS guest.16:07
lotuspsychjepycurious: seems like incus is rejected, just not sure why apt-cache still shows it, bug #204941616:13
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2049416 in incus (Ubuntu) "Please remove incus from Ubuntu" [Undecided, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204941616:13
Guest79guys how can I  search in whole system for16:24
Guest79a name16:25
CosmicDJGuest79: file name or name inside (text-)files?16:26
sixwheeledbeasta file?16:26
Guest79if I uninstalled the steam from appstore would the games be uninstalled too?16:26
Guest79where does steam typically save gamesa16:27
CosmicDJGuest79: snap or deb version of steam?16:27
Guest79from app center16:27
pycuriousI've a dell desktop with 4090 in it. Ubuntu 24.04LTS installed without issues. If I try 22.04LTS or 20.04LTS - they dont detect the disk (nvme) - is there a way to fix that?16:28
Guest79ubuntu is complicated from the view as a developer but it works wonderful for someone who has no clue about operating systems16:30
Guest79ubuntu is a magic puff binary distro like windows :D16:30
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aurolacyay gnome-boxes works again17:02
webchat2Why does WhatsApp web keep getting SIGKILL error?17:03
lotuspsychjewebchat2: if you use one of the snap whatsapp apps, please find the maintainer with: snap info snapname-here17:08
lotuspsychjewebchat2: the support page of snaps will mostly show under contact:...17:09
webchat2I am using official WhatsApp web (https://web.whatsapp.com/)17:11
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webchat2wait, its SIGILL not SIGKILL17:15
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pycurious@lotuspsychje any chance you've used incus. It's hanging for me on a incus start vm. Could use some help in fixing that.17:23
tarzeau 17:23
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ruserI thought 24.04 was out, but  do-release-update doesn't seem to want to do it, what gives?17:32
lotuspsychjeruser: upgrade path will be open, when all bugs are sorted around upgrading17:34
lotuspsychje!24.04 | ruser17:34
ubotturuser: Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble Numbat) is the 40th release of Ubuntu and the current !LTS release - Download at https://ubuntu.com/download :: Release notes at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/noble-numbat-release-notes :: Further schedule at https://ubottu.com/y/nn17:34
ruser27 April 25 Final Release. Help me understand, should the 24.04 be available? or does one need to wait for 24.04.01?17:36
lotuspsychjeruser: 22.04 to 24.04.1 upgrade will be available in august17:37
lotuspsychjeruser: 23.10 to 24.04 will be available when upgrade bugs are solved17:38
ruserSo... behind scheudle?17:38
ruserThe final release is the finished product which is distributed with an official Ubuntu release number.17:38
lotuspsychjeruser: 24.04 is out, you can already clean install, there is no schedule when upgrade bugs get solved17:39
ruserah, so what you appear to be saying, if i understand correctly, there is  no clean upgrade path available at the moment due to some bugs, and it's not clear when they will be fixed. Am i correct in my undestanding?17:40
lotuspsychjecorrect ruser17:41
devslashruser as a general rule, upgrading Ubuntu as soon as a new release comes out is pretty risky. I've had many issues with Ubuntu not starting up after an upgrade17:43
ruserthank you  lotuspsychje.  is there a good place to view the status of the upgrade path bugs and what's holding things back.17:43
ruserI appreciate the help.17:43
lotuspsychjeruser: we do have an #ubuntu-bugs-announce channel where you can follow recent filed bugs17:44
lotuspsychjeruser: see also the 24.04 releasenotes; https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-24-04-lts-noble-numbat-release-notes/3989017:45
webchat2Good explanation17:45
ruserlotuspsychje: ah, i should have looked at that first, you did direct me to it.  my bad. thank you.17:46
ruserthank you for your help17:48
ducasseruser: normally, the official upgrade path to a new lts opens shortly after the first point release17:49
ducasseruser: this is to make sure it is sufficiently tested before lts users go ahead and run it17:50
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webchat2Is docker desktop opening on 24.04?18:22
webchat2Or it's just mine?18:22
bpromptwebchat2: dunno, I've never ran it =)18:26
webchat2Doesn't open on my end18:27
bpromptwebchat2: hmmm dunno, something to check for is, is it meant to run on Wayland?  as opposed to X11, is there a snap version? maybe the snap version works and the debian package is having issues18:39
bpromptwebchat2: you can always try to run it from a terminal command, that usually shows more verbose information of what may be happening18:40
webchat2On terminal it works fine, I don't think there is snap version for docker desktop18:43
bpromptwebchat2: then maybe make a new desktop shortcut with the terminal command :)18:44
belgianguyHi, livepatch seems to work really great, but is there an option for it not to give a popup each time it does that? And then when I click OK the settings dialog opens? I trust it to do the right thing, it's not that I have much kernel knowledge anyway :)19:25
bpromptbelgianguy: hmm I don't have it, however, checked its settings yet?19:30
leftyfbbelgianguy: do you really need to go long periods of time not rebooting your workstation?19:32
belgianguy@bprompt, yeah, no settings to turn it off19:35
belgianguy@leftyfb, it runs a server, and I thought the whole idea of live patching was that it would not get in the way :) it does claim quite some attention now19:36
belgianguyI'm perfectly happy with the patching, but the popup and settings each time feels like a bit much?19:37
leftyfbit's mainly meant for servers where rebooting isn't done very often. It works on the desktop, but with a desktop environment you have notifications which is takes advantage of19:37
belgianguy@leftyfb, it's okay, I'll keep on looking, if it gets to me, I can always turn it off :)19:39
leftyfbbelgianguy: what kind of server is your desktop running on it?19:40
bpromptbelgianguy: from -> https://askubuntu.com/questions/1142910/how-can-i-remove-live-patch-notification <-    notice the "gsettings set com.ubuntu.update-notifier show-livepatch-status-icon false", mind you I think you can use the gsettings GUI to navigate to it, or maybe even "dconf" GUI to it19:41
leftyfbI would just use the command given19:41
arraybolt3Previously (when using Ubuntu 22.04) it was possible for me to ping an external IP address from within a QEMU VM even when using user-mode networking. As I understood it, this was intentionally designed to work in QEMU.19:52
arraybolt3Recently I upgraded to Ubuntu 24.04 (well, clean installed but whatever) and now my QEMU VMs are unable to ping any external hosts (like google.com). apt still works fine and Internet otherwise functions properly within the VMs.19:52
arraybolt3Is there some special button you have to press in QEMU to get ping to work again now?19:52
ravageit sounds like a firewall thing?19:53
ravagei only use it in bridge mode19:54
arraybolt3ufw is inactive right now19:54
arraybolt3I'm using the SLiRP backend, which says it doesn't work with ping, but I know it used to, and there's a host-end setup you can do to make it work so I guess Ubuntu maybe used to come with this preconfigured? https://wiki.qemu.org/Documentation/Networking19:54
younderI see ubuntu 24.04 has no support for gtk219:56
arraybolt3younder: are you sure? Hexchat is still in the repos of 24.0419:57
arraybolt3and it uses GTK219:57
younderUsed a script at https://2h3ph3rd.medium.com/how-to-install-libgconf-2-4-on-ubuntu-23-10-fec6bda8d5f519:57
ravagei dont think anyone here will or should advice you on installing random outdated packages19:59
younderI was required by a Dyalog APL GUI called RIDE19:59
younderThey are not random and shouldn't conflict with the existing GTK420:00
seThe new look20:30
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nshirelaptopis it difficult to move the swapfile to another drive?21:08
leftyfbnshirelaptop: how much physical memory do you have in your machine?21:09
nshirelaptopmy vms all run off a hdd with minimal ram allocated so I'd like to move their swapfiles to my nvme ssd21:09
nshirelaptopthe hypervisor is hyper-v so I can expose another virtual disk to them21:10
nshirelaptopseems easy enough https://tecadmin.net/move-swapfile-to-a-different-disk/21:12
JanCdepends on how you create the swap file(s) also...21:33
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