
Unit193bluesabre: I have read your email!07:08
knomei joined matrix from the ubuntu.com server with element.io web07:09
knomehow do i join the xfce room??07:09
Unit193Mate, you're asking the wrong person. :P07:09
knomenah, i wasn't asking you (;07:10
Unit193Smart move!07:10
knomeoh, so public space07:10
knomewhat does that mean :P07:10
knomeso it's like a... subserver07:11
bluesabreUnit193: Thanks! <309:30
Unit193Figured I'd at least cut out the "Did anyone actually read it?" aspect if there's no responses.. :309:30
bluesabreThat is appreciated :)09:38
bluesabreI was thinking... we have a *not dead* set of Telegram channels... Xubuntu Development: 75 members, Xubuntu Support: 57 members, Xubuntu Translators: 21 members09:38
bluesabreAnd Telegram, for whatever reason, has always rubbed me the wrong way09:39
bluesabreIf folks want a modern-ish platform, maybe Matrix would be a good fit for anything outside of IRC09:39
Unit193That one rubs me wrong, but hey if others want to use it I won't stop them!09:49
Unit193Telegram feels geared towards mobile use and a lot like texting, sorry but I don't want y'all to be able to get ahold of me like that. ;)09:49
Unit193bluesabre: If you don't have the time, would you be able to gbp pull if I update catfish and push it somewhere, then either review and push to pkg-python or just push? :309:52
Unit193(It's basically the only thing not at the current release.)09:53
bluesabreUnit193: Feel free to! I probably wouldn't get to it until this weekend, myself.09:53
Unit193That's *plenty* soon enough for me, if that matters.09:53
bluesabreCool, then no worries. I'll make myself a reminder to do it this weekend.09:55
Unit193...Maybe I should do it anyway to free you up to do something else..09:56
bluesabreBy all means :)09:58
bluesabreWimpy (Ubuntu MATE) was talking about this tool he contributes to (made?) yesterday, that sounds pretty handy for ISO testing. Apparently it has a way to handle daily images and uses zsync in the background for testing daily images daily, quickly :) https://github.com/quickemu-project/quickemu10:00
Unit193https://dpaste.com/24NHHN8HR looks simple enough so far.10:10

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