
=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher
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anipintoWhen trying to update to 24.04, I had put on hold snap package. The do-release-upgrade failed and right away some programs failed with missing library: libcrypto.so.3. Is there any way to restore the system usb live ubuntu or only reinstalling?13:56
anipintoI put on hold snap due firefox and using xfce as Desktop Environment.13:57
tomreynanipinto: if you have backups, you can restore them, otherwise a fresh install is probably a good idea. i assume you are aware that upgrades are not yet supported.15:36
anipintotomreyn: the upgrade was suggested by do-release-upgrade. I think I was able to restore enought for it to start.15:38
tomreynanipinto: were you on 23.10 or 22.04? what's the exact do-release-upgrade command that suggested the upgrade?15:39
anipintoI was on 23.10 and simply ... I think was a simple do-release-upgrade ... no sure if I may add '-d'15:42
tomreyni think you must have added -d15:42
anipintobut if upgrade not supported, should continue? or allow to do it? didn't see any warning message15:43
tomreynquoting https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NobleUpgrades "If you want to upgrade early, before upgrades are officially supported, you can pass the -d option when running do-release-upgrade. Do this at your own risk. It is advised to check the release notes for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS before doing so."15:44
tomreynby specifying -d, you have effectively overridden the warning15:44
anipintook ... noted, I normally used '-d' to upgrade to non LTS versions15:45
tomreynthat's not how you'd do that either15:45
tomreynyou'd change the release type you want to upgrade to 15:45
tomreyn"Make sure the Prompt line in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades is set to 'normal' if you want non-LTS upgrades, or set to 'lts' if you only want LTS upgrades. "15:46
tomreyni'm referring to the server section here, but you have equivalent options on the GUI15:46
anipintoalways learning ... I still have two more pcs to update, I will wait to be supported and hope to run smoothly15:47
tomreynit's always a good idea to read the ubuntu flavor's as well as ubuntu's own release notes before you start an upgrade.15:48
tomreynto have the best chance of your upgrade succeeding, i'd also recommend to uninstall any software and downgrade any software versions installed from 3rd party repositories, and to disable those repositories before you start.15:50
anipintoone of the problems, I think was having snap marked to not be installed 15:51
tomreynthat's one of the issues which should no longer occur once the upgrade path has been tested15:53
tomreynor rather once it's been declared stable15:53
anipintotomreyn: thanks for your time15:55
JoeLlamaasus trash computer when it comes to xubuntu :(17:05
JoeLlamaIt's gunna go back to Costco... don't get me wrong, itsa E1404F and relatively solid laptop except for that crappy track pad but overall a good machine.17:14
JoeLlamaBut their one main flaw... the have no respect for the linux community!17:15
JoeLlamaSo I'm gettin' a Dell17:15

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