
=== _yogg is now known as codyshepherd
minimalcould do with some help with a testcase, the code it calls uses util.write_file but I can't mock.patch that as the testcase also needs to use it to create a file for the test15:25
minimalso I'm not sure how to achieve both - to "trap" the code doing its write_file and also to use write_file in the test15:25
blackboxswminimal: can you util.write_file inline in the test before calling `m_write_file = mocker.patch("cloudinit.util.write_file")`  in the specific test?15:48
blackboxswminimal: or you may want to just allow write_file to do what it wants and use the fake_filesystem python fixture which will retarget all util.write_file operations to a dir under /tmp15:53
minimalyeah I'm using helpers.FilesystemMockingTestCase to create a temp directory15:56
minimallet me post a gist of what I've got currently15:56
blackboxswperfect, can help better then as we'd ❤️ to move away from FilesystemMockingTestCase as it's a pain, and fake_filesystem is the successor where possible15:57
minimalso function "test_busybox_add_user" is the testcase in question16:01
minimalon line 36 it creates a shadow file using util.write_file16:01
minimalon line 44 the create_user code will also call util.write_file (to modify shadow file)16:02
minimalso I just replace the testcase's util.write_file call with defining "content" to specify both the filename and the content and then call populate_dir accordingly?16:06
blackboxswlooking 16:06
blackboxswminimal: I'd look at something like the following if possible https://dpaste.com/7LVC45BKR. Note that this test is still going to hit a runtime error as it mocks out all of subp with a return of False16:29
blackboxswbut it gets you far enough into the distro.lock_passwd method16:29
blackboxswbut it looks like that unit test is trying to validate the impact of actually calling passwd or usermod --lock maybe?16:31
minimalthe testcase is for Busybox's adduser (rather than "useradd") but the code also "manually" modifies /etc/shadow as well as adduser does not provide the ability to set some /etc/shadow fields16:32
blackboxswminimal: since this test case is mocking out all subp calls. nothing is actually invoking busybox right? So, we'll never get down to your actual validation of the /tmp/etc/shadow being changed will we?16:37
blackboxswThis test intent is just to validate that the calls that would be going to busybox have the correct params on the CLI.16:37
blackboxswIs that true?16:38
minimalhmm, true....as adduser isn't actually run then nothing is written to /etc/shadow, but the code will still then try and update the (non-existent) entry in /etc/shadow....I guess I can just add that to the testcase's generated /etc/shadow contents16:39
minimalthe actual code uses util.load_text_file and util.write_file to manipulate /etc/shadow16:40
blackboxswfor my context, this is relate  to https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/5176 I presume?16:40
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 5176 in canonical/cloud-init "feat(alpine): add support for Busybox adduser/addgroup" [Open]16:40
minimalI'm just finishing up with some additional changes and this is the last testcase to sort out16:41
blackboxswok roger. switching to your PR so I can get bearings on the test need16:42
blackboxswminimal: https://dpaste.com/AY6H5XMYR maybe? validate the commands you think should be called16:51
blackboxswthe above passes on your branch16:51
blackboxswand additionally you'd want to load that shadow_file afterward to ensure the write_files worked... I think you your PR you'll maybe want to use util.load_text_file instead of a direct call to open(), so we can log what cloud-init reads from the filesystem16:52
blackboxswI'll go through that PR now and add a couple of review comments16:53
minimalyeah I've already changed the code to use util.load_text_file16:53
minimalthere's no point reviewing it yet until I push my additional code changes16:54
blackboxswsounds good, note that the restructure of the unittest in question doesn't setup expirydate or inactive as not-None, so /etc/shadow isn't altered in the tmpdir17:02
blackboxswwill let you work out additional code changes before peeking again17:02
minimalblackboxsw: /etc/shadow is altered because of some additional changes I've made locally ;-)17:02
blackboxswI've misplaced my ssh keys to your home system and bank accounts etc. So, I'll just await a ping or notification on the PR :17:03
minimalblackboxsw: thanks for your help, making progress, now having testcase fail for another reason (going to have to handle mocking of subp calls for "addpasswd" and "passwd" separately)17:17
minimalas code's subp call of "passwd --help" expects stdout/stderr output17:18

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