[02:40] x === scott is now known as Guest4201 === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [12:30] Hi alll [12:30] Getting this error while installing Kubuntu: [12:30] Main script file /usr/lib/x86 64 linux-gnu/calamares/modules/ automirror/main.py for python job automirror raised an exception. [12:31] And installation fails. [12:31] The name of the error is bad main script file. [12:31] how to identity if a app is gtk app or qt app? [12:31] all gtk app should look alike. I mean they will use a particular gtk theme (re @zenort: how to identity if a app is gtk app or qt app?) [13:41] Hmmm I am no longer able to do screen recordings with Spectacle. Using 24.04 on Wayland. Not sure when I tried this last, but I think I had the option in 23.10. There used to be a tab to switch to screen recording. [15:50] hello, I can't move from version 23.10 to the new version 24.04 LTS of Kubuntu. Is this normal? I followed the tutorial. [17:18] Looks like you should wait for this release or just [17:18] sudo do-release-upgrade -d [17:18] But wait for stable release. (re @Omarvx211: u should wait untill 24.04.1 is out) [18:15] didint work for me (re @mehdiMj_ir: Looks like you should wait for this release or just [18:15] sudo do-release-upgrade -d [18:15] But wait for stable release.) [18:20] 😔 [18:22] have you tried it? [18:22] there are some serious issues preventing upgrades to succeed - those need yet to be ironed out, which is in the works, and upgrades will be supported soon. [18:22] that's from 23.10, not 22.04 [18:22] will i get much difference if i upgraded im on 22.04 with kde back ports [18:25] if you're on 22.04 and value stability, wait for 24.04.1 to be released. [18:27] Yes I am (re @Omarvx211: have you tried it?) [18:28] https://irc-attachments.kde.org/878e672a/file_74914.jpg [18:56] i will i just wanna know the way to upgrade if i wanted (re @IrcsomeBot: if you're on 22.04 and value stability, wait for 24.04.1 to be released.) [18:56] hmmm the command didint work for me (re @mehdiMj_ir: ) [18:57] Here is an article about upgrading Ubuntu version (re @mehdiMj_ir: You could just [18:57] sudo apt update [18:57] sudo apt dist-upgrade [18:57] and then [18:58] sudo do-release-upgrade [18:58] # if it's not available on your area yet, try