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athos@pilot in15:03
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: athos
arif-aliHi athos, apologies for the direct ping, could I get a look at LP:2054395 by any chance, keen to start the process if possible15:21
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2054395 in sosreport (Ubuntu Oracular) "[sru] sos upstream 4.7.0" [Medium, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/205439515:21
athoshi arif-ali :) I will take a look15:47
athosarif-ali: I asked a couple questions in the SRU bug :)18:04
liushuyuHi ubuntu-devel, can someone take a look at this sync bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chroma/+bug/2065112? Thanks!18:31
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2065112 in chroma (Ubuntu) "Sync chroma 1.19-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist, New]18:31
liushuyu... also this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/abi-monitor/+bug/206519718:31
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2065197 in abi-monitor (Ubuntu) "Sync abi-monitor 1.12-2.1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist, New]18:31
liushuyualso, any Kubuntu folks here to take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~liushuyu-011/ubuntu/+source/oxygencursors/+git/oxygencursors/+merge/465744?18:36
liushuyuI am unsure who to subscribe to this merge proposal (searched for "kubuntu" on LP and did not return any useful results)18:38
liushuyuathos: sorry for the ping, but are you still on the patch pilots duty? If yes, can you take a look at some MPs for the universe package merges I proposed? (You can find them at the bottom of the sponsor report)18:45
Eickmeyerliushuyu: Kubuntu does their packaging a little different, and doesn't use git-ubuntu at all, nor do they typically do merges from Debian, but get their sources directly from upstream KDE, so let me evaluate, but it might be a "Won't Fix".18:47
liushuyuEickmeyer: Ah okay. I am just currently going through all the universe merges that are > 400 days old, and this one was on the list18:50
liushuyuAccording to the merges.ubuntu.com website, this package is currently 1456 days behind on the merge18:51
athosI am about to finish the shift. I suppose Eickmeyer is checking those anyway? If not, let me know which ones you want me to take a look :)18:51
Eickmeyerliushuyu: Yeah, that might be true, but if you look at any of the KDE packages you'll notice they're all out of sync, and that's intentional.18:51
athosI may extend the shift for a few hours to handle arif-ali patches in case they address my comments soon...18:52
arraybolt3KDE and LXQt are intentionally maintained separately for the most part, *PLEASE OH PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO MERGE OR SYNC THEM* thank you :)18:52
Eickmeyerathos: I took a look at that SRU and can't say one way or the other as I'm not on the SRU team, but it did look as though there were some concerns wrt d/copyright and d/control.18:52
athosotherwise, I am finishing that shift :)18:52
athos@pilot out18:53
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: N/A
Eickmeyerarraybolt3: It's just oxygen-cursors, chill out, I'm on it.18:53
arraybolt3kk, I expected all of them to be >400 days old and was envisioning a big cleanup process again18:53
athosEickmeyer: do you mean the arif-ali one? ahasenack did review the copyright changes and the were indeed addressed. d/control LGTM other than the maintainer field being reverted... I dropped a couple questions in that bug...18:54
liushuyuarraybolt3: most of the KDE packages are very young according to the merges.u.c18:54
liushuyu... except for the oxygencursor one18:54
arraybolt3ah, ok, then MoM works a bit differently than I thought. Good to know.18:55
Eickmeyerathos: Yes, that's what I was talking about.18:55
liushuyuI did a reference test build on Oracular for oxygencursors and it doesn't build when parallel job count is greater than 118:56
liushuyuBut after the merge, it does now18:56
Eickmeyerliushuyu: Let me evaluate the source, 1 minute please18:56
athosEickmeyer: if you have any additional concern, would you mind dropping a comment in that bug? I suppose it would be better if I follow through with that upload once things are addressed so no one will need to re-review the whole thing on the next pilot turn18:57
liushuyuEickmeyer: No problem and sorry for the noises, I was just trying to explain what I have attempted18:57
Eickmeyerathos: Yep, I'll take a closer look, but I didn't have anything to add, really.18:58
Eickmeyerliushuyu, arraybolt3: This looks like a debian merge, not a package explicitly maintained by the Kubuntu team. I'm +1 on a merge for this as it's ***ancient*** and hasn't been merged since Raring Ringtail (13.10!).18:59
EickmeyerOr was that 13.04? Too old, point still stands.18:59
EickmeyerFurthermore, oxygencursors was part of KDE Suite Compilation 4, so we're two versions behind on that. It's legacy stuff.19:00
arraybolt3oh wow19:00
liushuyuarraybolt3: MoM works a bit differently than I thought > Ah okay. I believe someone previously said git-ubuntu is currently the de-facto standard for performing merges (although a lot of people still uses MoM to perform the manual merge)19:01
Eickmeyerliushuyu: Ok, this looks good to me. Sponsoring.19:06
liushuyuEickmeyer: Thanks!19:09
Eickmeyerliushuyu: git-ubuntu hates me; won't let me `git push`. Package is uploaded, but I had to do it the old fashioned way.19:27
liushuyuEickmeyer: Maybe because the package is too old and something broke? I don't know19:29
EickmeyerHA! I doubt that's the reason. It said I don't have the perms, even being a MOTU.19:29
Eickmeyerliushuyu: chrome> syncing19:30
liushuyu* chroma19:30
liushuyu(chroma is a text-interface game)19:30
Eickmeyerliushuyu: Yes, typos will be typos. :)19:31
liushuyuEickmeyer: For a package that old, I believe it's a miracle that git-ubuntu still works (to some extent, at least clone and merge worked okay).19:32
EickmeyerYeah, the git source was there, and the merge worked, but git ubuntu push was like "yyyeahhh no."19:32
liushuyulxqt stuff is also on the > 400 days list, but I can see tsimonq2 left a note saying "don't touch". I guess I will just left them as-is19:34
Eickmeyerliushuyu: Correct, as mentioned by arraybolt3 earlier as well.19:34
EickmeyerReasons: Debian refuses to ship with symbols files.19:34
liushuyuEickmeyer: I can see some of those packages still merge certain changes from Debian occasionally. I guess it's still better to leave this job to the Lubuntu and Kubuntu maintainers19:41
Eickmeyerliushuyu: Indeed. Kubuntu doesn't even work with the Debian packages, meaning they're not merges at all, but direct uploads from source. Lubuntu does, however, do merges, but I'd leave that to them, especially with the Qt6 and Plasma 6 transitions currently ongoing.19:42
Eickmeyerliushuyu: There are *some* KDE packages that they don't maintain that they allow to come from Debian, such as digiKam, but those are exceptions as they're not part of the regular "KDE Gear" that gets shipped three times a year (yy.mm type version numbers).19:44
liushuyuEickmeyer: Is there a write-up that documents why Kubuntu intentionally diverges from Debian packaging? I know you explained this was due to Debian does not want to ship symbol files, but I would like to see if there are other reasons19:46
EickmeyerThey have a whole automation script suite that handles all of the source retrieval, PPA uploading, and everything.19:46
Eickmeyerliushuyu: I believe tsimonq2 knows more about the LXQt side of it for Lubuntu. They probably have it documented on their website. teward knows too, but he doesn't like to be pinged, which I just did intentionally to annoy him as we have a good rapport. :)19:47
RikMillsKubuntu does do merges every so often, but really only when there is some benefit to that or time allows19:47
* teward kicks Eickmeyer into the abyss19:47
Eickmeyerliushuyu: There's your Kubuntu answer, but as far as documentaion, RikMills, is that written somewhere?19:47
EickmeyerOh look! Springs!19:48
* Eickmeyer bounces out of the abyss19:48
* teward goes back to resting because of his migraine headache19:48
EickmeyerOof, feel better teward .19:48
RikMillsliushuyu: we often have to package ahead of debian due to release cycles, we have a different toolchain and builders so things like symbols and passing tests can differ19:49
liushuyuIs it possible to have springs in the abyss?19:49
Eickmeyerliushuyu: If you imagine the springs, they can be there.19:49
RikMillswe also may disagree with what recommends debian has put in place for packages19:49
RikMillson Saturday KDE frameworks 5.116.0 will me out so 83 of those merges on MOM will go away19:53
RikMillsas we will then be ahead of debian in versions19:53
liushuyuRikMills: Kubuntu does do merges every so often > I see. I guess that's why the merge stats still show the common ancestor version of those packages. Makes sense now.19:55
liushuyuwe often have to package ahead of debian due to release cycles > understandable.19:55
liushuyuwe also may disagree with what recommends debian has put in place for packages > agreed. Debian does have a different philosophy than Ubuntu (I personally think it boils down to how flexible the default installation is, more flexible the default install is, less pre-configurations are done for the out-of-the-box experience)19:55
RikMillsEickmeyer: possibly documented a long while ago. couldn't honestly point to where now19:56
EickmeyerRikMills: liushuyu was asking. :)19:56
Eickmeyerathos: If you're still around, I left a comment on the sosreport SRU bug. If the debdiff can apply with `patch` then try it and buld the source package, but if it complains about the source not matching, then extract the source and try building again. At the end of the day, you just need the debian directory in the extracted source and the source19:58
Eickmeyerarchive to build.19:58
RikMills^^^ that has the mechanics of doing our merges19:58
RikMillsbut obviously not the policy19:58
liushuyuRikMills: I was asking for the write-up because I am curious about the decisions made (and also one of my friends was wondering why Kubuntu feels "different" than the Debian install, and I could not explain at that time)19:58
Eickmeyerliushuyu: That might just be a difference in defaults for the Plasma desktop, not necessarily packaging practices. :)19:59
RikMillsliushuyu: well different because of the packing to some degree. also different as we have a custom default settings package19:59
EickmeyerRikMills: Jinx20:00
* Eickmeyer has to run errands and will be AFK. 20:01
EickmeyerAccidental @pilot out20:01
RikMillsoh, we also have kubuntu specific patchs20:02
liushuyu(so you two point to the same reasoning, that's pretty good. Unless you are the same person under different names, having consensus is a very good thing)20:02
RikMillsfor example the patch in plasma-desktop that chages the default main menu favourites20:02
liushuyuRikMills: I see. Do you have plans to migrate to Plasma 6.x in the near future? (There are still a lot of KDE apps haven't migrated by the upstream though... feels like the KDE 5 situation again)20:04
RikMillsliushuyu: plasma 6 will hopefully happen for 24.1020:05
RikMillsit is being worked on20:05
RikMillswe are currently getting new enough Qt6 into the archive20:06
RikMillswith lubuntu people20:06
liushuyuI see. Qt 6 seems to have this new fangled QML compiler, but looks very buggy at the moment. Considering most KDE apps now use Kirigami to some degree, I hope that could improve performance a bit20:10
athosTHanks, Eickmeyer :)20:23
tsimonq2liushuyu: Historically, yes RikMills is correct, we have different release cycles, different builders, and differences in defaults. For LXQt, similar story... LXQt upstream does not like to follow standards sometimes, so we patch and keep a delta. Much of this work is fragmented, some of it is justifiable, some of those changes could be minimized.21:00
tsimonq2liushuyu: For Qt 6, the plan is to do things differently... LXQt 2.0 will likely be Ubuntu-first, but KDE Frameworks 6 is completely Debian-first, to minimize friction in the NEW queue.21:01
tsimonq2liushuyu: This has the full Qt 6 plan: https://pad.riseup.net/p/uUGH3GQsHLZz1--651Kk-keep21:01
tsimonq2liushuyu: We're doing this now so we can ensure that the odd bugs are worked out by the time we ship 26.04 LTS21:01
tsimonq2If you're looking solely at MoM, yes please don't touch LXQt or KDE packages without talking to someone on the team... at least that's the safest option. And especially, *do not force sync*, because those packages have a delta for a reason.21:02
tsimonq2If it's done right, I have no objections to seeking outside help with Debian merges... Kubuntu and Lubuntu don't hold "exclusive locks" on these packages, we just put a lot of time into them and don't want someone just syncing over without good reasoning.21:03
liushuyualso I proposed a merge for gammaray (a Qt app) https://code.launchpad.net/~liushuyu-011/ubuntu/+source/gammaray/+git/gammaray/+merge/46561721:19
liushuyutsimonq2: Your explanations are very helpful, thanks! I do not have permissions to just sync or directly upload the packages, so I would always make a MP and ask someone to take a look21:21
liushuyutsimonq2: In which case, lxqt-build-tools and lxqt-metapackages are last updated by you and in the > 300 days zone. And lxqt-metapackages merge requires evaluating package selections. Do you want to handle the merge yourself or I can make an MP so that it might be easier for you?21:30
arraybolt3liushuyu: If you feel like making an MP, that's fine, we'll gladly take the help :) We may end up not using quite what you propose though since our divergence from Debian is deliberate and there are some choices they've made that we do not want to integrate into Ubuntu's LXQt.21:50
arraybolt3But still, if you feel like helping, we're more than happy to use it!21:50
liushuyuarraybolt3: Thanks! I will take a look then21:51
tsimonq2What arraybolt3 said :) although I'd be Very Careful once you get into merging LXQt 2.0, since we simply aren't there yet in Ubuntu21:51
Eickmeyerliushuyu: I can sponsor gammaray.21:53
EickmeyerThough... it might become part of the transition later as it has qt5 deps21:54
EickmeyerNot now obvs21:54
tsimonq25 or 6? We're only doing a 6 transition right now21:54
Eickmeyertsimonq2: It has qt5 deps but will eventually need to depend on qt6. It's a KDE extras app.21:55
EickmeyerIt's a merge, not part of the KDE Gear.21:55
liushuyuEickmeyer: gammaray is a debugging tool, probably it will need upgrades when switching to Qt 6 since it might use a lot of private APIs21:57
tsimonq2That does follow, yeah22:00
Eickmeyerliushuyu: One thing I'm not liking though:22:04
EickmeyerW: gammaray source: inconsistent-appstream-metadata-license com.kdab.GammaRay.metainfo.xml (gfdl-1.3 != gpl-2+) [debian/copyright]22:04
EickmeyerW: gammaray source: superfluous-file-pattern GammaRay.appdata.xml [debian/copyright:72]22:04
liushuyuEickmeyer: That's not part of the merge though. I could fix the issue outside of the merge MP though22:05
liushuyu... or should I do it in the merge MP?22:05
Eickmeyerliushuyu: Since it's a merge as we're maintaining a downstream package from Debian, it's a good idea to do it in the merge and then report the packaging error in bug form to Debian.22:06
liushuyuEickmeyer: Okay, will do22:06
EickmeyerBasically being a good citizen. :)22:07
liushuyudefine "good citizen", because it seems to me that "good" is a bit too broad /s22:07
tsimonq2liushuyu: If you can fix the RC bug too, I'll sponsor an upload to Debian :P https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=101714422:07
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Debian bug 1017144 in src:gammaray "gammaray: FTBFS: test failed" [Serious, Open]22:07
=== tertitten_ is now known as tertitten
Eickmeyerliushuyu: to quote Mark, "Making a better Ubuntu makes a better Debian, and making a better Debian makes a better Ubuntu."22:08
EickmeyerOr something like that.22:08
liushuyuEickmeyer: oh I thought you meant making the world a better place ...22:09
liushuyu... or something inspirational like that22:09
EickmeyerWell, that too, but I narrowed the scope. XD22:09
EickmeyerEither way, DEP-5 issues aren't easily ignored, if you know what I mean.22:10
liushuyutsimonq2: https://launchpad.net/~liushuyu-011/+archive/ubuntu/misc/+sourcepub/16124295/+listing-archive-extra builds fine on Ubuntu Oracular though22:11
arraybolt3Actually getting your enableProposed.sh script right also makes the world a better place IME. :P22:12
arraybolt3(fighting with sbuild here, leave me to it)22:12
Eickmeyerarraybolt3 with fighting words22:13
tsimonq2arraybolt3: --extra-repository="deb [trusted=yes] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu oracular-proposed main restricted universe multiverse"22:14
* tsimonq2 runs22:14
arraybolt3tsimonq2: yeah but then you have to get the pinning right remember? >:-)22:15
arraybolt3or at least at some point in the past that used to be necessary, maybe someone changed a switch somewhere22:15
tsimonq2arraybolt3: --pre-build-commands="rm /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/whatever.conf" >:P22:15
EickmeyerJust throw proposed at 100 and then if you need to upgrade, upgrade pkg/oracular-proposed. :P22:16
arraybolt3tsimonq2: did they do that with an apt conf file? I thought it was something more in-depth than that for some reason.22:16
tsimonq2*shrug* I don't remember ;)22:16
arraybolt3yeah I don't see anything in apt.conf.d that holds back proposed22:17
arraybolt3anyway I just use a chroot setup command that adds the proposed line to sources.list and then pins it appropriately, that seems to do the trick22:17
EickmeyerOK, by default, the pinning on -proposed is 100. Change it to 500, then you can upgrade to your hearts content. WARNING: YOU WILL HOSE YOUR SYSTEM.22:17
tsimonq2All of this fancy proposed stuff when you can just use aptitude as a build dep resolver :D22:18
arraybolt3not unles aptitude is broken XD22:18
arraybolt3if it ignores apt pinning that's a Bad Thing22:18
tsimonq2bah, it's just smarter about dependency resolution IME22:18
liushuyu... Am I witnessing a fight?22:18
Eickmeyerliushuyu: Nah, just a discussion between friends.22:19
arraybolt3The Lubuntu team always fights with each other. Wait until teward jumps in the mix, then everyone dies.22:19
EickmeyerOh, here comes the nuke.22:19
arraybolt3but yes this is just a friendly back-and-forth, we oftentimes do this to each other.22:19
liushuyu"everyone dies"?22:19
tsimonq2liushuyu: in a joking sense22:19
Eickmeyerliushuyu: Not really. Don't take it literally. It's just all fun and games until tsimonq2 owes a beer.22:20
liushuyuNah, I can understand jokes22:20
arraybolt3anyway, sorry to derail the conversation, I'll get back to unravelling symbols files :)22:21
arraybolt3well, once the archive gives me the new logs to use for that purpose that is22:21
liushuyu(Does that mean tsimonq2 owes someone a beer very often?)22:21
tsimonq2Who *don't* I owe beer to? :P22:21
arraybolt3me, I don't drink beer :D22:21
tsimonq2*gasps in Wisconsinite*22:22
arraybolt3you think that's surprising, I don't drink coffee either.22:22
Eickmeyer*gasps in Washingtonian*22:23
liushuyuAnyways, tsimonq2 should I test build gammaray on Debian sid as well?22:23
* genii twitches22:23
liushuyuAnd to whom will be doing the patch pilot next, I have lined up 10 more merge MPs in the sponsoring queue22:25
tewardarraybolt3: Eickmeyer already raised hell earlier xD22:44
tewardgenii: COFFEE22:44
tewardliushuyu: tsimonq2 currently owes me an entire case of beer so im ean22:45
liushuyuteward: how do you plan to collect your beers from tsimonq2? Given there are so many22:47
tewardliushuyu: he knows what i desire.  a whole case of Angry Orchard.  He can just give me the $56 to buy it iand that solves the problem :P22:47
tewardbut i digress22:47
liushuyuWhich team should I subscribe the MP to?22:47
liushuyuDoes not look like anything useful returned when I search for "lubuntu" in that search box22:48
liushuyuarraybolt3: ah thanks! Subscribed now22:53
arraybolt3thank you!22:53
tsimonq2liushuyu: gammaray test build> yes please :)22:55
tsimonq2teward: Angry Orchard? Come to the Ubuntu Summit and we'll split a case :P22:55
tewardtsimonq2: you mean the one coming up in a couple months?  as long as my passport arrives22:56
tewardyou'll be buying me a drink anyways22:56
tewardsince you owe me like 20022:56
tsimonq2++tab; apparently :P22:59
arraybolt3Alright, got a pop question for everyone. Why would attempting to build a package on Oracular with oracular-proposed enabled attempt to pull in a version of openssl that was uploaded to lunar-security rather than the one from oracular's release pocket?23:01
arraybolt3Just hit `The following packages have unmet dependencies: libssl-dev : Depends: libssl3 (= 3.0.8-1ubuntu1.1)` trying to build ausweisapp2 for Oracular. That version is in lunar-security, the version in oracular is 3.0.13-0ubuntu3.23:02
arraybolt3mmm, somehow the lunar-security one ended up in oracular-proposed too.23:04

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