[03:08] good morning [05:03] yo, Bashing-om, here I am [05:04] you can start a topic of discussions here meustation [05:04] anyone awake might join your conversation [05:09] meustation: I wandered back :D [05:16] Bashing-om, no prob [05:16] lotuspsychje, sorry if I went against channel policy in any way, been brought here by Bashing-om in order not to flood the main channel [05:18] dont worry, there's often a thin red line but we tend you divide support with discussions with this channel [05:18] Bashing-om, as I was sayin', would like to know if this dropping of Xorg starts from debian or if it is one of the things in which ubuntu differs from the mothering distro [05:18] more other linux distros's seem to drop xorg now meustation [05:19] i think fedora did [05:19] meustation: Well - all distros are in prgress of adopting Wayland. [05:19] fedora is what used to be red hat, right? [05:19] correct [05:20] never had the pleasure of using it [05:21] redhat was my first ever distro experience [05:21] and I think I only ever modified xorg.conf 2 or 3 times [05:21] after messing around some others, i came to stick to ubuntu till now [05:22] * meustation started with mandrake thanks to a friend that made the dual boot install, when Ubuntu was not yet around or not mainstream [05:23] I still remember how cool it was that Ubuntu was something even a n00b like myself could install on his own [05:23] lotuspsychje, you planning to stick to ubuntu in the future? [05:24] I got introduced to Kubuntu - messed about with all the falvors --- xfce suits for what I do :P [05:24] if it keeps existing yeah [05:24] * meustation is used to ubuntu, but has not found the perfect setup yet [05:25] what are you looking for to make better meustation ? [05:25] I'm considering getting a bit more confidence with debian, just in case the guy bankrolling ubuntu should choose to stop [05:26] if you are used to ubuntu, debian wont be such a shock [05:26] lotuspsychje, I loved the pre-unity ubuntu, with compiz playing the role of eyeliner on a friday night [05:26] unity still exist meustation [05:26] !flavours [05:26] Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours [05:26] though my favourite desktop environment is fluxbox [05:26] as I said, pre-unity; pure gnome ubuntu [05:27] !minimal [05:27] The Minimal CD image (mini.iso) was available for Ubuntu releases up to 18.04 LTS. The default Ubuntu Server installer covers all of its installation scenarios. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [05:28] had a debian since 2014, a simple server install with just fluxbox added for moments of peak lazyness [05:29] got left out of the update loop during the pandemic epoch, then managed to fuck it up trying to upgrade without having to reinstall [05:29] plan atm is to do a fresh install of debian-edu on that machine [05:29] whatever does the trick [05:32] it feels a bit early to me for a distro to totally drop xorg. My experience with it tells me it's still buggy. [05:32] that's in ubuntu, though. maybe it's better elsewhere. [05:34] xorg wont vanish soon neither [05:34] soo many distros still rely on it [05:35] but as Bashing-om is also true, more wayland efforts are upon us [05:36] what is the main difference between wayland and xorg, seen from the side of those who know how to write code? [05:40] * meustation has only a basic understanding of an operating system's architecture [05:42] the debian server install was me trying to evolve from the ubuntu server install, which allowed me to learn to work with ssh+screen, which is something I am planning to go back to === EriC^^_ is now known as EriC^^ [22:25] I used to think using usb flash drives as a base on which to work from both windows and linux was something that now works at a stable level. boy was I wrong! [22:26] am of course inclined to blame windows for the worsening of results [22:35] persistent flash drives for an installation + data storage? heeeell no [23:59] nope, not for an installation [23:59] just as one would use a floppy, to save data you work on