=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest6478 === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest5457 === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest5951 === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest3295 === _yogg is now known as codyshepherd === deltreey2 is now known as deltreey [22:45] so, hum, casper doesnt support ipv6 netboot? [22:49] oh that stuff is in initramfs-tools now [23:04] it gets a ipv6 address and route now - but still stuck in a loop re-trying dhcpcd [23:05] with no errors :) [23:07] ip6=any ip=off seems broken [23:18] aha, I see the bug [23:22] hm maybe not. but it did time out eventually and then boot successfully. [23:25] fetching the iso and everything. [23:57] What's the preferred mechanism for installing non-packaged pip modules and making them available system-wide, now that python is aggressively fighting against the system package manager? [23:58] Do we just use --break-system-packages and continue on our merry way, or is there a better option?