[00:00] Anyone here able to help with a booting problem? [00:01] irc works better with more specific questions :) [00:03] Zaben2: more info needed, what did you try and what are the system specs [00:04] I restarted my Ubuntu 20 PC and now the Bios isn't recognizing Ubuntu on my SSD. The files are still readable though. Is there a way to just reinstall Ubuntu on the SSD? [00:06] boot into a rescue usb stick, chroot to the ubuntu installation, and then run update-grub -- that might do what needs doing [00:06] but depending upon what's broken, it might be the wrong approach [00:07] sarnold: ...also the usual things like mount dev, proc, sys [00:07] Okay let me try that [00:09] Just chroot /mnt/boot-sav/nvme0n1p2 for example? [00:09] Or chroot /dev/nvme0n1p2 [00:12] sarnold [00:12] Zaben2: once you've booted the thing, mount /dev/nvme*p2 onto /mnt or similar .. [00:13] Zaben2: .. then mount --make-private --rbind /dev /mnt/dev [00:13] sigh thanks firefox for the newline... [00:13] mount --make-private --rbind /dev /mnt/dev ; mount --make-private --rbind /proc /mnt/proc ; mount --make-private --rbind /sys /mnt/sys ; mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /mnt/run ; mkdir /mnt/run/lock ; chroot /mnt /bin/bash --login [00:14] (I got these from one of the paragraphs of https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/Getting%20Started/Ubuntu/Ubuntu%2022.04%20Root%20on%20ZFS.html#rescuing-using-a-live-cd --- these bits of the instructions aren't zfs specific, but there's enough zfs stuff here that I didn't want to just send this page ;) [00:23] I'm now getting this error: mount: /boot/efi: can't find UUID=0822-FF9E. [00:25] ugh I do not get along with uuid things for partitions, even i know why they were done that way .. [00:29] Yeah I don't know if I'm able to fix it this way, is there a way to just use a bootable drive to reinstall ubuntu on the SSD? [00:30] you just gotta update that uuid to whatever it actually is, or put the /dev/nvme*p? device node in its place [00:31] Oh okay how do i change it? [00:36] zibolo: [00:36] zibolo: worry, tab-misfire :( [01:25] Trying to disable Nvidia proprietary drivers on boot then enable them later. I can't find a udev rule nor an initramfs hook. [01:26] i think they've got a stupid setuid executable to load the kernel modules or something [01:32] that trick would cause it, guess I'll use nouveau or another FOSS alternative since 6.7 or 6.8 might've fixed the hardware acceleration on there and the 470 Kepler driver will EOL in a few months...nouveau was stable before === antonispgs0 is now known as antonispgs [01:35] Is freecad no longer part of Ubuntu after 24.04 upgrade? [01:36] apt install freecad tells me "freecad has no installation candidate" [01:38] it looks like it https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/freecad [01:38] does this mean that something is wrong with apt, then? [01:39] apt-cache search freecad shows nothing [01:39] it was deleted intentionally [01:39] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/freecad/+publishinghistory [01:39] it looks like one of its dependencies didn't work with the version of python https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1055697 [01:40] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Debian bug 1055697 in src:pivy "pivy ftbfs with Python 3.12" [Serious, Fixed] [01:40] and got deleted [01:40] and that meant freecad didn't work === antonispgs1 is now known as antonispgs [01:40] and when the problem was fixed a few days later, it never got put back [01:41] damn ... welp, I guess I gotta build it from source then :/ ... hopefully the apt package will be back up later === antonispgs3 is now known as antonispgs === five618480339 is now known as five61848033 [02:52] it will probably sound like a dumb question, but I've been out of the loop for a while, going from LTS to LTS, but also at some point switching to a new laptop. hardware change was around the time when Unity replaced Gnome. I'm not sure what happened next, distributionwise. I'm planning to start using compiz again, is it compatible with a default lts? (it showed up on synaptic so I should have the proper packages installed) [02:52] I'm planning to set it up on 2 different machines, both, as far as I can tell, with 22.04.04, Wayland (whom I've never heard about and that apparently gives some error I did not understand when invoking vlc from the command line, though apparently working fine after that) and gnome 42.9 [03:15] meustation: Welcome back into Ubuntu // New laptop with latest hardware ? Then may I suggest that the latest LTS release, 24,04, may be a better option. And yeah the new kid on the block is "Wayland" as the replacement for Xorg. However Xorg does remain available. [03:16] nope, no new laptop, just not as old as the one that kicked the bucket after years of dutiful service [03:18] when one sets up an sftp server for a user, how does one make sure that sftp asks for a password? [03:19] 24.04 LTS looks a bit too fresh for my needs and capabilities, I tend to wear out my LTS installs until near the end of support. I need and prefer a stable and tried system, otherwise I'd still be on windows [03:19] meustation: Ack -- well as you like and are comforable with compiz - The Unity Desktop has been revived: https://ubuntuunity.org/. [03:25] would that be an unofficial flavor of ubuntu? [03:26] meustation: Nope - Unity DE is official :P [03:27] gotta admit I'm not sure I understand the various levels at which graphical systems differentiate themselves; like, I'm not sure I grasp the difference between desktops and window managers. [03:27] bear in mind that I started with Dapper Drake when the whole thing could be reduced to choosing between gnome, kde or xfce [03:29] meustation: As they say " different strokes for different folks" // each flavor with a different Desktop Environment and different default apps. [03:29] I would've thought Xorg was something nearer to the trunk than to the branches, is that change to this Wayland thing something that comes from the debian level of system buildup [03:29] * meustation forgot the question mark at the end [03:34] meustation: Xorg has become a monstrosity to maintain // developers/maintainers just do not want to continue supporting it. Wayland is where the focus of attention is -- but it do have its issues and growing pains. // This conversation is devolving from "support" direct - perhpa best we move this to #ubuntu-discuss ? [03:52] pycurious, I don't use sftp nowdays, but I'm sure it has a configuration file [04:18] I've got an cron task that runs a backup script but it doesnt seem to be running and hasnt made a backup in a little while. When I run the script manually it creates a backup. I verified that the cron service is running [04:24] This is the cron task thats supposed to run at 3 am every morning: 0 3 * * * screen -S backup -dm /root/rsyncScript [04:45] cron is a bit old fashioned. It is built into services these days. [04:46] what's the difference between nvidia drivers (metapackage, server driver metapackage, open kernel metapackage) ? [04:46] devslash: make sure you are using full paths for everything in /root/rsyncScript that is a frequent issue because cron has a different $PATH than your interactive shell does [05:10] anyone tried mpv with snap? where to store the mpv.conf? === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest6478 === ozzloy__ is now known as ozzloy [06:18] can i get image of ubuntu for VXI Vm === cyber is now known as Guest3082 [06:25] Hi all, I am getting this error https://dpaste.com/2DWGHSPL2 when trying to install a python module in a virtual env [06:25] using pip [06:25] I am on Ubuntu 24 [06:26] Is this the right channel for this query? === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest5457 [06:47] where i can get ubuntu image for VXI VM [06:54] is ubuntu 24.04 using x11 by default? i just reinstalled using the 24.04 iso and it gives me x11 === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest5951 [06:58] somehow my /etc/gdm3/custom.conf sets wayland enable to false [07:00] realivanjx: yes X11 is still the default [07:01] realivanjx: possible Nvidia card can cause that driver to swap to X11 but wayland is default [07:03] huh i wonder what swaps it since im using amd integrated gpu === ubuntu is now known as Guest1137 === pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk === wdb6 is now known as wdb [10:38] Pipewire wrong profile for audio interface presonus studio 68c [10:43] has anybody an idea for changing pipewire channels from surround to 6channel i/o === sotaoverride is now known as Guest5154 === five618480336 is now known as five61848033 === ch0ps3y is now known as Guest3295 [11:49] what's that? https://pastebin.mozilla.org/3Xubhknr === EriC^^_ is now known as EriC^^ === _yogg is now known as codyshepherd [12:29] ice9, likely you are switching keyboard layouts [12:29] from comment #32 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1857392 [12:29] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1857392 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu) "Window manager warning: Overwriting existing binding of keysym..." [Low, Confirmed] [12:30] Hi alll [14:11] how can i get rid of this when updating packages? https://bpa.st/3AFA [14:15] ph88: it tells you the answer. You have duplicate entries in your 3rd party repo. Specifically, vscode.list [14:16] ph88: you have a vscode.list and a vscode.sources which have matching entries [14:28] how can i get rid of this when updating packages? https://bpa.st/3AFA (computer crashed, have to re-ask) [14:28] ph88: you have a vscode.list and a vscode.sources which have matching entries [14:28] Quoting lefty [14:29] ye i don't know how that happened. which one should i remove? the sources one? just delete that file?? [14:29] You remove the wrong one [14:30] Or both and check their documentation again  === dob1_ is now known as dob1 [14:30] Personal hint: remove it completely and do "sudo snap install codium" [14:30] No 3rd party sources needed [14:31] And no telemetry and tracking  [14:36] ravage, that's a good idea only that i don't trust snap .. too many programs not working with it [14:37] Then continue to trust Microsoft. No problem :)  [14:38] what about codium with deb install ? [16:05] ph88: If those changes were made during a package install, it's best not to manually delete things. Un-do whatever triggered the change. [16:06] ph88: Look at the date of the files in question. Which is older? Does dpkg -S know where they came from? [16:15] How do I enable AAC codec for pipewire on Ubuntu 24.04? === zer0bitz_ is now known as zer0bitz [16:20] Rebuild it yourself or maybe someone already did it and there is a PPA  [16:20] Use your favorite search engine  === deltreey2 is now known as deltreey === docmax_ is now known as docmax [18:13] Does anyone know how to get hibernation working in Ubuntu 24.04 with full disk encryption? === mario_ is now known as MrStrange === MrStrange is now known as Mr_Strange === rideout is now known as __rideout === __rideout is now known as rideout === LanDi1 is now known as LanDi === hernan is now known as HER [20:10] hello [20:12] ehlo! [20:13] hi