
mparilloNot directly. Generally if you think it is upstream, we use bugs.kde.org. Otherwise launchpad.00:36
BluesKajHi all12:45
santa_hi everyone16:08
santa_RikMills: I had a look @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/extra-cmake-modules/+bug/206509016:09
-ubottu:#kubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2065090 in extra-cmake-modules (Ubuntu) "Backport cmake 3.29 compatibility fix" [Undecided, New]16:09
tsimonq2Hi santa_, Britney has been broken, hopefully soon we'll have a good picture of what's going on WRT the Qt 6.6.2 transition16:09
santa_tsimonq2: aha, thanks16:09
santa_reading the bug I linked above, the problem is fixed in 5.116.016:10
santa_about e-c-m 6.x I think the idea is that it would be a replacement for 5, but I wold like to have a clear confirmation from upstream, so I think I'm going to ask in some mailing list16:11
santa_fw 5.116.0 is going to be released officially this saturday, the packages are already finished (unless there's some tarball re-spin)16:13
santa_meaning we could fix this either:16:14
santa_a) including a patch right now in the 5.115 package (I can prepare that in the _archive branch if you are willing to upload it to the archive)16:16
santa_b) this saturday someone uploads the fw 5.116 packages and so get the fix in the archive16:17
santa_I wouldn't consider the e-c-m 6.x option yet, because like I said I would like to have a confirmation that e-c-m 6 is suposed to coimpletely replace e-c-m 516:18
santa_* completely16:18
santa_so ...16:18
santa_what do you want to do?16:19
IrcsomeBot<sgmoore> I can put a couple hours in Saturday to work on 5.11616:23
santa_sgmoore: the packages are done, they juts need to be uploaded, but...16:24
santa_they didn't update the package set I think16:24
santa_probably I should send them a friendly reminder16:24
sgmooreyeah I  have quite a few packages I am unable to upload as well. I sent a request to DMB but so far it has gone ignored.16:25
sgmooreI think I am ok on frameworks and can upload on Saturday. Any problem ones I will bug tsimonq2 to upload16:27
santa_ah, nevermind16:59
santa_all kf5 is in the packageset already16:59

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