
meustationI've got this awesome more-than-8-gb flash drive made after some mainstream sf stuff00:00
meustationI believe it's ntfs, been using it mostly on linux which is the brand for all my home machines00:00
meustationbecause I could not afford data loss in the bsod days of early new century00:01
daftykinsonly ever saw BSODs from overclocking or faulty hardware myself00:01
* meustation uses his machines mainly as futuristic typewriters00:01
daftykinsi wouldn't trust flash drives for anything of value00:02
meustationwhat would you trust?00:02
* meustation is puzzled00:02
meustationI don't think there was anything I could not afford to loose in the part of data that seems missing atm00:03
meustationthe weird thing is how the thing evolved into some data apparently missing00:03
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pagioshi all does badusb work when linux is locked by xscreemsaver? can someone plug in a usb amd get something nasty?03:00
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lotuspsychjegood morning04:34
pagioshi lotuspsychje 12:03
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