
meustationravage, what would you say is the most underrated search engine these days?00:04
leftyfb!ot | meustation00:05
ubottumeustation: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:05
meustationare there any known problems with data portability, using an ntfs formatted portable usb-stick, between LTS 22.04.4 and Windows11?00:07
leftyfbI would go with FAT32 or I think even FATX has better support in linux than NTFS. Could be wrong about that though00:08
meustationI've been using one frequently to carry around data I worked on from both OS at different times. mainly .wav .mp3 .rtf files00:08
meustationapart from wanting filesize that is less than 4gb FAT32 has no other perceivable limitations, right?00:09
pycuriousI did a apt install incus - and I'm not getting /usr/bin/incus. Does anyone know what provides that command?00:59
arraybolt3pycurious: you might be looking for incus-client01:09
arraybolt3the `incus` package itself is just the server end01:09
arraybolt3user@kf-XE:~$ apt-file list incus-client01:09
arraybolt3incus-client: /usr/bin/incus01:09
pycurious@arraybolt3 Thanks!01:19
arraybolt3happy to help!01:21
pycurious@arraybolt3 have you ever tried incus or lxd?01:26
pycuriousI'm having issues with incus. Seems to be hanging on adding gpu. So far no luck. Trying ubuntu 24 guest vm + host. no luck yet.01:27
oerhekswhy not lxc ?01:28
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arraybolt3pycurious: I've used LXD before, enver tried Incus. Containers just aren't for me, when I need isolation I just use QEMU.01:31
leftyfbeverything I run now is in LXD :)01:31
arraybolt3pycurious: you sure you have your GPU set up for passing through properly?01:31
arraybolt3Those kind of things require some special prep in GRUB if I remember correctly.01:32
arraybolt3leftyfb: neat :) It probably works great for servers, and I've worked inside containers before and gotten stuff done, but so often I'll hit some limitation of using "fake" virtualization or some permissions issue and ultimately end up just using a VM.01:32
leftyfband by "fake virtualization" you mean, not virtualized at all.01:33
arraybolt3well technically containerization is a type of virtualization, it just isn't full system virtualization like QEMU or VirtualBox would do.01:33
leftyfbnot exactly01:34
leftyfbbut also, LXD can run virtual machines using qemu01:34
arraybolt3I'm just going by Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtualization#Containerization they call it "operating-system-level virtualization"01:34
leftyfbeither way, whatever floats your boat01:34
arraybolt3yeah, I've tried LXD VMs too, and they have some weird behaviors that just don't match what I would expect.01:35
leftyfbI spin up a new containers in under a minute and have them fully configured and running whatever I need in a few more using ansible01:35
leftyfbanyway, gotta head out ... pycurious , you're probably better off asking for help with incus in #lxc since one of the main developers are in there. I would check back tomorrow. Also, please don't crosspost01:36
* arraybolt3 is confused - how is pycurious supposed to ask for help in #lxc and *not* crosspost?01:37
arraybolt3but yes, #lxc is probably a better place to ask since most Ubuntu people probably are more used to LXD than Incus (although they are quite similar). Still, Incus is in the Ubuntu archives and therefore is supported here, just it might be better supported over there :)01:38
leftyfbarraybolt3: I was referring to earlier when he asked the package question here and then 30 seconds later in #lxc before anyone answered in either01:38
arraybolt3ah ok, I missed that01:38
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pagioshi all does badusb work when linux is locked by xscreemsaver? can someone plug in a usb amd get something nasty?02:52
rboxthe answer here is going to be the same as it was in the other channel...02:53
arraybolt3and the answer is "yes"02:57
oakridgeHello! Did anything change with how Ubuntu handles IPv6 from 23.10 -> 24.04? I have one of those ISPs that not only keeps changing the v6 prefix, but also takes it down once in a while. Before the update, my machine handles this by losing the address in `ifconfig` and `networkctl status` whenever IPv6 is down. Now it just keeps all addresses with05:12
oakridgedifferent prefixes, regardless of the v6 connection being up or not.05:12
younderApparently 'sudo apt install --ignore-hold ...'Install things that have been held back by a phased update.05:21
younderThe hold could cause stability issues and you need to check if it does for you first.05:23
youndersorry, s/The hold/Releasing the hold/05:24
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imihi, is there an ubuntu touch channel? can I ask about ubuntu touch here? if so, my question is, how does that work? can I apt-get on ubuntu touch the same way I can apt-get on a desktop ubuntu?08:30
tomreyn!touch | imi08:40
ubottuimi: Information about the mobile port of the Ubuntu platform (formely Ubuntu Touch) for Phone and Tablet is available here: https://ubports.com/. Support and discussion in #ubports08:40
imitomreyn: thanks08:49
imiI don't think that channel is active though08:51
tomreynthey have a web forum, too, https://forums.ubports.com/, and other communication channels as listed on their website08:56
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smoltalkI'm trying to wrap up an autoinstall.yaml config for some jammy servers that are using LVM over LUKS and booting only in UEFI mode. On jammy desktop, I was able to keep a process running in the background to update /etc/default/grub with GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y while the installation was running, but this isn't an option with autoinstall.yaml.10:07
smoltalkInstead, I tried running the following script via curtin in-system from late-commands: https://dpaste.com/8H32NNP2710:07
smoltalkCorrection: grub-update was updated to output to /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grub.cfg instead of stdout10:08
smoltalkThe issue I'm seeing when comparing the server's new grub.cfg to my working desktop's version is that there isn't a cryptomount line with the UUID of my LUKS volume, and the search.fs_uuid line doesn't reference cryptouuid/<UUID>. I've looked through documentation on GRUB/LUKS setup related to Ubuntu, Debian, and ArchLinux, but I'm not seeing10:12
smoltalkanything that would indicate the reason my /etc/default/grub changes aren't being reflected after reinstalling the grub packages and re-running grub-install / grub-mkconfig. Any ideas of how I can resolve this or leads on what I should be reading up on?10:12
yes-ubuntuHey! is there any way to copy multiple separate files in one command like cp file1 file2 abcfile /todestination/ ?10:19
tomreyncp(1) DESCRIPTION: Copy SOURCE to DEST, or multiple SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY.10:20
tomreynyes-ubuntu: what i'm saying there is that, as seen on the 'cp' man page section 1 ("man 1 cp"), one of the modes of operation of the 'cp' command is to do exactly what you asked.10:23
yes-ubuntuTomTom: thank you! :)10:23
Moeezfrom where i can find ubuntu image having extension .ova or .ovf10:23
tomreynMoeez: i don't think such images are being produced by the ubuntu project. Others might. Also, there are cloud images here, some of which can be converted to the format you're looking for: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/10:26
tomreynoops actually there are .ova images there10:26
Moeezhow to convert10:27
tomreynjust use the ones already present. or check the conversion utilities oracle provides. i think they can convert from .vmdk10:28
tomreynthere's #ubuntu-cloud if you have more questions on the images provided at the above url.10:29
smoltalkOkay, I think I found the hangup. Curtin is creating LUKS2 partitions with the dm_crypt action and doesn't seem to have an option to override that. I'll see if I can downgrade it after the installation and then use update-grub --efi-partition=... to resolve the issue10:38
lotuspsychjesmoltalk: dont forget to file/solve/test bugs so the whole community can benefit from your contributes10:39
lotuspsychjeshowed you earlier where to find the new installer bugs at LP right10:40
Guest46sudo usermod -a -G render,video $LOGNAME, when configuring gpu driver logname should only be replaced or togethrer with the dollar sign too? $10:42
Guest46sudo usermod -a -G render,video username or sudo usermod -a -G render,video $logname10:43
nomicon$LOGNAME would be the username to modify10:45
Guest46the final should be $username when pasting the command?10:45
nomiconif $username is populated with something meaningful10:46
smoltalkGuest46 that dollar sign signifies that you want to interpolate the value of the environment variable LOGNAME into your command. It would require previous commands to set that environment variable, unless something else has already set it for you when you run that command (or the script it's in)11:03
smoltalkIs there any way in autoinstall.yaml to run commands just after partitioning, but before installation / late-commands? According to the documents, only (early|late|error)-commands are supported.11:18
r4oot 11:23
r4ootmay i sleep next ten years?11:24
geirhaSure. Just run  sleep "$(( $(date +%s -d '10 years') - $(date +%s) ))"11:27
r4ootgeirha, why 2-3 blanks/tabs? ein,zwein?11:29
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pagioshey all, what do you think of xscreensaver when it comes to security, is it flawless? i read that it can be bypasssed by some magic keystrokes , and or crash the x11 server by unplugging some monitor/hmdi is this true? what are your comments on its security?11:50
leftyfbpagios: don't use it if you are concerned or report bugs if you find issues with the software. Feel free to discuss further software opinions in #ubuntu-offtopic.11:55
pagiosi didnt report bugs11:56
pagioswhat should i use then11:56
leftyfbpagios: for what?11:57
Guest16i installed ubuntu 24.04 on a new hard drive, and left 22.04 in the old one with backup. How do I remove 22.04 from the grub boot menu?11:59
Guest16i dont need to boot to it anymore ever12:00
kawalyou need to edit the grub config file in /boot or /etc and then update with the command line tool grub reinstall or something, but if you just remove the partition of the 22.04 and update grub it should go away automaticly.12:02
kawalcheck a grub config tut online, easier than explainning in detail.12:02
leftyfbGuest16: unplug the drive with the backup, boot with the new drive and run "sudo update-grub"12:03
smoltalkVerifying now, but it looks like converting the /boot partition's LUKS volume to LUKS1 (after converting the key to a compatible PBKDF) worked. grub.cfg inĀ  /boot/efi at least looks as it should12:10
smoltalkDigging through the Curtin source, I'm not sure there's a straightforward way to support passing options to cryptsetup to do this, since Curtin has three different ways to create dm_crypt devices, but I'll add it to the list of feature requests once I finish getting this machine set up.12:11
smoltalkto specify LUKS1 instead of LUKS2*12:11
lotuspsychjesmoltalk: please dont use this channel to describe every step you take, just ask a question and wait patiently until volunteers pick up on your question12:13
smoltalklotuspsychje I'm describing the solution to the question I asked and then solved myself...12:14
smoltalkAnd then mentioning that I'm going to file a feature request to make that easier for others, because you specifically pinged me to do so12:14
lotuspsychjethats not what this channel is for smoltalk self-monologues12:15
smoltalklotuspsychje My mistake, I assumed that there was a stack overflow-esque culture here of answering one's own question if nobody else had by the time a solution was found. I'll just fade back and let this channel get back to being almost completely idle.12:17
=== kristine is now known as LoopDeLoop
LoopDeLoophey guys12:20
LoopDeLoophey guys'12:22
LoopDeLoopwhich distro are you using rn12:22
lotuspsychje!chat | LoopDeLoop12:23
ubottuLoopDeLoop: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:23
LoopDeLoopthx dude12:23
BluesKajHi all12:45
V1Ahi all14:10
V1Awhat do i do to mount a windows drive on ubuntu14:10
V1Athought it would mount itself but its giving me some error, also the name of the supposed partition is similar to another partition i actually have here that is working&mounted14:11
V1Ai mean not similar, its the same. why would it do that? i just plugged a SATA drive into a USB adapter and hooked it up14:11
V1Awell OK one difference actually! the partition i have in use is called "Bay" while the drive i just plugged, is listed on the bottom under "removable drives" as 'bay' .. lowercase14:12
V1Aeither way, this should be a windows 7 boot drive14:12
V1Aso either wyy idk where the name "bay" is derived from? or what i can do to read its contents14:13
V1Aim on ubuntu studio 22.0414:13
comphV1A: if you mount a drive that has an OS on it ... it's not advisable to edit files on it14:21
comphV1A: what is your goal? to read the files, to boot the drive?14:21
comphyou can copy files from it, that should be ok14:22
comphi think it may be mounted as read-only tho14:22
comphor are you trying to boot the drive inside of ubuntu so that you can run a virtual machine with windows?14:23
V1Acomph, trying to save and recover files14:23
V1Ai locked myself out14:23
V1Ai know thers another way to get back into win7 but i dont have the time nor energy to do it before tomorrow14:24
comphit should show up under /media i think14:24
V1Ai did explain the error14:25
V1A"remobavle devices" -> "bay" ?!?! WHY is there a "bay" even?? because above (not removable) is a partition called Bay14:25
V1Awin7 partition shouldnt be named bay14:26
V1Awin or boot i think or what was common14:26
comphyou seem to know nothing about computers14:26
V1Athank you for your incresible insight. flawless ability to read and understand text.14:27
kimtuomiHello! Has anyone experienced with Ubuntu 24.04 LTS intermittent loss of WLAN connection? Laptop connects to the WLAN, it is possible to surf around, but suddenly, "no internet connection". When retrying in, say, 5-10 seconds, it will work again.14:27
V1Awhich is probably only surpassed by your  knowledge about computers, comph :}14:27
comphV1A: lol indeed14:27
kimtuomiNote that the same WLAN access point / router works just fine with mobile phones and other laptop running other Linux distribution; no connection breaks.14:27
V1Aany non troll has an idea what the issue could be14:27
comphV1A: usually the drive will mount automatically14:28
comphthat is why i wanted you to check /Media14:28
comphalso check /dev14:28
comphusually it's called /dev/sd*14:28
comphyour main drive is usually /dev/sda14:29
comphalso you can check sudo dmesg14:29
comphto see the bootup14:29
comphthere you can look for the brand of the drive14:30
comphsorry for the comment, i didn't intend to be rude ...14:31
V1A... Error mounting /dev/sdb2 at blah~/bay: Unknown error when mounting /dev/sdb214:31
V1Athis windows also doesnt want tot really mount it14:32
V1Ait recognizes its a 500gb NTFS drive tho14:32
V1Ai know with linux ill be able to circumvent having myself lockedout14:32
V1Athis ubuntu partition however is damaged goods itself, but i hardly doubt that could be the issue. its just sound outputs magically disappeared14:34
V1Athe drive sounds good14:35
comphwhat do you get if you write "df -h"14:35
V1Alast time the machine was booted up it worked. but im not sure if anythink happened in the meantime shouldnt14:35
comphthere you should see your drives/partitions14:35
comph-h is so that you can see the size of the drives/partitions in gigabytes14:36
comphmegabytes/gigabytes ...14:36
V1Anot showing up14:37
V1Asince in the file browser its showing me a red bar with the error on top ...14:37
comphtry lsblk14:39
V1Awell its SDB i assume14:40
V1Asdb .. ->sdb1 99M ->sdb2 465.7G14:40
V1Ano mount point14:40
V1Awhen it tries to mount iself, i get the unknown error14:41
V1Aoh windows displayed an error code. coudgoogle that14:41
comphmay be corrupt14:42
comphubuntu should be able to automatically mount it i think14:42
comphyou could try to unmount and mount it manually with the correct permissions14:43
comphgoogle the instructions14:43
V1Awindows error is mainly about hard drive running out of space14:46
V1Acode is 0x8007005714:46
compha bluescreen?14:46
V1A.. when i try to assign a drive letter or mount a path on windows 1114:46
V1Amount it not boot it14:47
=== Shadowfax is now known as Shadow1
Shadow1is there someway to install php8.0-fpm version 8.0.20 instead of php8.0-fpm version 8.0.30? Need to check if something works with that version. Is there someway to check what has changed between thouse version if it works?15:05
africanblackmanno one call me black because that's racist15:24
africanblackmani only use ubuntu because black man created it15:24
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blaubhello is there a way to install ubuntu without a gui? just ubuntu with x11 preinstalled, drivers, sudo. but let me choose my own login manager/desktop env17:39
ravageblaub: install ubuntu server and install what you need.17:46
blaubravage: ty17:47
ashafqIs there a PPA where pipewire is compiled with AAC support?17:54
rahulhi how do i change the screen resolution in ubuntu17:59
CosmicDJashafq: I don't think there is such a thing... are you sure you don't just need libavcodec?18:06
ashafqCosmicDJ: I will try installing that and see if that works18:08
ashafqCosmicDJ: nope, no options for AAC18:10
CosmicDJno option where? which program are you using?18:10
ashafqCosmicDJ: FIrefox connected to bluetooth18:10
ashafqCosmicDJ: with pipewire, I should see AAC as an option for bluetooth transport18:11
ashafqI also came across this, but it doesn't seem to patch correctly https://github.com/3liteking148/ubuntu-pipewire-aac-aptx-support?tab=readme-ov-file18:12
ashafqwhy is AAC disabled from pipewire? http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pipewire/18:17
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monkeyannanasfor everyone who experiences ubuntu install crashes in 24 with amd gpu's tell them to launch the installation in safe mode18:57
monkeyannanasworks good without crashing in safe mode18:58
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gigabot[Gigachat] - Netjoin gained users: devnull, war, BotServ19:18
arraybolt3gigabot: To whomever runs you, please note that the #ubuntu IRC guidelines do not permit adding new bots to this channel without prior chanop approval. Please configure your bot so it doesn't join here.19:22
arraybolt3see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines19:23
giga_Sorry arraybolt3, this bot does no action here, no abuse. It just relays the messages spoken here to another server. Is this a problem for community rules? If yes, I really apologize, but this bot just relay messages here to another server.19:33
giga_I dont want to break any rules.19:33
arraybolt3I'm not an op, I was just mentioning it as a community member :)19:34
oerheksavoid your bot/relay to send status messages19:34
oerheks'lurking'  is fine19:34
elgiga_: hi, network staff here. please don't put bots, especially ones that talk, in channels without permission.19:34
elthank you.19:38
giga_hi el, thanks for info. I will drop the bot until I'm sure nothing will be said by the bot here. Sorry for any problems I caused.19:38
elyou live and learn :)19:40
monkeyannanas`reddit is the best place to train your bots19:41
elit is a bridging bot not one that gets trained. bridging should be considered as public logging and permission sought for that explicitly.19:42
monkeyannanasif google and microsoft are analysing these rooms in real time to train their ai. who care's ordinary guy from sweeden does it too19:44
giga_thanks el, when I finish the bridge, and the bot does not send any messages here, I will ask for permission. Thanks again for the warning.19:46
elno problem and thanks for listening19:47
giga_el, sure. I thank you for warning instead of banning. I also have an IRC network, and rules must be respected. Sorry for inconvenience, folks!19:53
monkeyannanasis there a way to fix copying file speed19:58
monkeyannanasit says copying completed but you need to leave the usb for at least 5 minutes on19:59
monkeyannanasthere's something wrong with the progress bar19:59
elwhat is saying copying completed?20:02
monkeyannanasdolphin or what is the defualt file manager20:04
monkeyannanassays file copying completed20:04
elok what makes you think you need to leave the usb after that?20:09
ravagethis is expected behavior due to caching enabled probably. make sure to unmount the device before you unplug it20:11
giga_monkeyannanas you can use inotify-tools package to live track if all files were really copied or what is waiting umount to finish. $ inotifywait -m /mnt/yourmount -e create -e access -e modify -e close_write -e close_nowrite -e close -e open -e move -e create -e delete -e umount20:21
giga_So after your file manager said copy is completed, see the live changes in the directory mounted.20:23
loswedsededcan anyone help me cli install https://github.com/aeharding/voyager/archive/refs/tags/2.8.1.tar.gz? the readme doesn't have instructions21:37
kawaltry to see if there is a Ubuntu packages PPA or snap for it, otherwise ask on the forum of that project or channel. (since it's #ubuntu, people may not know about that one)21:39
oerhekshttps://github.com/aeharding/voyager/ sure gives a hint?21:41
mccHello. I am using Ubuntu 23.10 on a Lenovo ThinkPad T14 Gen 3 (AMD). It has worked generally fine since November. But! In the last month, I have started seeing a problem where the device will lock up while asleep. It happens at random. Normally when I close the lid the LED on the back cover pulses softly. But sometimes when I pick up my closed laptop the light is solid. And when I open the laptop nothing happens, it does not respond to21:45
mcckeys, I cannot make it wake up. The only thing I can do is hold down the power until it resets. This happens maybe every two or three days, it's very irritating and it started out of nowhere. What can I do? Would upgrading to 24.04 maybe fix this problem? Should I be gathering information to file a bug?21:45
loswedsededthanks oerheks21:50
mccOne time when this crash happened I very briefly saw a line on the screen in console font, like the font it uses in GRUB and while booting, about "amd ring 0 error" but it did not stay around long enough for me to get a photo or anything.21:54
kawalmcc try to check the power saving option, if hibernation or things like that didn't change. It is possible that you had an update since then, and the driver has an issue (for sleep mode, etc)21:59
kawalmmc eventually try to reset the configuration of the sleep/hibernatio.22:00
mcckawal: This is what Power looks like in settings https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/6EmcuSrF/image.png22:01
mccI don't see anything about closing the lid. I think "hibernation" is disabled because I have secure boot enabled (I think)22:01
kawalyeah, it could have to do with 'suspend', and there is another UI for config...can't remind the name tho.22:03
kawalubuntu-tweak maybe?22:05
kawalanyway good luck, bbl.22:05
Qwertikatorhi. please, help https://dpaste.com/FTXPQ46ZL#22:17
nsnswtf is this shit22:21
oerheksread the topic nsns22:21
oerheksQwertikator, what should this do? GTK_MODULES= firefox --headless --screenshot myscreenshot.png https://google.com22:23
Qwertikatoroerheks: i need to take screenshot of web-page22:25
Qwertikatoroerheks: but... it does'nt work out-of-the-box as it should22:26
oerheksno idea, maybe because firefox is a snap now?22:30
LittleBillyBiscuI am trying to run the Balena Etcher AppImage on Ubuntu 24.04, and getting this error:22:32
LittleBillyBiscu[12982:0509/152708.976068:FATAL:setuid_sandbox_host.cc(157)] The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. Rather than run without sandboxing I'm aborting now. You need to make sure that /tmp/.mount_balenafsEaeV/chrome-sandbox is owned by root and has mode 4755.22:32
LittleBillyBiscuWhat are implications of making chrome-sandbox owned by root? I have seen things online suggested as workaround, but wondering how affects overall system security, and trying to understand why this works22:33
Qwertikatoroerheks: so why snap version of FF is distributed? BTW, what to do?22:35
oerheksfirefox has been offered as snap for years now. not sure howto make a screenshot like that.22:36
Qwertikatoroerheks: is there any support from Canonical exactly? you are?22:40
Qwertikatoroerheks: it is standart function as read in firefox --help22:41
awilkinsWeird one : after installing 24.04, my Lenovo T460s that was running 22.04 OK, doesn't shut down or suspend properly - screen goes black, activity ceases ... but it's still on in some way. Because it needs a long-press of the power button to turn it off "properly".22:58
awilkinsSuspend doesn't respond to keys etc, so may as well shut down. But everything needs that hard-off. Won't even reboot.22:59
JoshuaXHi guys.23:12
JoshuaXPlease someone guide me to shrink root partition (ext4) using cli23:18
oerheksdo this booting from a live iso23:20
JoshuaXNeed some space to create zfs partition to use with LXD storage.. but I have little knowlege on how to do it.23:20
oerhekszfs ?23:20
oerheksthat would take whole disk, no?23:20
JoshuaXI'm not sure how boot from live iso since i'm using Raspberry Pi imager.23:22
JoshuaXFYI, I'm installed ubuntu on RPi5 device.23:22
JoshuaXoerheks: I'm not sure, im newbie.. but from LXD documentation zfs can be used on disk partition23:24
JoshuaXI need to find a way to shrink root partition without live cd.23:24
JoshuaXCurrently running ubuntu 24.04 lts server on RPi 5 hardware.23:25
awilkinsOK ... so can you make a fresh image?23:25
awilkinsWhen you make an RPi image, it installs root in a partition that doesn't cover the whole card23:26
awilkinsThis usually gets expanded on first boot, but I think you can disable that23:26
awilkinsBut : you don't need a LiveCD, if you're making an RPI image, you can do all the stuff you need to do from the computer you're making the image from (presuming you're running linux on it)23:27
awilkinsYou can mess with the stuff it installs and stop it resizing itself up, or you can add a partition to block it https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=313003#p190604523:29
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