
=== philipgresty1 is now known as philipgresty
xu-help76wHello I tried to install xubuntu desktop 24.04 to an old laptop and it cannot boot. I chose to erase windows from drive14:19
AnnonHello I've been seeding the torrent for both full and minimal and I've bin wondering, is their an RSS feed to distribute the torrent file for the next release or no?15:43
krytarikAnnon: If you're asking about the version currently in development, then no only released versions are torrented.17:21
Annonno im asking about an rss feed for future releases17:22
krytarikWell, the Xubuntu website got an RSS feed, but that's not restricted to releases, neither do I think every point release of an LTS version gets a blog post there.  There is the ubuntu-announce mailing list one could subscribe to which would be closest to what I think you want, but that's of course no feed.17:28
Annonok thanks17:28
=== torv_ is now known as torv
=== Israphel is now known as Guest8272
=== Israphel_ is now known as Israphel
georgeHello everyone. What are we talking about?21:59
georgehum... seems we don't have anything to say.22:01

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