
lotuspsychjegood morning02:08
=== deepSleep is now known as Guest8489
pagioshi all, i have a very annoying issue, on gnome all windows are auto expanded and they snap, it wasnt the case seems i did something weird, i cant resize its always full screen and can resize and it looks like i3 now behavior any idea?13:58
leftyfbpagios: you've been told multiple times in the past year to not post support questions here. 14:14
pagioswhat is it for here14:23
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!14:28
leftyfbtomreyn: hobbitg is the same troll that's been coming around here16:43
leftyfbwith offensive nicks are garbage posts16:43
leftyfband by here, I mean #ubuntu16:43
tomreynleftyfb: it's a mix. trolling and seeking support.16:47
leftyfbyou're referring to Guest91?16:48
tomreyn#ubuntu-ops is the right place16:48
=== holman is now known as holmanb
=== holmanb is now known as holman
=== holman is now known as holmanb
=== holmanb is now known as holman
=== holman is now known as holmanb

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