
penguin42worst UK plug yet: https://dowdon.en.made-in-china.com/product/wCiQAjMblchI/China-110-250V-6A-500W-Us-EU-to-UK-AC-Power-Plug-Travel-Converter-Adapter.html15:49
zxmpipeople who have purchsed this have also bought... fake eyebrows :-P15:52
davefI'm busy hiding key-combos in code to keep the Quebec language police happy.  Law changed meaning I have to provide Windows computers with a french language OS.. but so I don't have to waste time manually changing it all back to English if they've signed a waver, I added a listener for a keycombo that skips the Install-Language function 🤭18:39
daftykinslol, nice19:16
penguin42can someone please switch the streetlights off, I can't see anything here23:19
daftykinsare your curtains down?23:31
* penguin42 was looking out with them aside23:35
daftykinsmy original xbox, produced 2004 blew a capacitor the other day at power on - got some panasonics on the way!23:41
daftykinscan't wait to crack out the soldering iron :)23:41
penguin42go with a particularly good pop?23:42
daftykinsi powered it up and heard a bit of a crackle, then a bit of a popcorn kinda pop, before quickly yanking power23:43
daftykinsit took a while to spot it, as i had assumed it was in the PSU to begin with (on one end)23:43
penguin42oh, non PSU one, a little rairer23:44
daftykinsstill power related, just on the receiving end :)23:44
penguin42oh the bulgy one at the front?23:45
penguin42probably worth doing that set of 523:46
daftykinsthat's the plan :D23:49
daftykinsinterestingly these things rely on a "supercap" (in gold back there in the opposite corner, left of the yellow tails) instead of a coin cell battery, so that's probably past its' sell-by date now23:50
penguin42I'm not sure if they degrade at all23:50
daftykinsdefinitely tales of them all leaking and finishing off these museum pieces23:52
daftykinsthese are meant to be the best of them, though23:52
penguin42ah, the backup batteries leak as well, so shrug23:52
* penguin42 has a couple of 2.7V 10F supercaps I bought in the maplin implosion23:54
daftykinsdoes anywhere even exist in the UK now to just drop in and buy things like components casually?23:57
daftykinsobviously never had anywhere like that on the island, i tend to just go straight to ebay rather than even trying to search some big chain23:57
daftykinsalthough i did have a browse of mouser/digikey UK - neither took my fancy23:57
penguin42daftykins: I don't think many; RS and CPC have trade counters in 2 or 3 places you can drop into23:59
daftykinsah yeah farnell, of course... used to order my network patch panels from them before i discovered a more recent option23:59

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