
=== william_ is now known as Willy--
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IrcsomeBot<FrankSokolic> A5S07:31
IrcsomeBot<FrankSokolic> A5S707:32
IrcsomeBot<mr_honesty1> Any one can help why kubuntu 24.04 lagging so much and also control center not working07:37
eatyourglorywhat’s this IrcsomeBot ?10:29
IrcsomeBot<mr_honesty1> What i don't understand (re @IrcsomeBot: <eatyourglory> what’s this IrcsomeBot ?)10:29
eatyourglorymr_honestly what platform are you chatting on?10:31
IrcsomeBot<mr_honesty1> Using my phone (re @IrcsomeBot: <eatyourglory> mr_honestly what platform are you chatting on?)10:32
eatyourgloryI mean are you on IRC?10:32
IrcsomeBot<mr_honesty1> Yes10:34
IrcsomeBot<mr_honesty1> I am noob I don't much about Linux I am. Using it from. Last few year thus happen to me first time that kubuntu lag so much in every task10:35
IrcsomeBot<mr_honesty1> If i open file if I crop image if I drag if I scroll in libre office every where just lag lag10:35
IrcsomeBot<mr_honesty1> Any one have solution for this please : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/f10687d5/file_75001.jpg11:10
kirvesAxeeatyourglory, IIRC IrcsomeBot is a bridge to Telegram.11:35
MegaMasterXHey there! I have kind of a weird general question. Aside from general search engines, is there a reliable or consistent way to find out what package a missing dependency is located in? For instance, I'm trying to find a KF5 addon for KIO WidgetsAddons and I haven't been finding luck locating which package will install that12:30
IrcsomeBot<mr_honesty1> Any solution please (re @mr_honesty1: )12:31
IrcsomeBot<mr_honesty1> What12:42
ats_what's up12:44
ats_how its going12:44
ats_sorry, i entered the wrong channel12:45
IrcsomeBot<mr_honesty1> This (re @mr_honesty1: )12:56
n0tl4mp3the Ubuntu Packages13:07
MegaMasterXCould you expand on that a little bit?13:08
IrcsomeBot<mr_honesty1> No13:13
oerheksmr_honestly1 your picture does not say much13:51
oerhekssomething github prayag2 ... so if you do not explain your problem, good luck!13:51
BluesKajHi all14:05
xvxIs Kubuntu compatible with Secure Boot? I see Ubuntu here but not Kubuntu https://kcm.trellix.com/corporate/index?page=content&id=KB9658617:39
mayorga1983Sorry  paprefs don work  in kunbuntu 24, i need help18:10
mayorga1983If anyone is interested I can pay mi mail one_hyper_@hotmail.com Francisco18:14
Mogul345Hi, I am hoping someone might be able to help me, as I'm stuck trying to install 24.04. I have been attempting to install it using the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_2019 without success. I've used this guide in the past. Does anyone know how I can achieve what the wiki describes:21:55
Mogul3451) encrypted ext4 partition w/ LUKS1, mounted at /boot21:55
Mogul3452) fat32 EFI partition, mounted at /boot/efi21:55
Mogul3453) encrypted LVM PV w/ LUKS2, that has the following 3 LV's:21:55
Mogul345  a) ext4 partition, mounted at /21:55
Mogul345  b) swap partition21:55
bpromptMogul345: the bot Drone will eventually remove the quiet mode, is triggered on a multiple-line in a few milliseconds, namely someone doing a flood of copy/paste, either  deliberately or accidentaly21:59
bprompt!paste @ Mogul34521:59
bprompt`paste @ Mogul34521:59
bpromptohhh crap21:59
bprompt`paste | Mogul34521:59
bprompt!paste | Mogul34521:59
ubottuMogul345: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:59
bpromptgot the wrong bot twice =)21:59
Mogul345Hi, sorry about that. Long time since using IRC22:00
IrcsomeBot<HMollerCl> Hi, after update from 23.10 to 24.04 I can't watch netflix, videos are paused. Youtube works ok22:08
IrcsomeBot<HMollerCl> Any ideas?22:08
Mogul345Ok, so here's my dilemma - I'm trying to do a clean install of 24.04, using this wiki article to do full disk encryption with /boot encrypted along with an encrypted LVM PV that will hold my 3 logical volumes for /, /home, and swap: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_2019. Unfortunately this is failing at the installing22:09
Mogul345bootloader step. Here's a paste to my calamares session.log file - https://dpaste.com/3JASH3TQ322:09
IrcsomeBot<HMollerCl> Sorry Youtube also is not working (re @HMollerCl: Hi, after update from 23.10 to 24.04 I can't watch netflix, videos are paused. Youtube works ok)22:11
bprompt<HMollerCl>:   are  you using Firefox?  how about in chrome?22:13
bpromptMogul345: quick nosing around of mine, do you really need an encrypted file system?22:16
Mogul345If it wasn't my laptop, I'd not bother. FWIW, I've used these instructions successfully 4 years ago, when I bought my last laptop and installed 20.0422:17
Mogul345But I do keep sensitive stuff on this laptop. And I like the partition layout in that wiki, because it makes taking snapshots of home easy22:17
bpromptMogul345: give it a try at #ubuntu channel, a few more folks there, but also give a bit of an explanation of how and where it fails, yes I saw the calamares session log22:21
Mogul345I got the suggestion to try to use the manual partitioning in calamares to set it all up, and it all works fine until I click the create new volume group and set it to use the newly created encrypted lvm2 pv. At that point the UI still only shows my disk in the storage device dropdown, and while the free space is properly the size of the LVM vg I22:23
Mogul345just created, and it allows me to add the /, swap, and /home lvs, I click the next button and it gives me a warning that I don't have an EFI partition setup, which is incorrect. It kind of feels like a bug in calamares (or the Kubuntu spin on it?)22:23
Mogul345Ok, I'll try that channel too. I came here since I know that Ubuntu uses that Flutter-based installer22:23
IrcsomeBot<HMollerCl> Tried firefox, brave and edge with the three same problem (re @IrcsomeBot: <bprompt> <HMollerCl>:   are  you using Firefox?  how about in chrome?)22:23
IrcsomeBot<HMollerCl> Any ideas on how to debug to understand what's happening?22:24
bpromptHMollerC:   my understanding of Firefox is that it requires a "widevine" plugin for Netflix to work in it, whilst "chromium-based" browsers, like google chrome or Opera or Vivaldi do not need anything, it works right out of the box22:25
bpromptHMollerC:   you tried on Brave, well, Brave is firefox-based, so one would end up with the same plugin issue I'd think, not sure on Edge22:27
nspeaksbprompt Brave is a chromium based browser. Not firefox.22:30
bpromptbprompt: hmmm is it? I misread then22:30
bpromptcrap, even talking to myself now hehehehe22:31
bpromptnspeaks:  hmmm is it? I misread then22:31
bpromptright, it shows that "now", used to be before I take it, either that or I misread it22:34
oerheksreinstall browser, make sure the .cache and .config folders are renamed/cleared ..22:35
oerheksthere is a 2023 howto, https://itsfoss.com/watch-netflix-in-ubuntu-linux/22:35
oerhekssome complain about hw acceleration not working with netflix, firefox.22:36
bpromptHMollerC:   as oerheks suggested, or better yet, uninstall it, then remove its folder from $HOME/.config , that will ensure the cache settings and any other date is really gone, then install the browser22:40
IrcsomeBot<Lakyatara> X0C22:57

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