[00:00] who? [00:03] for some reason i always remember their website as cpc.farnell.com [00:03] there's the full line - "CPC - Combined Precision Components is a trading name of Premier Farnell UK Limited." [00:03] daftykins: yeh, cpc is their less pro end of things [00:03] I meant more who do you go to instead [00:03] oh right [00:04] broadbandbuyer.com lately [00:04] ah yeh, I have seen them, not gouth anything off them yet [00:04] i made a trade account so i get a few quid off each item :D [00:05] in fact i need to very shortly order a network cabinet, patch panel, then a bunch of sockets and WiFi access points for some installations [00:06] Evening all. Apparently it's almost official that I will be a homeowner. [00:06] woohoo \o/ [00:07] is there a room for jaffa cake boxes? :) [00:07] Just got back from the inspection, dude said it's like new. Only thing needs doing is replacing the hot water tank. [00:07] daftykins: there's a WHOLE ROOM for Jaffa's [00:07] \o/ [00:07] I'm thinking of buying a PDU for my dads hifi cab; it's a wood built cupboard he made himself - that is supiciously 18" wide, it wont fit the ears but.. [00:08] can you order jaffa cakes under insulation grants ? [00:08] xD just pack 'em in! [12:31] jaffa house! [12:40] gingerbread houses are so dated :-P [15:01] and remember to check your gardens for any new suspicious plants after last nights display and destroy them :-) [15:06] indeed! [21:58] just back in from daily walk, no aurora. 50% cloud cover here [21:58] ooh [21:59] we were talking about that just earlier