
uuidNuniqhi, on aarch64, the kernel depends on linux-firmware, but my single board computer does not need any firmware, can i mark the firmware as installed to satisfy the kernel?00:57
uuidNuniqin another word, how can i prevent linux-firmware from installing if i really don't need it00:59
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uuidNuniqaha, i got it, using equivs to create a dummy package linux-firmware :)03:02
Bashing-omuuidNuniq: \o/03:03
uuidNuniqhere is what i did: https://0x0.st/X8DU.txt03:05
uuidNuniqit works great :) never worry about it again :003:06
=== JoeBk_ is now known as JoeBk
nagerstlets say i want to run my xterm as my desktop in full screen, how do i achieve this? or any other application for that matter?04:13
nagerstwithout a windo manager04:13
nagersti can make it look allright with awesomewm by disabling the entire bar on top.04:14
nagerstnot what i want though04:15
lotuspsychjenagerst: maybe with a server base + i3 everything cli04:15
nagersti3 is of course an option. but my goal is to run UAE as hosted like in AEROS but with a system from today and not debian from 2015.04:16
nagerstuae or terminal in full screen04:16
nagerstmy absolute preference would be no wayland or X at all but running UAE in framebuffer mode on a amdgpu04:18
nagerstkinda like what they attempted with QNX back in the day with amithlon.04:18
lotuspsychjesounds like a more just a server then nagerst ?04:18
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode04:18
lotuspsychjehmm that wiki is a bit old04:19
lotuspsychjemaybe talk to the server guys nagerst04:19
nagersti never got how you do it, i have seen youtube videos of people doing UAE on linux without xorg or wayland. but when i search for it nothing comes up any more.04:20
lotuspsychjewhats your machine gonna serve for exactly?04:20
nagerstplay amiga games04:20
lotuspsychjefor gaming you prob will need some graphical base i think04:20
lotuspsychjecant you just grab a mininal flavour and build up from there?04:21
nagerstarcade machine with sticks and buttons, and i have gotten that to work fine even without xinput.04:21
lotuspsychjexubuntu minimal 24.04 for example04:21
nagerstbut i want it to run without X. as i said i can probably do it with a tiling manager.04:22
lotuspsychjethink i3 still uses x or wayland04:23
nagerstaccording to ducumentation UAE is supposed to work fine in framebuffer mode as long as the system has a recent sdl and allegro sound compatible system..04:23
lotuspsychjebut its much faster booting then a classical desktop04:23
nagersthaving it being framebuffer is not "required" i just like to keep it close to bare metal.04:24
nagerstkinda how i run dosbox for my other arcades without Xorg or wayland. But that is a different beast.04:25
nagerstdosbox on ubuntu is great, i even tried running windows 3.1 on it, and it reminded me of the bad old days =D04:26
nagerstbut much faster of course04:26
nagerst21 floppies... ugh04:26
nagerstyeah i know... i just did it as a proof of concept to prive that SDL is a better sollution than actually keeping the old crappy dos systems alive with retro parts that cost a fortune04:42
nagerstanyone can just buy a core2 duo or newer for bascily nothing, run ubuntu on it without X or Wayland in cli, then use SDL and dosbox -F -r 1024x128x32k (depending on native resolutions) and have much better performance.04:45
nagerstfun for arcade machines, but pretty much useless for most other tasks.04:45
nagerstwordperfect is still better than most other gui wordprocessors though. corel draw is also awesome, not as good as deluxe paint of course, as it does not support animations.04:46
lotuspsychje!discuss | nagerst04:47
ubottunagerst: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!04:47
nagerstthe question is how to run UAE on base ubuntu without Xorg or Wayland.04:47
uuidNuniqdracut-install is extremely slow04:54
nagerstuuidNuniq: EXT or XFS?05:18
nagerstor is it a process problem?05:18
nagersthtop will tell you what is the issue05:18
nagerstI thought ubuntu had moved to xfs by default by now or zfs, but it seems it still uses the archaic ext file system by default. Speed difference is significant as whown by phoronix from 2015 onwards.05:20
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BrassPin88who is /dev/sda6 and what business does it have clearing all my precious inodes after the grub screen?05:32
BrassPin88what can I do? I feel absolutely powerless infront of it.05:33
uuidNuniqnagerst: i use initramfs-tools, but dracut-install is still being used05:38
uuidNuniqthat piece of shit is really slow.05:38
maydoYo I wanna off topic rn.05:39
XimouuidNuniq: is it possible you're the slow part?05:40
uuidNuniqi am not sure why dracut-install is used, `top` shows it is searching stuff05:41
=== maydo is now known as Maydo
nagerstidk, but i would your kill -9 that process and let it advance. This is not how you usally do it, byt pre packaged06:17
uuidNuniqinitramfs-tools does not depend on dracut-install on debian06:22
ruspywhen is bing chat being integrated into ubuntu08:57
WhateverMateI'm using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. Does anyone know if ufw's application integration works by only allowing traffic to the application or is the feature just used to determine which port(s) to allow based on an applications profile?09:05
=== five618480338 is now known as five61848033
mkoucan you help with May 10 11:46:12 userx bluetoothd[1366]: src/profile.c:ext_io_disconnected() Unable to get io data for Hands-Free Voice gateway: getpeername: Transport endpoint is not connected (107)10:07
mkouafter an unattended update lots of things got wrong, not just the bluetooth10:08
masberhi, I am overseas, connected to internet and location services on... the cloak is still showing the time from home instead of the new place I am in10:56
masberwhy is that?10:56
masberany idea how to make automatic timezone to work?10:57
EriC^^what cloak masber ?10:58
EriC^^clock you mean10:58
masberthe one I see in the taskbar10:58
masberthe bar at the top10:58
masberin the middle10:58
masberstatus bar10:59
masberI live in Switzerland and I am now in New Zealand...10:59
masberand it still showing Zurich time10:59
EriC^^masber: what's in the 'settings -> time & date' ?11:04
masberEriC^^ https://pasteboard.co/LBTpg6GHvfge.png11:06
EriC^^odd masber11:22
EriC^^it sounds counterintuitive but try to turn location services off11:24
EriC^^seems some bug https://forum.manjaro.org/t/location-services-doesnt-seem-to-function-at-all/93044/611:24
ghostofwallstreecheeki breeki11:28
lotuspsychjecan we help you ghostofwallstree ?11:29
ghostofwallstreenot unless you know how to make gpu mining profitable11:30
younderHaving some problems with tmux. I can only make it work with TERM=xterm and the tmux-themepack doesn't seem to work12:32
younderso no powerline12:33
younderI am using Ubuntu 24.0412:34
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BluesKajHi all14:05
Prunershi BluesKaj14:06
BluesKajhi Pruners14:06
=== deepSleep is now known as Guest8099
=== s is now known as xvx
xvxWhat's the difference between "Snap packages" and "Debian packages" in the App Centre?15:47
ubottuSnaps are containerised software packages similar to Flatpaks and AppImages. For more info, see https://snapcraft.io15:47
oerheksand debian packages are .deb files15:47
xvxWhy does the App Center show both? my initial assumption was it just showed snaps15:50
oerheksconvenient, not to search in 2 software tools15:51
xvxif I filter by "Debian packages" in App Centre, is that equivalent to doing command `apt search` in terminal?15:51
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oerheksxvx, yes, somewhat15:54
xvxWill App Centre search just the default Ubuntu apt repository, or all the PPAs that I'm connected to? (or something else?)15:55
oerheksif you added a ppa, those packages are listed too.15:56
ravageAnd also the snap store 15:57
xvxoerheks: it doesn't seem listed though. I added PPA to apt for ungoogled-chromium today and installed it via terminal. Now I searched App Centre (Debian package) but it's not there15:59
xvxAlso I think other times I searched in App Centre (filtered Debian packages) and didn't see any result, but found it in `apt search`16:01
ravageThen just use apt install 16:03
oerheksthis ppa? ppa:xtradeb/apps16:03
ravageI ignore that app center completely :) 16:03
xvxI think so yes16:04
oerhekschromium is a snap now, not sure it can conflict16:04
xvxungoogled-chromium is different16:04
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1966142 in snap-store-desktop "Ubuntu Software does not include .deb packages" [Critical, Fix Released]16:05
xvxit says fix released though?16:06
ioriashould be fixed16:06
oerheksthat was in 2022, ioria16:06
ioriaxvx, are you on 22.04 ?16:06
xvx24.04. I do see results in App Centre btw, my point is searching apt in terminal gives more/other results16:07
xvxI was hoping I could conveniently search  snap/deb in Software Centre instead of have to additionally search in apt terminal16:08
ioriaxvx, sy, i don't follow16:08
ioriaxvx, you don't get results in snap-store or what ?16:10
xvxHere's an example (random thing I searched):16:10
xvxsearching 'imgvtopgm' in App Centre (Debian packages) has no results, but there is result in apt terminal16:11
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ioriaxvx, is 'imgvtopgm' a only cli app ?16:12
xvxmight be (I thought App Centre worked for cli apps too though?)16:12
ioriaxvx, i dont think so; but you can make a .desktop file16:13
ioriain /usr/share/applications16:13
xvxSo is this correct? App Centre, siltered by Debian packages, will search for all the same results as `apt search` but filter out CLI apps16:16
ioriait needs a .desktop file afaik16:16
xvxok let me try it16:16
xvxI did `touch .desktop` in that directory, still don't see results in App Centre. Maybe need to restart PC16:19
ioriatouch ? you need to edit a new one with its correct syntax16:20
xvxoh how? (I install Ubuntu today so idk lol)16:21
ioriaxvx, you installed ubuntu today for the first time ?16:22
xvxI've tried/used it before, but first time I want to use as my primary OS16:23
ioriaxvx, cp a .desktop file from /usr/share/application in your home; open it , read it and check this : https://docs.fileformat.com/settings/desktop/16:25
ioriathere are also tools that does that for you afair16:26
xvxSo is this correct: I need to make a desktop entry file with the right details for a particular app, then if I search in App Centre for the Debian package, it should show?16:29
oerheksthe .desktop file shows up in your software menu, not in app center16:30
leftyfbxvx: I think the criteria to show up in the app center, the application needs to have a desktop file as part of it's packaging16:31
xvxah so only a subset of Debian packages will appear in App Centre16:41
leftyfbit's primarily graphical apps, but a small portion of CLI apps will show up because they have a .desktop file as part of the package16:42
xvxI hoped I could conveniently just search App Centre (snaps + Debian packages), but will need to additionally do `apt search`16:42
leftyfbfor instance, vim shows up in the software center, it's a CLI tool but it does have a .desktop file which just brings it up in a terminal when you run it from the desktop16:43
oerheksah, metapackages only16:43
oerheksmy bad16:43
leftyfbxvx: I honestly don't see the advantage of searching for CLI applications in the software center. If you plan on using it in a terminal, just use that to search16:43
xvxBecause I'm checking for Snaps first, then resorting to apt secondly. I read Snap targets both UI and CLI apps16:44
xvxidk if apt is inherently better for CLI apps though, I know Snap is unpopular in general with some people16:46
ioriaalso taxes are unpopular16:47
xvxidk if leftyfb is suggesting apt is better for CLI apps. I installed today Neovim through Snap (App Centre)16:49
ioriaxvx, ah, forgot, in order to add a custom item in snap-store you need also a .xml in /usr/share/metainfo17:10
xvxI guess that doesn't add any convenient though if I'd need to manually add it there isntead of just `apt install x`17:14
ioriathat's why it's called a 'custom' thing17:16
xvxMaybe the more convient way to search for UI/CLI apps is by doing `snap search x` then `apt search x` in terminal instead of using App Centre17:19
leftyfbit's certainly the quickest and will yield more results17:20
xvxwhat approach do you take?17:20
leftyfball CLI17:21
leftyfbI use the desktop mainly for websites17:21
xvxhuh you haven't installed any UI apps?17:21
oerhekstry synaptic https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/addremove-install-synaptic.html.en17:21
leftyfbxvx: I do, but I use the terminal more17:22
=== JoeBk_ is now known as JoeBk
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel
blackspidermanBack in high school they used to call me nigger18:28
blackspidermanBut now they still call me nigger. Fuk18:28
oerheks!coc | blackspiderman18:30
ubottublackspiderman: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is the document that spells out etiquette in the Ubuntu community | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv18:30
blackspidermanIm black. Black spiderman. Banning me is racist18:30
mybalzitchhey I spotted the person with the room temperature IQ18:31
mybalzitch<3 Flanne l18:31
oerhekswelcome to saturday support, mybalzitch18:31
bpromptunless you're in Asia or Australia, is Sunday's support18:34
ravageOr Europe 18:35
ravageSo basically in a lot of places 18:36
TrueLibreHi guys, what setting should I look in my router to allow ssh out home network?18:38
mybalzitchyou want people to be able to ssh in?18:38
leftyfbTrueLibre: that would be a #hardware or #networking question. Unless your router is running Ubuntu18:38
TrueLibreI mean for ipv6, for ipv4 I can just port forward in router18:39
leftyfbTrueLibre: but also, since you're asking that question, I don't think it's a good idea18:39
TrueLibreleftyfb: thanks for pointing out, im new to this irc thing18:39
TrueLibre--> "Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be logged into your NickServ account"18:40
bpromptTrueLibre:  maybe a better question is, what do you have in mind with SSH?   do you even  need it?18:40
TrueLibremybalzitch: Only me18:40
TrueLibrebprompt: I want to manage my homelab ubuntu mini server outside the home.18:41
bpromptTrueLibre: ok, remote home-server management access18:42
TrueLibreand want to allow ssh connection from ipv6 only.. its part of my learning curve.18:43
TrueLibrecurrently my home network is on Zyxel router..18:44
sixwheeledbeastport forwarding has nothing to do with v6, do you have a v6 connection on the wan18:47
bpromptTrueLibre: right , hmmm as I myself dunno, however the guys at #ubuntu-server may, now some channels use +r mode( registered nicks allowed only ), reason being that prevents nick-floods, and those happen, so you'd want to first try to see if  #ubuntu-server is not +r, from what I can see is not, so you should be able to go right in18:47
leftyfbsixwheeledbeast: ipv6 supports NAT which is more than likely what they have18:48
sixwheeledbeasteither way it's not really a ubuntu related, you can open your port inbound with ufw to the machine you want for v6 only.18:49
leftyfbufw will only work on their router if it's running linux with ufw18:49
sixwheeledbeastthis is #ubuntu right? i am staying ontopic18:50
leftyfbUbuntu doesn't have a firewall enabled by default18:51
oerheksif that ubuntu server got a static ipv6 ip ...18:51
leftyfbif they can't access their machine remotely, it's due to NAT and they need to forward a port. Nothing needs to be done on the ubuntu side besides install ssh18:51
leftyfboerheks: if it did, they probably wouldn't be asking how to port forward :)18:51
oerheksyes, client list would allow you to do something18:52
TrueLibreYa, my ISP do provide ipv6.. may be you can help pointing out which channel should I ask. #networking block unregister nickname18:52
leftyfb!register | TrueLibre18:52
ubottuTrueLibre: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://libera.chat/guides/registration - For any further help, ask in #libera18:52
bpromptsixwheeledbeast: yes is #ubuntu, however the channel is not terribly busy, we know is a bit offtopic18:53
bpromptTrueLibre: well, there's also #ipv6 , is not +r, so you can go right in18:57
=== sonOfRa_ is now known as sonOfRa
younderUbuntu 24.04 - Ended up building tmux from source when the ubuntu supplied versions wouldn't play nice with the gnome-terminal. Seems it can't understand xterm-256colors. Buildt it against system ncurses and it works again.20:04
rboxyou shoudn't be setting term t o xterm inside of tmux...20:08
younderXterm is limited. try running btop and the lines separating the entries don't show up under xterm20:23
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=== ferret is now known as Guest6825
Mogul345Hi everyone, need some help. I'm trying to do a clean install of Kubuntu 24.04, using this wiki article to do full disk encryption with /boot encrypted along with an encrypted LVM PV that will hold my 3 logical volumes for /, /home, and swap: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_2019. Unfortunately this is failing at the22:32
Mogul345installing bootloader step. Here's a paste to my calamares session.log file - https://dpaste.com/3JASH3TQ3. Here's a link to the error I'm getting https://imgur.com/2Hj2ZSP22:32
Mogul345I assume the issue is that the instructions are written for the older installer, not the new calamares based installer Kubuntu uses22:32
RemyZwitserland won,,!!!22:47
jeremy31Remy: Wrong chat22:52

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