
tsimonq2[m]done, I think13:41
tsimonq2[m]No worries - Aaron will have admin when he joins, that should lower friction there 13:41
nils[m]done i think ๐Ÿ™‚13:41
tsimonq2Can confirm :)13:42
tsimonq2[m]Thank you Nils!13:42
nils[m]you can invite Ubottu but that is optional of course13:42
tsimonq2Oh cool, yeah that'll work :)13:43
tsimonq2[m]Alfred: welcome!13:44
Ubottu[m]<p><a href="https://ubuntu.com/pro">Ubuntu Pro</a> provides extra security fixes for software in the Ubuntu archive. It is free for both personal and business use for up to five desktop machines. Without it, you will continue to receive normal Ubuntu updates.</p>13:44
tsimonq2[m]Ah cool, Ubottu works \o/13:44
Alfred[m]tsimonq2[m]: Hey!13:44
nils[m]getting crowded here14:26
nils[m]i feel like you really want that to be added ๐Ÿ˜›14:41
ErichEickmeyer[mDuh. ๐Ÿ˜†14:42
Ubottu[m]<p>Yum! Err, I mean, APT!</p>14:43
ErichEickmeyer[mThanks for indulging me. XD14:44
arraybolt313:44 <Ubottu[m]> <p><a href="https://ubuntu.com/pro">Ubuntu Pro</a> provides extra security fixes for software in the Ubuntu archive. It is free for both personal and business use for up to five desktop machines. Without it, you will continue to receive normal Ubuntu updates.</p>18:32
arraybolt3um, why HTML?18:32
arraybolt3any way to fix that on the IRC side?18:32
ErichEickmeyer[mDeal with it. ๐Ÿ˜Ž18:35
nils[m]That was a recent change. To make the mentions workย 19:55
nils[m]But I can look into it againย 19:55
nils[m]IRC is so legacy :P19:56

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