
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
AdamExplorerHello,  I'm new to linux.. and my homelab ubuntu 24.04 server just not responding. Can't access webserver, ssh and other services. How do I troubleshoot and what logs should I check?06:38
lotuspsychjeAdamExplorer: you could try nmap -sV -PN your-server-ip-here to see what ports/services are open or closed06:45
lotuspsychjeAdamExplorer: maybe firewall or router clocks your services, so you need to investigate a bit06:45
AdamExplorerlotuspsychje: https://pastebin.com/iuL2GfbS07:01
lotuspsychjeAdamExplorer: yeah, filtered means they are firewalled07:02
lotuspsychjeAdamExplorer: you will have to checkout your firewall or router settings07:03
lotuspsychje!firewall | AdamExplorer 07:03
ubottuAdamExplorer: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo07:03
lotuspsychje!security | AdamExplorer 07:04
ubottuAdamExplorer: Security Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall, !server, and !usn07:04
lotuspsychjeAdamExplorer: once you find out what blocks your services ports, you might wanna inestigate and protect your ssh too07:05
AdamExplorer42lotuspsychje: ufw is not activated and I do not touch my router setup.07:07
lotuspsychjenmap doesnt lie, if it says they are filtered, it is so07:07
lotuspsychjeotherwise it would give you a list with open ports too07:07
=== AdamExplorer42 is now known as AdamExplorer
lotuspsychjeAdamExplorer: you might wanna scan with nmap, on both local and remote ip, they have different output07:24
AdamExplorerFound the culprit, USB SSD suddently malfunction.10:30
pitchi was send here form #ubuntu17:50
pitchwanted to know if the server live iso has zfs installed and ready to use.17:50
JanCpitch: it should be available, yes, as it can install on ZFS20:32
pitchJanC: thanks!20:32
JanCpitch: and if it's not available you should always be able to install zfsutils-linux20:52
ProJuHello peeps, I hope you are all good. I am running a fresh install of Ubuntu Server 24.04 (with Ubuntu-desktop as post installation) but I am not able to remote desktop from another ubuntu machine (RDP with Remmina). Can anyone please support? Thanks21:22
JanCthat's not really a server question, it seems21:34
oerheks!info remmina-plugin-rdp21:37
ubotturemmina-plugin-rdp (1.4.35+dfsg-0ubuntu4, noble): RDP plugin for Remmina. In component main, is optional. Built by remmina. Size 52 kB / 169 kB21:37
oerheksdid you install this part too? 21:37
oerheksfor vnc, remmina-plugin-vnc21:37
ProJuyep the plugin is installed. I manage to estabilish the connection, but nothing shows into the remote desktop. Both machines have the firewall deactivayed21:38
MTeckdbungert: Were there any breaking changes with autoinstall config files between 20.04 and 22.04? I can go through a manual install fine, but when I try to use the autoinstall that works for 20.04 using a 22.04 installer, I see the two early commands execute and then everything halts.22:58
MTeckhttp://dpaste.com/D5TH6DRCS - the only interesting thing in the .crash file seems to be a copy of the same log file referenced in the paste ... chicken & egg23:04

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