
=== Guest1127 is now known as marcopolo2
eelstrebori don't know what changed but i can no longer update on one of my pc's:  Err:33 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy/universe DEP-11 48x48 Icons00:22
eelstrebor  Error reading from server00:22
ravageAnd can you open that link in your browse? 00:30
eelstreborravage, yes00:57
eelstrebori got to: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy-updates/universe/dep11/00:58
eelstrebornone of the "fixes" that i found will fix the problem01:03
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logangplus I doubt anyone uses this anyway04:38
logangbut hi04:38
=== AdamExplorer42 is now known as AdamExplorer
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=== s is now known as Guest4686
=== Guest4686 is now known as xvx
xvxI am new, did I do a bad command? https://pasteboard.co/2EHoEWSthVu0.png  I tried undoing a previous install, but looks like it removed snapd, python-pip3, xorg, etc :s09:00
lotuspsychjexvx: image not found on your url09:01
xvxFiles application has disappeared now :s09:02
lotuspsychjexvx: why did you purge ca-certificates gnupg exactly for?09:03
xvxI was trying to install pgadmin4, and the guide had included `apt install ca-certificates gnupg`. pgadmin4 install failed so I wanted to reverse the installs09:05
aldcoryou did bad command, xvx as you can see it says that xorg xserver-xorg will be removed - xorg is needed for your graphical environment..09:05
xvxI'm on 24.04 Wayland if it matters09:05
aldcoroh, yeah, then you still got graphical env09:06
aldcorusing sway or something else?09:06
xvxI am new, not sure09:06
aldcorso, you executed command and all those packages were removed?09:07
aldcori'd say python3 may be useful at some point but as for the rest.. if your system works good, it's probably ok09:09
xvxI want it to be the default Ubuntu state before I removed those09:10
aldcorhowever, wayland these days are used with together with DE so. if you don't know what you are using it's hard to answer09:10
aldcoryou installed newest ubuntu version?09:10
xvxyes, yesterday09:11
aldcorwell, i assume you don't have yet much important files on your pc so I would just do fresh install.09:12
xvxoof, spent whole day setting it up. A little scared to bork my work PC with another partition09:13
aldcoryou could do something like `apt install xorg xserver-xorg python3 update-manager-core` or basically copy most of what you see09:13
aldcoror even copy the whole thing ander REMOVED09:14
aldcor`sudo apt install <all the packages you see being removed>`09:14
xvxI'll try. Will that bring back Files app?09:14
aldcorit is actually Nautilus09:15
aldcoryou can install it with sudo apt install nautilus or you can try other program like thunar09:16
xvxFiles is back!09:16
aldcor \o/09:17
aldcorubuntu renames program names.. not sure why09:17
aldcoror rather - gnome does it09:18
xvxI have a lot to learn. Why would `apt uninstall ca-certificates gnupg` delete all those programs?09:18
aldcorif you want to learn I can share some tips, are you interested?09:18
aldcorxvx: have you ever looked at `man apt` ?09:20
aldcori recommend that, you will see most common `apt` usage. So, before you install or remove package you can read short description about it09:21
aldcorxvx: try apt show ca-certificates09:22
aldcorand also apt show gnupg09:22
xvxI guess `apt uninstall` is an alias for `apt remove` and maybe `purge`. I did the command09:23
aldcorwhy would `apt uninstall ca-certificates gnupg` delete so many important packages is beyond my understanding. I am linux user for many years but not ubuntu user. There are multiple package managers09:25
aldcorwell, i am ubuntu user now for a testing purpose09:25
xvxyeah I don't see anything about e.g. `snapd`, `nautilus`, `python-pip3` etc09:25
aldcorwhen you execute program you should read what it's about to do, especially what it's about to remove09:26
tomreynpackages define dependencies between one another. often, one package depends on functionality other packwges provide, so you need to have both installed if you want one of them, and apt handles that automatically for you.09:26
aldcor`snapd software-properties-common software-properties-gtk ubuntu-desktop-minimal ubuntu-release-upgrader-core`09:26
aldcorthese are all important part of base install to my understanding09:26
aldcoralso gunpg and python309:27
aldcoryeah, dependcies are shared between many programs09:27
tomreynca-certificates contains information on all the CA's (pre-trusted) root certificates which anything speaking TLS needs to know. so if you remove this package, anything that tries to speak TLS will probably be removed, too.09:27
aldcorsometimes in order to remove dependecie you have to remove program or vice versa09:27
tomreyngnupg is used internally by apt to verify authenticity of package downloads, so this is quite essential, too09:28
aldcoroh yes09:28
aldcorxvx: can you share a link you saw this command being recommended?09:28
xvxthat's very intricate (and weird?), if removing a program entails removing its dependencies09:29
aldcorit's not always the case but you removed a program which is essential to whole system basically09:30
aldcorand it has shared deps with many other essential programs09:30
tomreynactually i seem to have been wrong there, gnupg is not an *essential* package, or apt would have stated so when you tried to remove it per https://bpa.st/raw/3EFA09:31
aldcorrather, what you tried to do is very uncommon, that's why I asked for that link09:31
aldcori would say for security reasons gnupg is essential09:32
tomreynmost likely several other applications depends on or recommend it.09:32
xvxI didn't see the uninstall command, in a guide it said to install those two packages but my original pgadmin4 install failed. So I wanted to undo the installs I had done, seemed logical to `uninstall` like I would in npm09:35
aldcorbased on this site, installation is straight forward https://www.pgadmin.org/download/pgadmin-4-apt/09:36
aldcorsetup a repo, and install via apt. It should work09:37
xvxI saw that, but was confused that 24.04 isn't listed there09:37
xvxlet me try again, when I tried it before it gave me an error09:38
tomreyn24.04 is not yet supported09:38
aldcoroh right09:38
xvxthat's why I tried undoing it, and led to this mess :D09:39
tomreynxvx: when you remove a package, say pgadmin4 (which is not in ubuntu, so you must have installed this from a different apt repository, or as a snap), other packages pgadmin4 depended on will also be removed IF they are not also used by some other package.09:39
tomreynso you don't need to explicitly list packages that were installed automatically to satisfy pgadmin4's dependencies09:39
xvxso is it safer to resist the temptation to clean up my system by keeping dependencies there?09:40
tomreynmost systems have plenty of storage nowadays. auto-detection of which dependencies can be removed is good but not perfect, so you may indeed end up with more packages installed, and you could try to remove some manually (until you run into the kind of output you had here which clearly indicates removing these packages is probably not a good idea).09:42
xvxI used this guide as it's for 24.04, not sure why it worked for him if 24.04 is not supported https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riZPxu3r-nY09:43
tomreynbut you can also just safely ignore trying to remove dpeendencies of a package you installed, in the end you'll have enough space anyways.09:43
tomreynxvx: my "24.04 is not yet supported (by pgadmin4)" statement is simply based on "Ubuntu 24.04" not being listed on this table at https://www.pgadmin.org/download/pgadmin-4-apt/09:45
tomreynit *may* still work, i really don't know09:45
aldcori run lot of software which is not supposed to even work on linux :) there are always some workarounds09:46
tomreynhmm, no, won't work. there's no "noble" directory at https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/pgadmin/pgadmin4/apt/09:46
aldcorwouldn't older pgadmin4 version work on newest ubuntu?09:47
aldcorxvx: probably by june/july pgadmin4 will also work just fine on ubuntu09:48
xvxI'm used to Windows/Mac where older software (in my experience) usuallys works with newer OS09:50
tomreynit's not just a matter of pgadmin4 binaries working, but also whether the debian packages will be installable. packages do not only define other packages they depend on, but also concrete or lowest or highest versions of other packages. So, with an apt installation, YMMY.09:53
aldcorthat's more distro related, not specifically linux. i mean, pgadmi4 probably will be in most rolling release distros repos. For example it is in archlinux aur09:54
tomreynon a quick glance on https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/pgadmin/pgadmin4/apt/mantic/dists/pgadmin4/main/binary-amd64/Packages you *may* succeed with an unsupported (both by this channel, because it's a third party repository, and by pgadmin folks) apt installation on noble (24.04) by using mantic (23.10) apt sources09:54
tomreynthere's also a "python" installation method, which also doesn't look like i'd want to support it, but this may succeed. or you wait, or build from source.09:55
aldcoralso since you are new, installing from source might be good learning experience and it's not difficult actually09:56
aldcorbro got overwhelmed10:01
=== s is now known as xvx
xvxWell `sudo apt update` prints "The repository 'https://www.pgadmin.org/static/packages_pgadmin_org.pub -cs) Release' does not have a Release file.N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default." which suggests it might be installable10:03
xvxmay be wiser just to use sth like DBeaver though10:03
tomreynexactly, this ("noble"/24.04) apt repository does not exist, yet.10:09
tomreynif you'd like, right now, an ubuntu installation where third party packaged software is already available, I recommend to install Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, and to upgrade to 24.04 when the upgrade becomes available. by then, most third party software will have been packaged, too.10:12
xvxIn general, is it painful to continually update Ubuntu non-LTS releases because software incompatibility?10:13
xvxas in updating in the first month10:14
tomreynupgrading from Ubuntu LTS to LTS is commonly entirely painless if you (a) do it while LTS upgrades are supported and (b) don't have third-party apt repositories installed and (c) don't have unsupported system customizations10:17
tomreyn(b) should read "don't have third-party apt repositories or debian packages (.deb) installed"10:18
tomreynthe same goes for non-LTS release upgrade10:19
tomreynespecially if you're new to Ubuntu I would recommend using LTS releases, though.10:19
xvxI like new and shiny things though :) I was considering using rolling release like Manjaro10:21
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.10:21
xvxI thought a maybe adquate compromise may be the 6 month releases10:22
tomreynit would not be to me, on a server or my main desktop, due to how much effort goes into fixing software bugs on these releases. but YMMV.10:24
tomreynothers are happyily running those10:24
xvxwhat do you use?10:24
xvxregarding "fixing software bugs", this OS feels pretty buggy so far (had crash reports, tiling weirdly gets stuck occasionally, etc)10:27
tomreynyou're using an LTS release which is very young. it will have more bugs then which are only exposed by a wide userbase. the most serious ones will be fixed until .110:28
xvximagine what a young non-LTS is like then... Maybe might as well use rolling release10:29
kostkonxvx, in my case nautilus crashing every time I opened a folder with 120k images and thumbnails on. I could easily do it in Windows. More of a problem with the thumbnailer though tbh10:32
DiagonThis is the first time I've seen ubuntu update on bootup, and then reboot itself.  Can someone clue me in regarding what's new here?11:06
gordonjcpcan anyone confirm if Ubuntu 24.04 fixes the broken terminal input with NVidia now?11:09
olspookishmagusanyone knows which is the software that enables this functionality? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=ubuntu_rightclick_cd.png11:25
olspookishmagusis it a GNOME feature?11:25
tomreynolspookishmagus: i'm *guessing* it might be a feature provided by brasero11:30
tomreynthere was nautilus-extension-brasero until jammy11:31
Guest50Hi, I installed Ubuntu Unity 24.04 minimal, then I installed the snap-store, but the snap-store does only run if I start it from the terminal. How can I fix this?11:45
olspookishmagusthank you tomreyn12:10
aaaahow to get a free shell ?12:12
tarzeauaaaa: for what?12:14
tarzeaui've seen many at the beach. but if you mean $SHELL i know where you could, depends what you want to work on...12:15
aaaatarzeau to install an IRC server12:15
Guest100any ideas to my snap-store question?12:16
tarzeauaaaa: for that you'd probably need to make your own server..12:16
tarzeauGuest100: what is snap-store? can't find it at https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=snap-store12:17
aldcorfree shell to install irc server? :)12:17
aldcorbro is confused12:17
tarzeaualdcor: maybe he means a bouncer, just a client but who knows12:17
aldcori prefer your idea about beach :)12:18
Guest100@tarzeau I installed Ubuntu Unity 24.04 (minimal) and I wanted to add some software but there is no graphical software to do that. I googled and found that this graphical software for Ubuntu is called snap-store. But I couldn't find the info if that is still the case for 24.0412:19
tarzeauGuest100: just do it without graphical software? apt is your friend?12:20
aldcorisnt't there `App Center` in all ubuntu versions?12:21
tarzeauGuest100: i've never see anyone install software graphically since 20 years on debian or deb based systems... and i've seen 5000+ users12:21
aldcoryou should've seen me today12:21
aldcori installed steam and spotify from App Center12:21
Guest100the minimal install doesn't come with the app centre installed12:21
aldcorGuest100: open terminal and do `apt install <whateva ya need>`12:22
aldcorsudo apt install *12:22
Guest100sudo apt install app-centre doesn't work :/12:23
aldcorinstall what you need directly, without app center12:23
Guest100but I would like to have both options the graphical way and the terminal way. is that possible?12:26
aldcorGuest100: you want vlc, for example? do `sudo apt install vlc`12:26
aldcorit is12:26
aldcorbut I don't know actual name of app center.. they hide it from us :D12:26
aldcortherefor I can't search it with apt12:27
aldcorbut let me see what I can find12:27
Guest100I found this https://askubuntu.com/questions/955227/how-to-install-elementary-os-appcenter-on-ubuntu12:27
Guest100but I don't know which repo I need to add for 24.0412:27
aldcorGuest100: just try that howto 1:1 and see if it works12:33
Guest100Should I use sudo add-apt-repository ppa:elementary-os/daily ? It says it is for Ubuntu newer than 16.04LTS, which is pretty old12:35
aldcordaily? no12:39
aldcorjust add repo and when you apt install that package that specific repo will be picked12:39
Guest100add which repo?12:39
aldcoroh, i misunderstood your question :)12:40
aldcoryeah, just follow that howto12:40
ioriano daily, go with stable Guest10012:40
Guest100ok thx, I'll try the howto 1:1 but switch out daily for stable, brb12:41
ioriaGuest100, daily is : 'it's useful only if you are a developer and are not afraid to encounter CRITICAL BUGS'12:41
Guest100I'm not a dev, I just want to build a solid Ubuntu PC for an older family member.12:43
ioriathen don't add ppas12:43
Guest100what is ppas?12:43
ioriasomething 'external' ; might cause troubles and you have to ready to manage12:43
ioria*to be ready12:44
Guest100I'm very sry, I don't understand your point. Could you explain this a little for me pls?12:45
aldcorGuest100: i suggest gnome version then. All the basics will be there and very little to zero tinkering12:45
ioriaGuest100, you install software from the ubuntu official repositories (with apt or gui); those ppa are not part of the repositories12:46
Guest100The "problem" my older family member are used to Unity. I try the Ubuntu to look like what the already knew. You know?12:47
ioriaGuest100, sure i got it12:47
Guest100that`s why there is a need for a install with gui. I apt installed my way to get here to ask for help :)12:49
BluesKajHi all12:49
aldcorGuest100: well, we are helping :)12:49
Guest100yes you are12:49
aldcorso, did you add repo?12:49
aldcorfollowed howto?12:49
Guest100yes I followed the how to but the installation failed12:53
Guest100On the step sudo apt install appcenter12:54
Guest100I get an error message telling me the package appcenter was not found12:54
ioriaGuest100, run 'sudo apt update'12:54
Guest100I did that12:55
ioriaGuest100, apt-cache policy appcenter | nc termbin.com 999912:55
Guest100still the same error12:56
ioriaGuest100, paste the link you got12:56
Guest100sry, do I find the link?12:57
ioriaGuest100, apt-cache policy appcenter | nc termbin.com 999912:57
Guest100when the terminal executes this there is no output12:58
ioriaah, so it's null ;12:58
ioriaGuest100, sudo apt update | nc termbin.com 999912:58
Guest100know there are a few lines of output :) should I use pastebin? Or a language translator maybe?13:00
ioriadon't you have a link ?13:00
Guest100I got lines like this:13:01
Guest100E: Das Depot »https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ximion/packagekit/ubuntu noble Release« enthält keine Release-Datei.13:01
Guest100E: Das Depot »http://packages.elementary.io/appcenter noble Release« enthält keine Release-Datei.13:02
ioriaGuest100, copy the output of 'sudo apt update' here -> https://paste.linux.chat/13:03
ioriaGuest100, i think you have already added some other  repository for appcenter13:07
ioriaGuest100, run 'apt-cache policy appcenter' and paste the output as above13:08
ioriatold you to stay away from ppas13:09
Guest100N: Paket appcenter kann nicht gefunden werden.13:09
Guest100can't find the package13:09
ioriayep, adding the ppa repo failed13:11
ProJuHello Gents, hope you are all good. I have freshly installed Ubuntu Server 24.04 and subsequently added Ubuntu-Desktop as graphical interface. My machine is running headless, and I have set the GUI not to start at boot. I can succesfully SSH into the machine, but I am failing to RDP. I tried to activate the function in ubuntu but still it does not estabilish connection. Can someone kindlu support me?13:13
ioriaGuest100, i suggest you to ppa-purge both elementary-os/stable/  and  http://packages.elementary.io/appcenter  (idk what that is)13:14
Guest100ok how do I do that?13:15
ioriaGuest100, sudo apt install ppa-purge (but maybe you have no pkgs from them)13:17
Guest100result says that changes nothing13:18
ioriaGuest100, what ?13:18
Guest100sudo apt install ppa-purge13:18
ioriaGuest100, that is a command to install a program; it does not fix anything per se13:21
ioriaGuest100, nvm; open Software & Updates13:21
ioriaGuest100, click on 'Other Software'13:21
ioriaGuest100, untick all the ppas13:21
Guest100ok donw13:22
Guest100-w +e13:23
ioriai have to be afk for 1h, sy13:26
Guest100ok thank you for your help so far :)13:26
=== jiggawatt is now known as NEGRUMPS
ActionParsnipThought it'd be buzzing in here after a new release14:34
cosmicrajivhi all! why the backward/forward gestures for firefox is not working on ubuntu 24.04?14:47
ActionParsnipUnder which desktop environment etc? Which version of Firefox? Snap or deb?14:49
blackmnHow do i report ubuntu cinamon bugs. Left the pc running for 10 days when i came back the gpu was on fire14:51
NEGRUMPSas in, literal fire ?14:53
=== NEGRUMPS is now known as negrumps
negrumpsor just hot14:53
negrumpsor loud14:53
blackmnYeah it exploded. The pc no longer turns on14:53
blackmnHowever i managed to get the logs from the ssd14:53
ActionParsnipblackmn: ubuntu-bug packagename   In a terminal, will start the process for you14:53
blackmnTurns out there's a Wayland issue14:53
ActionParsnipOr this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug/?no-redirect14:54
blackmnUnfortunately i can resurrect the gpu from the dead. But i can save other gpus from dying14:55
blackmnMy neighbour heard a massive explosion and called the cops. That's how they discovered the gpu caught fire14:58
ravageSee the URL above. You can file your bug there 14:59
cosmicrajivblackman; Wayland is a mess. problem after problem but we are continuously justify it. if it's not ready that means it's not ready15:04
ravageIt runs just fine on all my devices 15:04
ravageAnd Xorg is a much bigger mess 15:05
ravageThe code is almost unmaintainable at this point15:05
blackmnIt has integration for phones consoles everything15:05
blackmnToo much unnecessary code15:05
cosmicrajivravage; and that bigger mess has been used for years! also it's almost years since wayland  development has started and it's still work in progress15:06
ravageAnd that is part of the problem 15:06
cosmicrajivravage; exactly15:06
ravageAlso Ubuntu offers Xorg15:06
ravageSo you can choose15:06
cosmicrajivravage; I think its good to have wayland by default but every linux os at least should provide xorg15:07
cosmicrajivuntil wayland is not ready15:07
ravageThe relevant Linux for this channel does :)15:08
cosmicrajivravage; I am using nvidia so ubuntu automatically defaults me to Xorg:)15:08
ravageNot true15:08
ravageAt least not for 24.0415:08
cosmicrajivwhat do mean "at least not for 24.04"?15:09
ravageI use Wayland with the latest Nvidia driver and never switched from Xorg actively 15:09
blackmnWhat nvidia gpu do you use15:09
ravage4060 ti15:09
cosmicrajivravage: believe me after installation has finished ubuntu runs on xorg by default for me.15:09
cosmicrajivravage; may be because i am 3050 ti15:10
blackmnCompare the power consumption when in xorg and then Wayland15:10
ravageI am not 100% sure because I started during the beta phases 15:10
cosmicrajivravage; driver version?15:10
blackmnThe one that uses less power is best for you gpu15:10
ravageBut it works just fine15:10
cosmicrajivok... for me it is 53515:11
ravageFrom the Ubuntu repositories 15:11
cosmicrajivso now here is the reason15:11
blackmnGood drivers use about 30 50 wattts when idke15:12
cosmicrajivi used 'sudo ubuntu-drivers install', and it says the best best version for your hardware is already installed.15:12
blackmnIm flying away15:13
blackmnWhatever works for you you know15:13
JanC30-50W is hardly what I would call "idle"15:17
az8hey, where can I find the hardware requirements for TPM-Backed disk encryption ?15:59
az8does it require TPM 2.0? won't work on TPM1.2?15:59
az8I was not able to find any documention that mentions the TPM versions16:00
ravageYes you need TPM 2.016:02
az8that explain why the option is grayed out on my system16:03
az8are there any documents listing those requirements? I would like to take a look16:03
ravagesecure boot, TPM 2.016:04
ravageend of lis16:04
ravagethat is from Ubuntu Core16:04
ravagebut it uses the same concept16:04
ravagethat also means no self compiled/signed kernel modules16:05
pitchhey! does ubuntu liveISO still contain zfs?17:38
oerhekspitch, in the installer, yes. Install (entire disk with ZFS) 24.04 https://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/450/builds/289192/testcases/1784/results17:43
pitchoerheks: will the server live iso be able to import zpools? or can i just install the needed module/driver to a new system?17:47
oerheksfor the server iso, you could better reask in #ubuntu-server17:48
ioriapitch, not sure server iso has zfs17:49
ioriapitch, no, it hasn't : https://releases.ubuntu.com/noble/ubuntu-24.04-live-server-amd64.manifest17:50
=== docmax_ is now known as docmax
mr-rich-76Hi ... having an issue; Ubuntu 22.04.4 ... Kept getting a message from the updater saying that certain packages couldn't be installed due to missing dependancies. the dialog offered a "partial upgrade" option.18:24
mr-rich-76Tried that and now GUI won't start. Dumps me to a CLI logon screen. Tried startx, but it said "something went wrong" and a logout button.18:26
mr-rich-76Not using Wayland ...18:26
mr-rich-76Any help?18:26
lotuspsychjemr-rich-76: feel free to share a !paste with the volunteers you see in your apt18:26
gaelheartcan you boot into safe mode18:27
bprompt!paste | mr-rich-7618:27
ubottumr-rich-76: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:27
mr-rich-76I'm not on that box right now, this is my laptop running 20.04 ...18:27
mr-rich-76my 22.04 box has no GUI ...18:28
lotuspsychjemr-rich-76: best to come back seeking support when you're on the box18:28
mr-rich-76lotuspsychje: No GUI ... it's running, but X won't start ...18:29
gaelheartsudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop18:29
mr-rich-76gaelheart: I'll try that ...18:30
mr-rich-76gaelheart: errored out ... can I paste a pic somewhere?18:33
bpromptmr-rich-76: snipboard.io   <---- you can copy your picture and at snipboard.io just press ctrl-v to paste it18:34
gaelheartmr-rich you can also use microsoft copilot for troubleshooting.  saved my backend more than once18:35
gaelheartits a linux god18:35
mr-rich-76bprompt: It's a photo, not a screenshot ... :(18:37
bpromptmr-rich-76: same, snipboard.io allows you to post either, you can ctrl-v or just upload a file18:37
gaelheartan image is an image18:37
bpromptmr-rich-76: btw imgur.com allows the same18:38
mr-rich-76gaelheart: sent photo ... trying imgur18:39
gaelheartok let me see...18:40
gaelheartto my email?  i didnt get it yet18:40
=== PasiZ9 is now known as PasiZ
mr-rich-76Got it on snipboard: https://snipboard.io/XUE9Y7.jpg18:42
gaelheartsudo apt-get update18:45
gaelheartsudo apt-get install -f18:45
gaelheartin order18:45
gaelheartIdentify the problematic package(s) causing the issue.18:46
gaelheartRemove them using:18:46
gaelheartsudo apt-get remove <package-name>18:46
gaelheartReinstall the packages you removed:18:46
gaelheartsudo apt-get install <package-name>18:46
gaelheartCheck Software Sources:18:47
gaelheartGo to “Software & Updates” in your system settings.18:47
gaelheartEnsure all necessary repositories are enabled.18:47
gaelheartthen : sudo apt-get upgrade18:47
oerheksi see, first; run updates before you install anything mr-rich-7618:47
gaelheartRemember to reboot your system after making changes. If you encounter any difficulties, feel free to ask for more help18:48
oerheksbut if this is actually pop os, there is an other channel for system76 support18:49
mr-rich-76oerheks: not popos ...18:49
mr-rich-76new pic: https://snipboard.io/Y01jiV.jpg18:52
oerhekssystem76-apt-preferences.dpkg  in the directory /etc/apt/preferences.d/ says different18:52
oerheksdid you add any PPA?18:54
oerheksyes, ppa:system76-dev/stable18:54
gaelheartdo the auto remove, then sudo apt-get upgrade, the reboot18:56
gaelheartthen reboot18:56
mr-rich-76gaelheart: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed ...19:01
gaelhearttry removing and reinstalling gdm319:02
gaelheartReinstall ubuntu-gnome-desktop19:05
gaelheartsudo apt install --reinstall ubuntu-gnome-desktop19:05
gaelheartforce gnome shell:19:07
gaelheartsudo apt install gnome-shell-common=42.5-0ubuntu119:07
gaelheartReplace 42.5-0ubuntu1 with the exact version mentioned in your error message.19:07
gaelheartRun the following command to check the installed version of gnome-shell-common:19:07
gaelheartdpkg -l gnome-shell-common19:07
gaelheartAfter completing the above steps, run:19:08
gaelheartsudo apt update19:08
gaelheartsudo apt upgradeReboot your system to apply the changes.19:08
gaelheartAfter completing the above steps, run:19:08
gaelheartsudo apt update19:08
gaelheartsudo apt upgrade19:08
gaelheartReboot your system to apply the changes.19:08
oerheksjoin #pop!_os or remove ppa:system76-dev/stable19:09
bpromptgaelheart: you may want to use the comma a bit more, instead of the <enter> key =), otherwise the Drone Bot will trigger19:10
tomreyncopying + pasting multiple lines also causes you to get quieted19:11
mr-rich-76ok ... go to go  ... I'll have to try this later .. saving  chat log ...19:11
gaelheartgood luck19:11
tomreynmr-rich-76: don't install ubuntu-desktop if you don't want a GUI on this computer19:11
mr-rich-76tomreyn: I'm an eye-candy junkie ... :)19:13
mr-rich-76back later ...19:13
tomreynplease also point out you're running pop! os (or use their apt repository) next time you seek support here19:15
Guest79Hello is this ubuntu official channel?19:29
ravageThis is the Ubuntu Community support channel 19:30
bprompt!ask | Guest7919:30
ubottuGuest79: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:30
Guest79I can't tell how many folks are so wanted to make sure it's more than 1 at least19:30
Guest79New to web hat19:31
Guest79I'm twice removed on my laptop right now on a phone... I've got a liveusb booted trying to figure out if I can get my nvidia card to detect19:32
Guest79But it's offline since my internet is on the phone but I can download from it19:32
bpromptGuest79: how old is  your laptop?   installing ubuntu 24.04 I assume?    from what I recall, the nvidia drivers may just be included in the installation19:33
Guest79Shouldn't I be able to see the pci details on it? I guess it doesn't come with nvdia drivers in the 2.4gb iso?19:34
oerheksyou will need internet to install then19:34
bpromptGuest79: hmmm sure, you can try -> lshw -C video <-- or run -> lsusb <-19:35
Guest79No it's 18 because I didn't know what to choose and it's an older card it's an nvidia 970 and I think my problem is related to needing to flash an uefi compatible firmware on it and I think that might mean I need an mbr boot?19:35
oerheks18.04 lts? that is old, sure you can use 22.04 or 24.0419:36
Guest79Laptop is pretty new it's an ideapad3 um I think 11th generation maybe?19:36
bpromptGuest79: hmmm you have the LiveUSB on right now, I'm guessing you can set "tethering" on your smartphone so it becomes a wifi access point your laptop can use, and the LiveUSB session does wifi and can connect to that to get the drivers at installation time19:37
ravagealso usb tethering should just work19:38
oerheksfor wifi on that ideapad 3 (former chromebook) you need kernel 6.2+ , like in 22.04 or higher19:38
bpromptGuest79: if your machine is fairly new, get 24.04, its drivers database will be large enough to cover most of your hardware, and you'd want as much hardware compatibility as available19:38
oerheksbprompt, +119:39
oerheks18,04 is useless19:39
Guest79I maybe broke it nesd to reboot I tried installing the offline .run from nvidia to start with going to restart19:39
Guest79It ran out of disk apace I guess got an io error19:40
bpromptGuest79: well, first off, let's nevermind the 18.04 iso, get the 24.04 :), burn it to USB and try the installation using a tethering access point from your phone19:41
Guest79Apparently it's not technically uefi compat right now I don't think any way to see how linux boots19:44
Guest79Was hoping to flash a new firmware on it but suspect may need to boot mbr mode for access19:45
Guest79I can try Hotspot let's see...19:45
bpromptGuest79: hmmm the LiveUSB session is a hybrid, it can do either MBR or UEFI19:45
Guest796gbs for iso?19:47
oerheksyes, nice and big19:48
bpromptGuest79: haven't checked its size, but I can see it being that, yes, more features and more drivers added19:50
Guest79Funny enough bprompt I used to always get stuck in that half way between mbr uefi seemed like19:54
Guest79On windows the card kind of detects but from what I'm reading it denies access in that mode19:54
Guest79For firmware19:54
oerheksthat 970 does not need firmware, but the driver.19:55
Guest79Downloading the 6gb now any way to allow for room to install stuff?19:55
Guest79Are you sure oerheks?  Gpu z showed it not checked for uefi and there is a new bios for it but can't seem to find access to  write it19:57
Guest79Hoping linux will do better for that maybe 11 home is getting kind of ridiculous bitlocker secure boot uefi what is on this laptop19:58
Guest79In windows it showed as installed and working just no output to display19:59
bpromptGuest79: room to install stuff?  how big is your HDD? 10gbs?   come on now =)20:00
Guest79Well one of them is full I think sadly20:01
gordonjcpjust buy a new SSD20:02
Guest79Was reading someone had a way to have space on them like a portable but maybe needed a custom install20:02
gordonjcpGuest79: what problem are you trying to solve?20:03
Guest79Pretty cool isn't it minus crazies it's pretty awesome I remember a 20mb hard disk double with compression20:04
bpromptGuest79: doable, with "persistent storage" in the ISO, hmmmm I don't think the iso for the installation has that by default, but is doable that you can use the same iso later on and burn it to another USB stick with "persistent storage", using persistent storage you can run the LiveUSB session and install stuff and set settings and they'll be saved for subsequent sessions20:04
Guest100May I ask for some Ubuntu configuration help here?20:04
bpromptGuest79: that said, you CAN install stuff from the LiveUSB, however without persistent storage, once you close it, the installs and settings will also go20:05
tomreynGuest100: sure, if anyone knows about it you'll get a reply.20:05
Guest79I think this laptop is new and uefi or secure boot is blocking the video card I guess maybe I'm using a laptop with an egpu cable I guess I should have bought a newer cars thought the older one would be more compatible20:05
bprompt!ask | Guest10020:06
ubottuGuest100: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:06
Guest79So I'm just trying to get a nvidia 970 to detect but I think I need a few update for that which might mean booting linux in mbr mode for a utility?20:09
Guest79In windows it pretty much shows up just doesn't work20:10
Guest79No clocks in gpu z but shows good in dev mgr20:10
gordonjcpGuest79: that doesn't make a lot of sense20:12
Guest79Any way to see how it booted mbr of uefi and maybe I can find a utility for update at least rule that out worst case I guess20:12
gordonjcpGuest79: in Linux it should just appear as a fairly "dumb" graphics card without any special drivers20:12
bpromptGuest79: if  you installed win11, that simply means it needs the windows11 drivers, nothing else, no biggie, just download them, in Linux try the generic driver first, see if it fits your bill20:12
gordonjcpGuest79: with nouveau it ought to work reasonably well as an accelerated card, and you should also be able to install NVidia's binary-only drivers20:12
oerheksmake sure fastboot is disabled20:12
oerheksbut i thought it was a chromebook?20:13
Guest79Gordon: even now yes?20:13
gordonjcpa chromebook with an NVidia GTX970?20:13
Guest79No drivers I should be able to get display output?20:13
gordonjcpGuest79: are there any drivers loaded when it's in the BIOS screen?20:14
gordonjcpGuest79: well, I mean, yes, there are really, but they're just generic VGA20:14
Guest79Which I'm not sadly I don't see it I'm dmesg though in windows it shows like it is working but not20:14
bpromptGuest79: I'd like to point out, a while ago, on an installation, since  I have an AMD gpu, later on I installed the amd drivers, performance with the amd drivers from amd's site was no different, the only difference I noticed was over 100mbs extra drivers, but it worked just the same, all apps performed just as fast20:15
Guest79Nope no chromebook for this one came with 1120:15
Guest79Sadly which is such a terrible os20:15
Guest79But is what is most compatible as bad as it is id like to increase compatibility on Linux side if possible :)20:16
oerheksuse that windows to upgrade your bios..20:16
Guest79It's a monopoly seems to me20:16
gordonjcpanything running a GTX970 is going to be old, and will probably give a pretty miserable experience on modern Windows20:17
Guest100I'm once again on a freshly installed Ubuntu Unity 24.04, it`s the normal installation this time. With apt I installed hplip and hplip-gui. I haven`t added a printer. The Dropdown is broken, I googled and found this exact problem here https://askubuntu.com/questions/1107773/how-to-fix-broken-dropdown-menu-of-hplip-tray-icon-in-ubuntu-mate-18-04-lts20:17
Guest100I tried the solution (even if it`s for an older Ubuntu version) after the reboot when I start hplip the windows flashes for a second then it terminats without an error. I removed hplip and hplip-gui rebootet and reinstalled it. Now I`m it starts again but the dropdown is still broken. What do I have to change to get the dropdown working again?20:17
bpromptGuest79: well, for win11 is simply a matter of getting the drivers, you can usually get them from the OEM's site, namely the vendor's site, say your chromebook is made by hmmm Asus, then Asus may have the win11 drivers for it, they differ some from the ones from nVidia's site20:18
Guest79Well I'm just comparing to integrated was thinking I could use the wifi card to prob boost 10x with even older card but didn't think about it being so old and uefi/mbr20:18
Guest79Otherwise laptop overheats and dies on simple stuff it seems20:19
bpromptGuest79: however, try the installed ones in Linux first, see if they work as you need, don't be too fooled that the ones from nVidia are going to differ a hell lot, it can be a 50% / 50% probability20:19
Guest79Nope nothing in bios it's all internal screen20:19
Guest79I also didn't want to get a super card with 1x pcie20:20
Guest79So hoped the 970 was a good middle ground20:20
gordonjcpI'm kind of still not clear what the problem is20:20
oerheksgordonjcp, me neither, he did not boot 24.04 yet, AFAIK20:21
gordonjcpoerheks: oh, I mean that would be a good start20:22
gordonjcpbut really about the only fully-supported cards in Linux with decent acceleration are NVidia20:22
bpromptGuest79: so, download 24.04 first, burn and boot with it, let's see  how it rolls20:22
Guest79It's downloaded let's see...20:22
tomreynGuest100: are you the person who keeps saying you're using ubuntu unity but actually are using plain ubuntu? where did you download? one of the "env" variables should tell you which desktop you're using.20:24
gordonjcpis Unity still a thing? I disliked it when it came out but I prefer it now to Gnome20:24
Guest100gordonjcp I downloaded the ISO from https://ubuntuunity.org/20:25
oerheksGuest79, go into printers, you might see the button restart cups service next to your printer20:25
tomreynokay so you really do20:25
oerheksgot that too this week20:25
gordonjcpjust while there are folk really talking about support20:26
gordonjcpdoes 24.04 fix the NVidia/X.org painfully slow terminal bug with mutter?20:26
Guest100tomreyn I downloaded the ISO from https://ubuntuunity.org/20:27
Guest100Terminal $ lsb_release -a20:27
Guest100No LSB modules are available.20:27
oerheksgordonjcp, unity is still under active development20:27
Guest100Distributor ID:    Ubuntu20:27
Guest100Description:    Ubuntu 24.04 LTS20:27
Guest100Release:    24.0420:27
bpromptGuest100:    -----> <oerheks> go into printers, you might see the button restart cups service next to your printer20:27
bpromptGuest100: he just got the wrong Guest =)20:27
bprompt!paste | Guest10020:28
ubottuGuest100: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:28
oerheksguest<tab> is not always doing what i want20:28
bpromptGuest100: pasting multilines in a few seconds, the Drone bot picks it up as flood, just a script, and will trigger a flood protection, so hmm keep that  in mind, that said, there is no extra taxatoin if you want to use more characters per line :)20:29
tomreynGuest100: you can use:  lsb_release -ds | nc termbin.com 9999   if you like20:29
tomreynGuest100: or   lsb_release -a | nc termbin.com 999920:30
Guest100bprompt sudo service cups restart like that?20:31
bpromptGuest100: you may want oerheks for that  :), but yes20:31
tomreynsudo systemctl restart cups   thought service should also work, i think20:32
Guest100But isn`t this a hp-systray issue?20:32
tomreynyes, most likely20:33
tomreynyou can run that from a terminal and see what it prints on screen20:33
bpromptGuest100: yes, but I think what oerheks suggested is "retrigger the app for the systray to recreate its menus"20:33
Guest100Sry I can`t find the button oerheks has refered to. :(20:36
oerheksnp, it appears when needed.20:37
oerhekssudo systemctl status cups.service20:38
oerheksTasks: 13 ....20:39
oerheksthat was my problem too, no way to cancel those20:40
Guest100how can there be any tasks?20:40
oerheksthose could be from yesterday ?20:40
Guest100nope I did a fresh installation today20:41
oerheksList all jobs:   lpq20:41
Guest100this installation has never been connected to a printer20:42
oerheksnot your current HP printer?20:43
oerhekserr .. why not?20:43
tomreynwell, it's a fresh installation20:44
Guest100the pc is for an eldar family member and the printer is there. I "just" wanted to install and configure it for them20:44
Guest100so basically I`m here with the pc making it ready but I don`t have the printer here20:44
oerheksi see, i wonder now if that is required to make the menu work properly20:45
gordonjcpthe neat thing about Linux is that printers are a total pain in the hoop to configure20:46
gordonjcpbut they either work straight away, or they will never work at all20:46
Guest100I install every LTS for them and every time hp-systray is broken, but the fix is always something new20:46
gordonjcpcontrast this with Windows, where it looks like it went smoothly but now you're printing A0 technical diagrams on the Occupational Health Department's thermal label printer for sample bottles20:47
gordonjcpbut it won't ever tell you that20:47
gordonjcpand if you find out, it won't tell you why, or how to stop it20:47
Guest100printing works fine I guess it`s only the hp-systray that does nothing, which is bad because they don`t use a terminal.20:47
gordonjcpthose rolls of sticky labels for urine sample bottles are really expensive, incidentally20:47
gordonjcpI'm glad it wasn't me that blew through five of them20:48
tomreynGuest100: does the cups web ui list any printers, though?20:49
Guest100where do I find it?20:49
bpromptGuest100: another consideration will be using another desktop manager, different manager, different systray app20:49
bpromptGuest100: or even window manager as well20:49
bpromptGuest100: for example, I use LXQT, it has its own systray, now Kwin sessions  use another systray as well20:50
tomreyni would also recommend to try to start hp-systray through dbus as discussed on the bug report you linked - but from a terminal20:50
tomreyndbus-launch hp-systray -x20:50
Guest100cups web doesn`t list a printer20:51
bpromptGuest100: you said it wasn't plugged in =)20:51
Guest100yes the printer isn`t here20:51
bpromptGuest100: then I guess cups web is correct :)20:52
tomreynconfiguring a printer queue/spool is one thing, having the printer connected and having printouts work is another20:52
Guest100right all I try is the get this pc ready than I`ll bring it to the printer20:52
bpromptGuest100: though often times you have have a PDF imagewriter as a printer20:53
tomreynhttps://packages.ubuntu.com/noble/all/hplip-gui/filelist lists several HP utilities in /usr/bin which can be used to configure and diagnose hplip20:53
bpromptGuest100: but as I said, if the issue is just the systray menu, well, may want to consider another window/desktop manager with a different systray20:54
Guest100Unity is set in stone for this pc, as I said the users are very old and learned how to use Unity not Gnome or something else20:55
gordonjcpGuest100: my mum is 86 and managed to learn to use "standard" Ubuntu gnome desktop after using MATE for years20:56
Guest100good on you and your mum. I needed 10 years for my mum to get here to the point where she was able to use Unity20:57
tomreynhp-setup is the graphical configuration tool for HP printers. you'll need to configure a hplip printer to make it available, so that the systray GUI can find it and won't quit with the message you showed (about no existing HP devices)20:57
tomreynthis will definitely be easier while the device is connected (but, if you know all the details correctly, should also be possible while it's not connected)20:59
Guest100Ok thanks I will do that. You know I just wanted to prepare this PC as good as I can before I bring it back21:00
tomreynsure, that's understandable.21:01
Guest100Ok so I learned today hplip is something I have to deal with when I have the printer in front of me :D21:02
tomreynor when you have the configuration files available from the previous installation21:02
Guest100sadly the printer will be a new one, so the backup doesn`t help here21:03
bpromptGuest100: well, I can tell you a hmmm happening to me once, I burned an iso for someone with some apps, I installed VLC in it, so it worked from the liveUSB session, well, I installed VLC in a session on my machine, once I ran the session from the same USB on his machine, VLC was looking for my soundcard =), so once you have the printer plugged it, may just do it21:05
Guest100From the experience of the last LTS versions. The printer will work just fine and will tinker around 1-2h to get hp-systray working while my mum sits next to me.21:11
oerhekshave fun!21:13
tomreynthat's one of the reasons i got myself the same printer as mom21:13
Guest100tomreyn ROFL21:14
ProJuHello peeps, I hope you are all good. I am running a fresh install of Ubuntu Server 24.04 (with Ubuntu-desktop as post installation) but I am not able to remote desktop from another ubuntu machine (RDP with Remmina). Can anyone please support?21:18
bpromptProJu: not sure if the guys at #ubuntu-server may have better ideas21:21
ProJu@bprompt, I will give it a go :) thanks for the hint21:22
tomreynfor graphical things you're probably fine here21:27
=== fling_ is now known as fling
Guest100thank you all bye :)21:38
=== JoeBk_ is now known as JoeBk

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