
=== tryfan5 is now known as tryfan
=== kuraudo1 is now known as kuraudo
=== kuraudo1 is now known as kuraudo
=== kuraudo1 is now known as kuraudo
minimalholmanb: as a side note, when testing the seedfrom on 24.1 I did see a schema warning on cloud-init console output regarding network config17:14
minimalI believe this is because I'm using "Network configuration ENI (legacy)" embedded in meta-data (as NoCloudNet does not attempt to fetch "network-config")17:16
=== kuraudo1 is now known as kuraudo
esvhey folks, do you know why this message is generated during provisioning stage? 20:13
esvstages.py[DEBUG]: Event Denied: scopes=['network'] EventType=boot-legacy20:13
minimalesv: provisioning stage?22:43
holmanbminimal: huh, don't think I know why we would see that 23:28
holmanbesv: yeah same question 23:28
holmanbThat log does look cryptic though, id have to read up on it23:28
esvyeah, question is why23:49

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