=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [02:24] last of items in askubu is different, []() format where others are title - link [02:27] guiverc: Ouch - fixing ^ - did not notice on my last fixing :( [02:29] next ! [02:33] * guiverc lost connection awhile so missed any replies sorry (last 2-3 mins+) [02:33] s/develops.,/develops./ in hub [02:34] guiverc: The last "< Bashing-om> next !". [02:34] suggest s/Google has made/Google has fixed/ in the press article (5th fix; they very well have made loads more booboos not yet discovered) [02:34] k [02:46] the noble updates include some before our coverage.week; but list continues from last issue that I see so ignoring that... (just delayed with some checking..) [02:47] read thru complete.. looks good Bashing-om , ^ my only notices/comments.. [02:53] great - saving - and out. [02:53] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Blog: An overview of machine learning security risks @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/machine-learning-security-risks [02:53] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Faizul "Piju" 9M2PJU: Ubuntu: Powering the World’s Knowledge Repository – The Wikipedia Connection @ https://hamradio.my/ubuntu-powering-the-worlds-knowledge-repository-the-wikipedia-connection/ [02:53] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Faizul "Piju" 9M2PJU: Ubuntu in the Military: A Linux Distinction @ https://hamradio.my/ubuntu-in-the-military-a-linux-distinction/ [02:53] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Salih Emin: SysGlance: Download and Use SysGlance on Ubuntu, Debian, and Other Linux Systems @ https://utappiablog.wordpress.com/2024/05/12/sysglance-download-and-use-sysglance-on-ubuntu-debian-and-other-linux-systems/ [02:53] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Kubuntu General News: Introducing the Enhanced KubuQA: Revolutionising ISO Testing Across Ubuntu Flavors @ https://kubuntu.org/news/introducing-the-enhanced-kubuqa-revolutionising-iso-testing-across-ubuntu-flavors/ [03:03] thanks Bashing-om [03:32] guiverc: Thanks to you ! // Enhanced KubuQA: I looked at this earlier - enough of general interest to include ? ( Kubuntu continues to work !) [03:33] I say for sure, Kubuntu have put it out for all flavors.... [03:33] (I'm also noting some UbuConLA 2024 push (LA being latin america) heavily at Lubuntu... maybe elsewhere too.. [03:34] guiverc: What gave me pause is directed towords the flavour leads. [03:35] I read that as hope 'leads' would help push it.. I didn't see it as 'special' or 'limited audience' but maybe that's me [03:36] guiverc: Not picked up anything lately on UbuConLA. [03:36] i had to approve post on lubuntu discourse earlier today brought my attention to it... it was firs.t. [03:37] guiverc: Uh huh - me thinks good for general readership :) [03:37] https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/ubuconla-9th-edition-barranquilla-colombia-august-16th-and-17th/4900 but I don't see that as Ubuntu news; we'd already covered it [03:48] guiverc: Agreed - covered until something new is in the making. ( I have it noted however to include in the "Upcoming Meetings and Events" section at that time ). [03:49] :) & thanks === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [17:05] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::ubuntuonair:: Documentation Office Hours 10th May 2024 @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWG-RekGkjo [17:09] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Linux Kernel 6.9 Released, This is What’s New @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/05/linux-kernel-6-9-features [19:37] UWN: Pulling WIP/Comments/WIKI - setting news; will start the push soonest. [19:56] UWN: M/L is away - doing the Forums posting next. [20:10] UWN: Forums posting completed - making up a Mastodon blog next. [20:40] UWN: Blogged Mastodon // Pendfing now is making up 840. === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [21:35] UWN: Issue840 off and running :D [22:27] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2024/05/13/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-839/ [22:37] tweeted 839, posted telegram, (mewe) [22:46] Bashing-om, https://ubuntu.com/18-04 feels like old news, it states it's REACHING (future tense) EOSS on 31 May 2023 ... possibly been edited & thus re-apppeared [22:58] posted uwn 839 to fb [23:58] guiverc: 18.04: is old !-- the warning of EOL 31 May must refer to 2023! removing.