
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
=== fossfreedom_ is now known as fossfreedom
kanashirois autopkgtest infra working? I just got this error while requesting a test run13:37
kanashiroA server error has occured, please contact a member of the Ubuntu QA team. You can contact them via the ubuntu-quality mailing list, or via the #ubuntu-quality IRC channel on irc.libera.chat (highlight 'qa-help' for more reactivity). Traceback: local variable 'msg' referenced before assignment13:37
ginggskanashiro: from scrollback:13:52
ginggsthat's a known temporary issue, you'll encounter that when rabbitmq is mid-restart. Once it's all back up and running, you will no longer experience the traceback.13:53
Skiausually solved in about 5 minutes13:57
kanashiroawesome, it worked now :)13:57
blucaandersson123: given it's clogged due to 23.10 I have temporarily disable the systemd job submission, please feel free to kill all currently queued/running jobs to shorten the queue14:34
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc

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