[08:54] i dont know why after installing kubuntu my laptop heat so much [09:02] Maybe the video card is always at full power? [09:12] When is the date for next point release 24.04.x ? [09:14] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/noble-numbat-release-schedule/35649 (re @plutorocks: When is the date for next point release 24.04.x ?) [09:14] 15th August [09:14] Hi, samba isn't working on kubuntu. When I try to access the network using Dolphin, it says invalid protocol. [09:29] What advantage do I have over Ubuntu kernel if I picked Liquorix kernel? [09:57] Hi, is anyone there? [10:12] Yeah go on [10:39] user|74, can you try typing in the Dolphin address bar, a URL like 'smb:// dont know how i can solve it (re @janual57: Maybe the video card is always at full power?) [11:24] It's wen I type in the url that I get the message. [11:25] *when [12:36] Is there a real chromium deb package or only the snap in official repos? [12:37] If someone can paste the download link for google-chrome deb I would be super thankful [12:37] I just did a fresh install and I don't have a web browser, and snap install of snap chromium seems to be stuck [12:41] Hi all [13:13] 2BJH [13:14] Hola amigos gracias por aceptarme en el grupo [13:15] Me gustaría saber si se puede actualizar por la terminal de kabuntu 22.04 a 24.04 gracias espero le puedan ayudar [13:16] !ES [13:16] En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. [13:17] Ok [13:17] I would like to know if it can be updated by the Kabuntu Terminal 22.04 to 24.04, I hope you can help you [13:19] Hello friends thank you for accepting me in the group [13:24] Is grub customizer no longer in repository? [13:43] /join@IrcsomeBot [14:00] @plutorocks, you can customize grub in /etc/default/grub then to save your changes run sudo update-grub in the terminal [14:09] Yeah I was looking for graphical interface (re @IrcsomeBot: @plutorocks, you can customize grub in /etc/default/grub then to save your changes run sudo update-grub in the terminal) [15:21] Is anyone here active? [15:50] No (re @IrcsomeBot: Is anyone here active?) [16:29] Hi guys, how come there's no kubuntu-desktop-minimal package like ubuntu-desktop-minimal for Gnome? [16:39] Hola [16:53] No one wants to use Libreoffice in 2024, it shouldnt be a default installation, especially given its size [16:54] It's 2024 and I use LibreOffice. [16:54] you can. A 1% software just shouldnt be forced installed by default [16:54] Just sayin'. That being said, there is a minimal installation option in Kubuntu 24.04. [16:55] arraybolt3: I saw it in the manual installer (on the ISO), but I'm creating a machine declaratively, by apt package installation [16:55] minimal Kubuntu VM [16:55] in that instance install the package `kde-plasma-desktop` instead of `kubuntu-desktop` [16:56] will it install the login shell and everything? [16:56] it should [16:57] OK, thsanks, I'll give it a drive-by