
mwhudsonsome proper nonsense happened here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/screenkey/1:1.5-4/+build/2843805706:20
mwhudsonroot cause looks like "/<<BUILDDIR>>/screenkey_1.5-4_amd64.changes.new could not be renamed to /<<BUILDDIR>>/screenkey_1.5-4_amd64.changes: Illegal seek"06:20
zhsjmwhudson: every normal build has such "Illegal seek" log, so it's not the cause07:00
zhsjINFO Unable to find mandatory field 'Changed-By' in the changes file.07:02
zhsjYeah, the chanelog is broken https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/screenkey/1:1.5-407:03
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Debian bug 1071063 in screenkey "screenkey: malformed debian/changelog" [Serious, Open]07:13
mwhudsonzhsj: oh huh07:20
mwhudsonzhsj: also oops!07:20
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waveformsudip, thanks -- I'll take a look this evening13:36
sudipthanks waveform14:02

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