=== luna__ is now known as brittluna [19:43] new microcode, an hour ago [19:43] https://github.com/intel/Intel-Linux-Processor-Microcode-Data-Files/releases/tag/microcode-20240514 [21:46] tomreyn: bolendojcin is hobbitg/monkeyannanas/etc [21:47] i was thinking that, too [21:47] tomreyn: they love asking for "support" which isn't really supportalbe [21:47] I'm not thinking it, I know it [21:48] supportable [21:53] their last "support" questions were just plain silly [21:53] 2024 May 12 10:58:50 My neighbour heard a massive explosion and called the cops. That's how they discovered the gpu caught fire [21:53] referring to his GPU due to an issue with Wayland