[07:34] ConanKudo[m], tsimonq2[m]: If someone files a bug with SRU information filled (e.g. Impact and Test Case), I will backport it. [17:46] https://objectstorage.prodstack5.canonical.com/swift/v1/AUTH_0f9aae918d5b4744bf7b827671c86842/autopkgtest-oracular/oracular/arm64/b/beads/20240513_044156_dbdcb@/log.gz umm... how is this even possible? [17:46] This is a package built against Qt 6.6.2, that built successfully ,erroring out on a missing symbol. Shouldn't that have been caught at link time? [17:48] libQt6Core5Compat has the undefined symbol [17:49] libqt6core5compat6 arm64 6.4.2-4build3 vs libqt6core6t64 arm64 6.6.2+dfsg-7 [17:49] "has the undefined symbol" as in that's the library that is trying to reference a symbol that doesn't exist? [17:50] or as in "it's what's missing the symbol"? [17:50] The libqt6core5compat6 in Ubuntu is 6.6.2-1. [17:50] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt6-5compat/6.6.2-1 [17:50] (in -proposed that is) [17:50] ohhhh wait a second I get it [17:51] because it builds against proposed and then is autopkgtesting against release [17:51] alright, easy fix, retrigger tests with all-proposed=1. [17:51] I forget that autopkgtest is weird like that. [17:58] looks like Jami needs the same thing [17:58] * AaronRainbolt sent a code block: http://localhost:8008/_matrix/media/v3/download/chat.staging.ubuntu.com/maCIchFXrfXfVqbXosVMpzoL [17:59] actually Jami needs an NCR too [21:42] tsimonq2: something to fix in your bridge: I see a link to http://localhost:8008 in AaronRainbolt's message above. [21:45] puts on Matrix Council hat we're well aware of this and are working to fix it. This is the testing bridge that's being used right now, so it has some rough edges.