[02:18] morning [05:03] o/ [05:31] * luna__ is sitting at ARN eating breakfast and installed Linux 6.9 [05:31] \o [06:31] through the first checkpoints [06:42] https://i.imgur.com/52WxewI.jpeg [08:26] updates while travelling... brave [11:53] zxmpi: heh have two kernels just in case === luna__ is now known as brittluna [11:56] think i am more busy as i am as computers still has worng time :P [12:00] poor laptop doesn't know it's travelling :-) [12:00] zxmpi: exactly that [12:00] have to change ntpd to pool.uk instead of pool.se .p [12:00] :p [12:01] you'd think by now there'd be a link to phones gps for location app that would adjust the timezone dynamically [12:05] sudo timedatectl set-timezone Europe/London [12:05] thats less confusion [12:05] zxmpi: my Android phone did but not my Arch Linux computer [12:11] the sooner we have stardates the better :-P [12:11] heh [12:11] or swatches beat time :-D