=== JoeBk_ is now known as JoeBk === JoeBk is now known as Guest1322 === JoeBk_ is now known as Joebk === Joebk is now known as JoeBk [00:32] Ubuntu 22.04. Was using the software updater to update my Thelio and was getting some errors. It offered a "partial upgrade" option. Foolishly, I tried it. Now the desktop won't load and I get dumped to a CLI on boot. --fix-broken didn't work. install -f didn't work. update didn't work. upgrade didn't work. Any ideas? [00:35] mr-rich-76: `sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop` might do it [00:35] (this is assuming you're using Ubuntu and not Pop!_OS) [00:35] (if you are using Pop!_OS, you'll want to seek support from System76 as we don't know enough about Pop!_OS here to be able to support it.) [00:36] mr-rich-76: ^ Also - might see if ' sudo dpkg --configure -a ' warrants further attention. [00:37] arraybolt3: not Pop-os ... [00:38] arraybolt3: I thought I had tried that before and it failed ... seems to be working now ... I'll let you know ... [00:40] arraybolt3: HALALOOOOOYA! That worked! been banging my head on my desk since yesterday! [00:41] Woot! [00:42] Even got my 3-monitor wallpaper back ... [00:45] nice [01:16] Well that was just plain f-ing scary ... got my desktop back [01:16] mr-rich-76: you can leave now ... [01:16] Ok ... === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [01:28] Anyone installed 24.04 with BTRFS and TPM based disk decryption (preferably with single partition) [clevis?]? [01:30] disgrunt, heard of it, not deployed myself https://community.hetzner.com/tutorials/install-encrypted-ubuntu-2004-with-automated-unlock-via-tang-and-clevis [02:03] Sorry... Asked and then had to leave... Anyone installed 24.04 Desktop with manual BTRFS layout and TPM based decryption [clevis?]? [02:14] ubuntu needs to be better [02:17] no bots here, bot26 read the coc [02:17] !coc [02:17] The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is the document that spells out etiquette in the Ubuntu community | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv === aiyunyuner6 is now known as aiyunyuner === aiyunyuner5 is now known as aiyunyuner === pitch1 is now known as pitch [06:21] hi === pikapika is now known as militantorc [06:49] just installed ubuntu , can not login via GUI but root can be logged in via terminal [06:49] need help [06:49] i am new to this [06:51] Moeez, can you be more precise? Do you get a GUI and do you see your user name there? Does your password fail or something else? [06:51] when login via root on GUI i can not [06:51] same password is working on putty or commandline [06:55] Moeez: how did you install ubuntu? which variant (desktop, server,...) did you install? [06:57] Generally speaking, you are not supposed to login to the GUI as root, but as a restricted user. Login via SSH can be configured either way, dpends on what you are working with. [06:57] Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS [06:57] i have this version [06:57] need to install Bugzilla [06:58] Moeez: are you trying to setup an ubuntu server with a webserver which runs the bugzilla software? [06:59] ubuntu server would not usually provide a GUI, just the TTY with textual login, and (optionally) ssh access [06:59] Moeez: are you trying to setup an ubuntu server with a webserver which runs the bugzilla software?   YES [06:59] i install xrdp [06:59] later [07:00] here's a guide (by the bugzilla project) on how to set it up on Ubuntu Server 22.04: https://bugzilla.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installing/quick-start.html [07:01] follwing it already [07:01] !terminal [07:01] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [07:01] the issue i am discussing does not relate to intallation [07:01] it relate to ubuntu as a OS [07:01] try the guide above for first steps on the terminal [07:02] don't use a GUI on your server, reinstall and just connect with ssh [07:03] to configure which users can login to ssh, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and do "systemctl restart ssh" as root [07:03] "man 5 sshd_config" should provide help on how to configure it [07:04] check the PermitRootLogin and PasswordAuthentication settings in /etc/ssh/sshd_config specifically [07:04] documentation on ubuntu is available here: https://help.ubuntu.com/ [07:09] i'll have to go for now, good luck! [07:52] Moeez, if you can log in as root at all, somethng is really wrong, the root account is by default locked in all ubuntu installs so you should not be able to log in with it via console/terminal or ssh === kentucky44448631 is now known as kentucky4444863 [08:48] morning [08:49] I'm struggling to actually get anything done in Ubuntu recently because of this annoying mutter terminal lag problem [08:49] is there any word of a fix for it? [10:48] gordonjcp, well, is there actually a bug open for it ? then it should indeed be worked on ... else, please file one [11:12] ran out of space on /boot for initramfs during apt upgrade ( https://bpa.st/4BSA ). I've already removed one of the old kernels to free up space on /boot -- but how do I force the upgrade to finish? [11:22] Teridon: try dpkg --configure -a && apt install --fix-broken [11:25] No matter what I try, I cannot seem to get thumbnails to show up in Files on a smb network share. [11:25] ananke: Thanks, but actually, when I freed up /boot space with "apt autoremove", it looks like it rebuilt /boot/initrd.img-5.15.0-107-generic automatically. I think I'm good :) [12:12] Hello good people of IRC. As a 23.10 user I am having (kind of) trouble opening .HEIC image files. Following a random guide on the Internet, I managed to make it work for the default image viewer (e.i. Shotwell) but I fail to view a .HEIC image in both gThumb (v3.12) and GIMP (v2.10) despite both programs officially claiminig .HEIC support on their official sites (for the corresponding versions). [12:12] Also, the default file manager (e.i. Nautilus v45) does not show thumbnails for this particular image type (other thumbnails work well). I have installed the heif-gdk-pixbuf heif-thumbnailer packages on my system and checked out a few other .HEIC-related guides on the Internet which essentially repeat what I've already stated above. How can I possibly unstuck myself from this unfortunate situation [12:12] to end up opening .HEIC images not only in Shotwell but also in gThumb, Nautilus thumbnails, GIMP et al. Thank you for your time and valuable suggestions. [12:18] Also, if it's not too much trouble for someone running 23.10, could you please check if your system has the same issue or is it just me struggling with it. [12:19] in quale chat si parla italiano grazie [12:22] A sample .HEIC image can be easily obtained from here: https://filesamples.com/samples/image/heic/sample1.heic [12:23] gg have you tried to clean the cache and reload ? rm -r ~/.cache/thumbnails/fail/ [12:26] ioria, that was a good advice, it worked like a charm. Now the Nautilus thumbnails problem is out of the table thanks to you! [12:26] gg very good [12:27] gg about gimp, i suggest to purge the apt ver and use the snap version [12:27] The gThumb situation somewhat improved with gThumb showing the thumbnail (as opposed to a full-scale image) but there is still some cogs missing. [12:28] gthumb should work otb [12:29] gg, try with gimp [12:37] Your GIMP suggestion worked miracles as well. Despite the same version (GIMP 2.10 for both apt and snap), somehow the former did not like .HEIC while the latter opens it just fine. I'll stick to the snap from now on. Thank you ioria for reaching out with such a helpful advice. [12:41] Hi all [12:47] gg, ok, no problem [12:48] Jfyi gThumb's snap variant also worked well. The version is the same as in apt (v3.12) but somehow when installed with apt, gThumb does not open .HEIC while the same version from snap does. Once again, ioria, thank you for your guidance. Now I am happier than I used to be 30 min ago - all thanks to you! [12:48] ok [14:58] hallooo [14:58] welcome saarker [14:59] whatsup [14:59] you joined the ubuntu support channel here saarker [14:59] oh... [14:59] my bad! [14:59] is there a chat channel? [14:59] sure [14:59] !chat [14:59] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [15:00] thank u [15:00] bye === Hector43 is now known as HectorX [15:18] Hello guys, which Ubuntu flavours (variety) is the lightest? [15:18] !flavours | HectorX here's the whole list [15:18] HectorX here's the whole list: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours [15:18] HectorX: lubuntu, xubuntu, mate are pretty light [15:19] HectorX: and ubuntu server too [15:20] lotuspsychje: Which one support Raspberry Pi device? [15:20] HectorX: there are specific iso's available for the Pi's [15:20] lotuspsychje: I can get the info from the website. [15:22] can't [15:22] HectorX: https://ubuntu.com/download/raspberry-pi [15:29] lotuspsychje: if I want to install DE from ubuntu server? does 'sudo install ubuntu-desktop" command enough? how about selecting the DE? [15:30] HectorX: dont think thats reccomended to do, install ubuntu-desktop ontop a server base [15:31] HectorX: there's an i3 community that uses ubuntu server as a base if you like [15:32] HectorX: maybe if you share with the volunteers, what exactly your purpose is on wich hardware, someone can advice you better [15:35] Pulseaudio with my new DALI headphone is kinda insufferable. Have to plug it out and in for every new youtube video I open. >< [15:38] olle, https://gist.github.com/frafra/47f2e448c033b0306d4422508f5a504b [15:38] Yea pipewire [15:39] Trying bluetooth connection instead of usb now [15:39] ogra_: there are several bugs open for it [15:39] Wonder if mic works too now :d [15:39] ogra_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutter/+bug/2059847 <- here is probably the best-described one [15:39] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2059847 in mutter (Ubuntu Mantic) "Input lag or freezes on Nvidia desktops with X11 after logging 'MetaSyncRing: Sync object is not ready -- were events handled properly?'" [High, Fix Committed] [15:39] lotuspsychje: my purpose is to get into my home router setting UI and I only have access to LXD dashboard which is running on Raspberry Pi. currently as I'm outstation and not at home. So I plan to install whatever os/distro which have UI, and access my home router there. [15:41] HectorX you don't need a desktop installed on the pi for that [15:41] leftyfb: so, how should I do it? [15:41] HectorX: do you currently have remote ssh access to the pi? [15:41] leftyfb: Yes, I do, the device is running ubuntu server. [15:42] HectorX: sshuttle -r @ [15:42] HectorX: you'll have to indtall sshuttle on the machine you are remoting into the pi with [15:44] I have umake installed, it says: /snap/ubuntu-make/1010/bin/umake-wrapper: 3: exec: /snap/ubuntu-make/1010/usr/bin/python3: not found [15:44] 2020 /snap/ubuntu-make/1010/usr/bin/python3 -> python3.8 [15:45] There is no python3.8 on my system [15:45] leftyfb: Can I running is on LXD instance which is on raspberry device? [15:45] HectorX: huh? [15:47] Andreios: what, just spontaneously for no reason? [15:48] gordonjcp: I just installed in on my new 24.04 with: sudo snap install ubuntu-make --classic [15:49] Ok, by "new" I mean im upgraded from 23.10 [15:49] Andreios: how did you install ubuntu-make? [15:50] leftyfb: sudo snap install ubuntu-make --classic [15:55] Andreios, can you paste 'snap list' ? [15:58] leftyfb: Currently I only have laptop preinstall with windows. [15:58] ioria: https://bpa.st/7HQA [15:59] !wsl | HectorX [15:59] HectorX: Windows 10 and newer have a feature called "Windows Subsystem for Linux", which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide [16:00] Andreios, we can try 3 things: install core18; use the edge version of u-m; or use the PPA [16:03] ioria: Is there a recent PPA for umake? I just found only a very old one. [16:04] Andreios, https://launchpad.net/~lyzardking/+archive/ubuntu/ubuntu-make [16:05] Andreios, i'd try first the first two [17:20] hello [17:21] I have a critical issue where a directory I make in /run is getting immediately deleted. I'm not sure what's happening [17:23] hello [17:24] How are ypu? [17:24] *you [17:24] good [17:24] i'm fine too [17:24] good [17:24] I don't know why i'm here XD [17:24] !support | Zirneklis [17:24] Zirneklis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [17:24] how do i post a screenshot here [17:24] foo: why are you creating a directory in /run? [17:25] i have an issue [17:25] !screenshot | jaco [17:25] jaco: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here. [17:26] pls how do i link the created page [17:27] paste the url here [17:28] https://imgur.com/XKNVwxC [17:28] i did un upgrade n getting this error [17:29] jaco: Ubuntu 23.04 went End of Life in January [17:30] okay should i continue to upgrade to 24.04lts? [17:31] jaco: the upgrade path for 24.04 isn't yet stable. I would highly recommend a fresh install and restore your files from backup [17:32] i will have to wait [17:33] after the upgrade to 23... my desktop icons is not showing [17:33] leftyfb: it's a sock file. I got it back online although I'm not sure how this broke. [17:35] after the upgrade to 23... my desktop icons is not showing [17:38] https://imgur.com/3zQHDMy [17:38] i get this when i do sudo apt update [17:39] jaco: you have a mess of an unsupported OS. I would highly recommend installing 24.04 from scratch and restoring your files from backup [17:39] hmmm [17:39] i do a dual boot [17:39] jaco: remove the 3rd party repositories. Then your error messages will cease to exist [17:40] how do i do this pls [17:42] when i launch settings it does not display [17:42] jaco: you have a mess of an unsupported OS. I would highly recommend installing 24.04 from scratch and restoring your files from backup [17:42] i run a dual boot big job now [17:43] cant it be fixed [17:44] I see our nightly /usr/bin/unattended-upgrade process upgraded libglib2.0-data:amd64 (2.72.4-0ubuntu2.2, 2.72.4-0ubuntu2.3) on 5-10 which resulted in this error: "libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" - this resulted in 25 minutes of downtime and lost webhooks, one of the APIs we deal with doesn't auto retry. My fault for not having redundancy. Was there a critical update to [17:44] libglib2.0-data:amd64 I wonder? I've never had this kind of issue occur before. === docmax is now known as Guest6960 === docmax_ is now known as docmax [20:16] Been playing around with Gnome extensions. ubuntu 24.04. Damn! Do the people who criticize the gnome desktop have any idea how configurable it is? [20:18] Just go the dock on the left to disappear, the program selector on the bottom with work-area selector. System monitor on the top together with the old app menu everyone seems to be missing. All with the click of a couple of sliders. [20:18] write a blog about it? [20:19] Hi, I`m running Ubuntu and I plan to use back in time for backups. Which filesystem should I use for my external backup hdd? ntfs? ext4? Something else? [20:19] ntfs is not posix, so ext4 would be best. to preserve groups and rights [20:19] Guest64: ext4 would keep your file permissions. NTFS would not [20:21] don't use ntfs if you're not also running windows, you can't repair it from linux. [20:21] ok thanks. would you recommend back in time as an easy solution to backup the whole system? [20:21] good enough. [20:21] "whole system" might not be what you think [20:23] Guest64: what's your definition of "whole"? [20:24] Guest64: you should only worry about your personal files. "Whole system" implies installed applications, libraries and configs. You're not likely to restore all of those across releases and certainly not distributions. Not without issues anyway [20:24] I read that BiT backups the home directory or if it is started as root everything from / downwards. Is that wrong? [20:25] Guest64: what's your definition of "whole"? [20:25] that is fine. But do note, restoring some configs location in your /home might not work or even cause problems across new releases [20:25] location/located [20:26] it might work, but no guarantee [20:26] I thought it would be a good idea to backup everything, if a Linux Update goes wrong I can safely restore the backup [20:26] you're unlikely to run into issued with regular system updates. === PlS85 is now known as Plink85 [20:29] Sorry I encountered these issues in the past. I just want to be safe [20:31] I used GParted to format my external hdd to ext4. But I can`t write anything to it anymore. What went wrong? [20:31] if you encoutered suchissues in the past, it will likely have been due to suboptimal choices made about third party repositories / downloaded+installed .debs [20:32] Guest64: define "can't write". What error are you getting? [20:33] no permission to do that says Nemo [20:34] Fehler beim Öffnen der Datei »~/test.txt«: Keine Berechtigung [20:35] Guest64: how did you mount the drive? [20:35] I plugged it in and it appeared in Nemo [20:36] hi [20:37] one of the features of ext4 is that it supports unix-like file system permissions and ownership, which can restrict which system users can read and write and execute from where. you can override those (useful) restrictions, partially or fully, using (persistable) mount options for this file system, or by creating, as root, a directory (tre) your (restructed) user can write to. [20:38] *treE [20:38] *restrIcted [20:40] Is there a way to easily use the external hdd with ext4 like any other external hdd? So if I plug it in I can use it inside Nemo and back in time? Or do I have to configure something for that? [20:40] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions explains how permissions and ownership work - it's worth learning this, but might be a steep learning curve just now (and you could use file system mount options to bypass having to learn this now) [20:42] Is there a way in between? That I can use the external HDD like normal and learn permissions and ownership after that? [20:42] Guest64: you can use ext4 on an external drive. [20:43] the gotcha is that not all machines you plug it into have the same users and groups and userID's and groupID's [20:43] delsol: true, but that isn't the issue they are trying to overcome at the moment [20:43] so if the "Guest64" user on your main machine is user ID 3, and on your garage machine its user ID 4..... thats going to cause issues. [20:44] This external hdd is just me and this pc to store backups on. [20:44] Yeah, it'll be fine then [20:45] just know that its not like your data will be encrypted or secure if someone plugs it into another machine.... [20:45] thanks I understand that [20:46] Guest64: https://itsfoss.com/set-write-permission-ext4-partition-ubuntu-linux/ [20:47] Thanks a lot leftyfb looks like exactly the tutorial that I need. I`ll work through it. [20:50] the "noacl" mount option, which can be specified in /etc/fstab mount options, would override the unix-like/POSIX restrictions usually applied on ext4 file systems [20:51] but leftyfb's approach is probably better [20:52] ...because it woul donly allow your very (restrictted) system user to do anything on the disk, not any system user. [20:52] oh wait, 777, okay actually that's all users [20:53] Guest64: are there any other users on the machine in question or is the machine remotely accessible? [20:54] I`m the only user on this machine, but the machine is online [20:54] is it accessible remotely? [20:55] either via ssh, ftp, telnet, remote desktop, some 3rd party remote desktop service (teamviewer, anydesk, etc)? [20:55] does it provide any services accessible from the internet? any open ports? [20:55] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1070668/how-can-i-disable-acl-on-ext4-filesystem is an example for the "noacl" approach [20:56] I don't think neutering ext4 is neccessary :) [20:57] it's neutering POSIX restrictions, not ext4 ;) [20:59] i'm not sure about potential side effects in terms of expectations ext4 usually has in terms of reservations for root. [20:59] mounting with rw is perfectly fine [21:00] Guest64: i'd say that if you run any internet-reachable services, neither the itsfoss.com (updating) nor the "noacl" approach should be used [21:01] (but you should actually invest the time to learn about file system permissions and ownership then) [21:01] Ok I chgrp and chmod were successfull like in the article leftyfb linked. I can now write to my external HDD again. Will this changes stay in place or do I have to do them again i.e. next week? But I have on issue. When I plug the external hdd ini and I click on the HDD Icon it doesn`t open a Nemo window the icon only flashes and there is no error [21:01] message. What is happening? [21:02] leftyfb: sorry, i didn't read that itsfoss.com article properly. owning it to 'adm' is probably the better approach. [21:04] That`s what I did, tomreyn. But my Unity isn`t inside adm is this why the Nemo window doesn`t open? [21:05] i'm not exactly familiar with nemo, nor with unity, i'm afraid. [21:05] if you format external hard disks with Gnome Disks instead of GParted, it will allow you to take ownership... [21:06] or you can just do it after formatting it with GParted or anything else [21:06] If you're root, they let you own everything. [21:07] delsol: lets not suggest bad practices [21:07] you don't have to be root, just the right PolicyKit permissions [21:09] leftyfb: it was mostly a joke. Not suggesting people run around as root on a desktop machine. [21:10] delsol: such jokes in front of new users aren't exactly helpful either, though. please keep in mind this is a support channel. [21:10] If you get you guys right you suggest a chown on the mountpoint? [21:11] Guest64: your user should be in the adm group. Following the tutorial I posted should work out [21:11] tomreyn: On the contrary, I think its fairly important for most users to understand not only WHY root owns everything, but also what the dangers are in being root. [21:12] New users especially. [21:12] Guest64: you can check which groups your user is in by running: groups (in a terminal emulator) [21:12] delsol: lets stick to helping with the currently stated issues [21:12] thanks leftyfb [21:14] So I did what was in the tutorial and it works. Now I would like to the Nemo window when the Unity starter show the drive symbol again. And I would guess which ever user that is, he is not in the adm group. ;-) [21:14] +open [21:14] Unity? [21:14] yes [21:15] Guest64: are you running Unity Ubuntu or Ubuntu Mate? [21:15] Ubuntu Unity [21:16] sorry, I can't help with Unity and it's applications/settings. I've never used it === Wouter0100670440 is now known as Wouter0100 [21:17] ok then chmod 777 will do it for me I guess [21:22] Guest64: by the way, if you could pick a different nickname (which does not start with "Geust") this will make it easier for everyone to talk to and re-recognize you. you would also benefit from installing a proper IRC client and by registering your chosen nickname. [21:30] ok sry [21:34] Guest64: no need to be sorry, i'm just trying to help make things easier. :) i'd suggest "hexchat" as a first irc client. and see Ubottu's private message (in a different vertical tab, i think) on registering your nickname. [21:34] !register > Guest64 [21:34] Guest64: Please see my private message [21:36] tomreyn I guess that is very kind of you. But I would like to solve my problem before I jump into the next new thing. [21:36] sure [21:39] Guest64: i think that if you open gnome-disk-utility and enabke the "show in user interface" option https://i.stack.imgur.com/8Wbcl.png and add ",group" to the end of the line above "Mount Point", then it may work in nemo [21:39] but that's just a guess [21:40] ubuntu officialy suprassed 3 million users [21:40] !ot | bolendojcin [21:40] bolendojcin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [21:42] how to remove openssh and use wolfssl as my main [21:42] bolendojcin: sudo apt remove ssh # will remove ssh [21:43] bolendojcin: you'll have to see support from "wolfssl" since we cannot support applications that are not included in the ubuntu repositories [21:43] are you mixng up ssh and ssl? [21:44] tomreyn: wolfSSH is a lightweight ssh server [21:44] i ask about the official ssl libraries on ubuntu openssl is way too slow [21:44] is it possible to replace the core system libraries so my system supports tls 1.3 [21:44] bolendojcin: they don't seem slow to me and the 13k machines I support running it [21:44] openssl is originally made for data centers not home computers [21:45] leftyfb: oh, i didn't know that! but bolendojcin asked about "wolfssl", so i was wondering about a confusion there. [21:45] is there a way to change it [21:45] tomreyn: wolfSSH is a subset of the wolfSSL project [21:48] both openssh and the core ssl libraries i've seen about 70% network communcation speed increase with wolfssl as main [21:49] bolendojcin: then why ask for help with "use wolfssl as my main" if you already have it implemented? [21:49] it's on my router. but i want it on my ubuntu too [21:50] bolendojcin: you'll have to seek support from the WolfSSL project [21:50] bolendojcin: you seem to have a certain level of background knowledge which should enable you to not need to ask the kinds of questions you ask here, using different nicknames, are you actually just trolling? [21:50] i don't remember usernames i use i'm 10 minutes on libera [21:51] maybe you can answer the question nevertheless [21:51] but there's always the risk of breaking the system if i do it which is why i ask if someone knows [21:52] bolendojcin: good luck [21:53] I copied part of a webpage usine screen capure and I absolutely cannot find a way in libre anything to get an ORDINARY format to pste it into imgur so I can FINALLY use it to search in google lens. --> what a stupid bit of indirection. -- now that you know what I really want, is there a more direct way. (I have a page image of a BMI app and want to search to find out which app it is.) [21:53] I'm getting this broken package error on a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 install. It worked just fine a few months ago. Any possibility to fix it myself? https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/9WcvomgY/ [21:54] random83: always run apt updatte first if you haven't done so for a few hours [21:55] random83: why are you installing 20.04 4 years after it was released, 1 year before it goes EOL and when there's been 2 LTS releases since then? [21:55] * apt update [21:55] luna through gimp you can paste the image there, ask jpeg and attach it to google image search later [21:55] tomreyn: I've already done apt update a bunch of times, and switched mirrors a bunch of times [21:55] bolendojcin: Are you seeking to rebuild as much as possible against wolfssl? If so, this isn't Gentoo and that's not as simple. Plus any security updates that come down would need repatched and rebuilt too. At that point you're kinda forking the distro. [21:56] Unit193: as noted, unsupported here [21:56] leftyfb: I am not satisfied with any of the Ubuntu versions that came after 20.04. I'm planning to use it until its complete death in 2030. [21:56] ok bolendojcin then why didnt "Activities" give meGIMP instead of only Writer. Iasked to pase in an image. [21:57] random83: hmm, then you are either dealing with dependency issues introduced by using third party apt repositories or packages, or network issues. [21:57] random83: running apt update hsould hint on what's wrong [21:57] I have no idea what I asked. Right now, paste image gives me nothing [21:57] random83: It will be unsupported via standard support on the desktop next April [21:58] luna you might have messed up something in the system pressing prtscrsysrq is supposed to copy the image to your clipboard [21:58] luna_3: what release of ubuntu are you running? [21:58] bolendojcin, 22.04 activieis doesnt find gimp. sticks at searching. [21:58] unit In every os there are standard ssl libraries which the os uses to communicate now if i remove openssl i risk losing internet connection and fixing it will be diff [21:59] we are not recompiling anything they are just another package [21:59] tomreyn: as I said - fresh install, didn't touch anything; I succesfully installed like 30 other packages - ghex and gnome-tweaks are the only ones that error out [21:59] apt update does not give any error [21:59] luna_3: in ubuntu 22.04 desktop, hitting the print screen button on the keyboard will bring up the screenshot dialog, pick your poison and hit enter. Go to imgur.com, click "New Post" and hit CTRL+V to paste. This works just fine [22:00] tomreyn thx for the tip with  gnome-disk-utility, sadly that does`t fix it. [22:00] leftyfb: Yes but it's more useful to explain why than just saying "unsupported"... [22:01] luna did you install ubuntu yourself or someone did it for you [22:02] bolendojcin, I installed ubuntu myself since 6.04 [22:02] luna_3: apt-cache policy libgtkhex-3-0 | nc termbin.com 9999 [22:02] leftyfb: I'm planning to use the ESM after April 2025. The newer Ubuntu and especially GNOME releases have been a disaster. It's just unusable for me. [22:03] Ifound a page with a 5 step gimp install and am in the process [22:03] random83: hmm, that's strange indeed. no warning from "apt update" either? how about "apt -s upgrade" "apt -s full-upgrade"? and can you show the output of "apt policy ghex gnome-tweaks libgtkhex-3-0 gnome-shell-extension-prefs"? [22:03] leftyfb, what does thos two commands do? [22:04] Guest64: hmm, that's a pity, sorry i don't know how to help then. [22:04] luna_3: gives a termbin.com URL to paste here showing the version of libgtkhex-3-0 available on your system [22:04] sorry, wrong person [22:04] tomreyn it`s all right thank you :D [22:04] random83: apt-cache policy libgtkhex-3-0 | nc termbin.com 9999 [22:04] as last case scenario you can install lightshot or something like lightshoot it's a screenshot taking tool [22:05] .luna [22:05] luna_3: in ubuntu 22.04 desktop, hitting the print screen button on the keyboard will bring up the screenshot dialog, pick your poison and hit enter. Go to imgur.com, click "New Post" and hit CTRL+V to paste. This works just fine [22:07] leftyfb: https://bpa.st/VO3A [22:08] leftyb I thought it would but it didnt. I could go and do it again. -- and i hav gimp now. AND I used method 1 to install it wthout reading the whole page. I could have used flatpak. (This is learning. I will be installing 24.04 in a couple of months and everything will have to be done again. [22:08] random83: I would suggest choosing a different mirror for ubuntu [22:08] ) [22:08] thanks leftyfb and bolendojcin [22:09] leftyfb: that's the third one I've tried [22:10] Official gives the same error [22:10] random83: try archive.ubuntu.com [22:12] random83: after configuring archive.ubuntu.com, please run ( sudo apt update ; sudo apt-cache policy ghex gnome-tweaks libgtkhex-3-0 ) | nc termbin.com 9999 [22:14] leftyfb: https://bpa.st/OHKQ [22:15] Can I COPY AN IMAGE from ImageViewer? I dont see it in the menu. [22:16] luna_3: yes [22:16] luna_3: just hit CTRL+c [22:16] and then ctrl+v to paste to imgur.com. Just like with the screenshot tool [22:17] random83: apt-cache policy gnome-shell-extension-prefs | nc termbin.com 9999 [22:18] random83: you know, just running the command I give you is a lot easier than picking out the parts you want, copy and pasting into you terminal, and then copy and pasting the results to bpa.st [22:19] leftyfb: out of habit I don't upload anything before verifying it... therefore https://bpa.st/K4ZA [22:20] random83: enable the focal-updates universe repo [22:22] random83: if I were running focal, this is the sources.list I would use https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zVzRDHvmPv/ [22:22] leftyfb: yes, I realized now where I made a mistake [22:22] switched to "security updates only" before installing all the packages [22:23] that hit the spot - works perfectly now [22:23] I'm not sure what that is, but ok [22:24] leftyfb: software & updates -> updates -> subscribed to [22:24] lesson learned [22:25] I don't know why you wouldn't choose "All updates" [22:25] to be honest I do not ever update anything during the lifetime of a system (which is few months) [22:25] leftyfb, thanks. I openied it with chrome and made separate windows and was able to drag it into imgur. (then google lens was fine but only gave me some useless twitter link. OH well unnrealted to ubu--problems) [22:26] unrelated [22:28] thanks for the help leftyfb and tomreyn. I was getting worried that something on Ubuntu's side became broken forever [22:29] random83: I highly recommend upgrading to 22.04 or 24.04 in August [22:29] random83: glad you two worked it out! [22:29] why August specifically? [22:29] random83: that's when 24.04.1 is released and they work out all the LTS upgrade path issues [22:30] I always wait for the LTS .1 release before upgrading [22:31] i like ubuntu mate a lot but the downside is the core apps are probably different from the main ubuntu since other team makes it [22:31] in the future it would be cool to see the exact same ubuntu just different environment [22:32] bolendojcin: all applications in all official flavors of ubuntu are sourced from the same repositories [22:32] listen, I really really want to upgrade. I've been checking out all the LTS and .10 releases as they become available. I don't want to get kicked for swearing, but they are... nowhere near the quality of 20.04. [22:32] random83: let us know when you decide to upgrade and we'll be happy to help you with any issues you may come across [22:33] luna_3: i haven't followed the full conversation, and don't know which graphical desktop you're using, if any. but in case you're using ubuntu#s default gnome-shell you can just install this gnome-shell-extension https://github.com/OttoAllmendinger/gnome-shell-screenshot/ which makes it easy to take screenshots and upload them to imgur.com [22:33] https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1112/screenshot-tool/ is the better link [22:34] tomreyn: I don't have either of those installed and screenshot taking, copy and pasting is seemless [22:35] leftyfb: even better. [22:36] tomreyn: they don't seem interested in troubleshooting their issue, only adding steps to complete their goal [22:38] there should probably be a big label when joining this room that this is support room [22:39] in ubuntu main people expect it to be discussion room [22:39] "support" is the third word on the channel topic [22:41] yeah but with the first word official gives it another priority. only for support and nothing else [22:43] that's exactly how it's meant to be. support only. [22:43] !support [22:43] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [23:53] I just set up my wireless mouse and keyboard on my Ubuntu laptop. After unplugging the laptop from the ac cord and plugging it back in again, it was frozen on the user login screen. Ever since then when I boot my computer the OS fails to load (or the GUI I guess). And I get this error on the screen: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gZCpw3T6V3/   What [23:53] should I try to resolve this? [23:56] Are the people in here real or ai support bot? [23:57] cobraeriko: I would try turning off/unpairing the keyboard and mouse, reboot and see if it helps. Start there [23:57] matt_: what can we help you with? [23:58] for bt the tool bluez helped me to scan, pair and trust the device [23:58] leftyfb Thanks I'll try that first [23:58] either way, I really don't think any bt devices would be preventing your laptop from booting properly [23:58] cobraeriko: what release of ubuntu are you running? [23:59] weird that unplugging power causes such error .. check for an bios update? [23:59] just installed 22.04 LTS fresh today