=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [03:40] @nuxil: In a word: yes, but I couldn't get it to work for my use case (plasma-wayland, laptop with a busted built-in keyboard) [06:21] Hi there - can't run the usual updates anymore. [06:21] It says in German only: [06:21] Sperrung nicht möglich:

E: Der dpkg-Prozess wurde unterbrochen; Sie müssen manuell »dpkg --configure -a« ausführen, um das Problem zu beheben. [06:22] [06:22] TomTom! Thanks for joining the conversation [06:23] Can u tell me what and how to do it? [06:23] sperrung nicht moeglich sounds like that apt is locked and another process is doing apt things right now [06:24] YEAH! TomTom still there!! [06:24] no, I am an other tomtom guy. we are many ;) [06:25] Ok. Interesting. How can I interrupt the other apt? [06:25] the more tomtoms da bettah! :) [06:31] check if there are processes running... like that `ps ax|grep "apt\|dpkg"|grep -v "grep"` [06:33] Nice! And where to enter dat? [06:42] Sigh... Using bluetooth headphones with a clean 24.04 (Wayland) is a pain. Music streaming leaves me with like, every 60th second a .5s sound glitch of "silent". And google is not my friend. Is there no solution to make bluetooth headphones work smooth with linux? [06:47] dreamhawk: there is for sure output in your systemlog. I am still on 23.10 and use BT streaming on a daily basis without a problem... [06:50] TomTom: If it helps, im using bose quiet comfort headphones, and there's no output in my journalctl . I'll gladly find more logs about this audio glitching. Since im using headphones for comfy music at work, but its enfuriating when it bugs out 1-2 times every 60s [06:58] dreamhawk: quite a lot of ppl had problems with these bose qc headphones in the past (20-22)... before trying all these probably too old solutions, increase the latency of the port [07:00] TomTom: did these old solutions work? [07:05] dreamhawk: for them, yes. But I think you should try them with care because they are for older versions of *buntu. I would start with the latency as I said [07:06] TomTom: Ill see what i can find... [07:53] Hi! Is there any repo to install intel GPU proprietary drivers for 24.04? [07:53] additional drivers KCM does not finy any [07:53] find* [08:47] sheytan_: intel gpu drivers are open source, apart from proprietary firmware. what are you referring to exactly? [08:48] you may want to explain what made you look for additional drivers, is this an x->y issue, where you are trying to achieve y because x is not working? [09:28] tomreyn: i'm trying to lunch davinci resolve for simple video editing but does not discover any gpu [09:28] i'm running 24.04 [09:29] have you checked what they support? [09:29] meaning what? driver or os version? [09:29] gpu hardware [09:30] but also operating system and version, yes [09:30] i'm running a i5 8gen so this should be supported [09:30] https://www.pugetsystems.com/solutions/video-editing-workstations/davinci-resolve/hardware-recommendations/#gpu seems to only list dedicated gpus [09:34] on mac and windows it works with intel, so should on linux aswell [09:35] intel arc a770 is listed, but onlike your cpu integrated gpu this is a dedicated gpu [09:43] no way. It works on windows even on i5 6 gen [09:45] maybe it's because of wayland session? [09:49] https://github.com/intel/compute-runtime/pull/673 may improve things once it's available on ubuntu [09:49] -ubottu:#kubuntu- Pull 673 in intel/compute-runtime "feature/ocl: Improve Linux CL/GL sharing support" [Closed] [10:42] Anyone know when we can do an upgrade to Kubuntu 24.04? [11:13] zorin1: upgrades from 22,04 are enabled when the 1st point release 24.04.1 comes out on August 15th [11:15] The delay is deliberate for a LTS to LTS upgrade to make sure as many upgrade bugs have been fixed as possible [11:15] as many big organisations etc rely on the LTS being reliable in upgrade [11:32] RikMills thanks for explanation. [12:52] Hi all === kiska31 is now known as kiska3 === diogeness_ is now known as diogeness [22:31] Hello. How do I find the password for KDE Plasma Desktop? [22:36] not, but you can reset it [22:36] !password [22:36] Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords