
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
john-cabajI'm trying to build noble s390x packages on my amd64 machine with sbuild and a chroot. It seems that s390x packages are missing from the mirror (http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/noble/main/) and (http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/noble-security/main/). There's probably a reason for this, but I'm not sure what it is. sbuild can't pull the proper dependencies atm.07:48
mitya57john-cabaj: replacing security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu with ports.ubuntu.com should help07:58
john-cabajmitya57: In the /etc/apt/sources of the chroot?07:58
mitya57Yes (sources.list)07:58
john-cabajWill give that a shot07:59
RikMillsjohn-cabaj: also the s390x builders seem to not all be working. plus there about 1200 s390x archive builds queued, which will have higher priority than any ppa build07:59
john-cabajRikMills: I don't know if any builders are working. As long as I can get local debs on my machine for now, I'll be happy08:00
RikMillsoh, thought you meant a ppa. sorry08:01
RikMillsthe s390x launchpad builders are being a pain, so had that on my mind08:04
john-cabajRikMills: I've had an arm64 build pending in a personal PPA for about a day and it hasn't started yet :(08:29
john-cabajAlways "30 minutes to build". But it's down to 19 now, so maybe soon08:29
RikMillsjohn-cabaj: arm64 also has quite a queue so not surprised08:31
sudipcan anyone please click on this link - https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=oracular&arch=armhf&package=dwarves&trigger=migration-reference/011:29
RikMillssudip: done11:33
sudipthanks RikMills11:34
zhsjjbicha: since it's a gnome package, maybe you are more suitable to review https://code.launchpad.net/~zhsj/ubuntu/+source/gobject-introspection/+git/gobject-introspection/+merge/46607613:26
jbichazhsj: I don't think I'll get to that until next week14:13
zhsjjbicha: sure, srm may only be available next week as well 😂14:21
jbichaI don't know if we'll do a rebuild for armhf since armhf isn't a directly installable architecture for noble14:41
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