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pvl1does anyone know if ubuntu 22+ supports the 'toram' kernel cmd line option? i had assumed that was a feature of dracut or similar12:27
BertHi everyone. We've been keeping our mailserver on Ubuntu 20.04 because Mailman 2 nor 3 were packages for 22.04. We're happy to see that 24.04 now has full packaging of mailman 3 but we're unsure if there's automatic migrations present in the packages or how we should proceed to upgrade this server without loss of archives, settings or other mailman data. Are there any official docs I missed on this?12:48
patdk-lapthere wouldn't be any, it existed in universe and is still in universe12:52
patdk-lapthat means there is no support/docs/... from ubuntu12:52
patdk-lapthere might be documentation from the creator of the package12:53
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Bertpatdk-lap: I see, so I'm on my own I guess. Was hoping there was some community help along the lines of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mailman21:54
Bertbut thanks for responding though. Very welcome! (and I didn't expect it to be so fast :O )21:54
patdk-lapwell, it is community22:12
patdk-lapbut not sure that community is ever in here22:12
BertI see23:03
patdk-lapI would expect it to be a non issue23:04
patdk-lapon upgrade I would expect mailman to just keep the old package23:04
patdk-lapthen on next upgrade it would upgrade to the new package23:05
Bert20.04->22.04 forces an uninstall I believe, but I might be mistaken23:05
patdk-lapshould only happen if a dependency issue for some reason23:05
Bertit tries to upgrade to the few mailman3 packages that exist, but not all components made it into 22.04 which makes it disfunctional23:06
Bertbut I might misremember, it was almost 2 years ago23:06

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