[00:05] I've not tried this yet, but does the version of grub 2.12 included with 24.04 manage to decrypt a LUKS2 volume? It did in 23.10 (you can now do one big / instead of encrypted luks1 /boot and luks2 / for FDE, if you do a manual install) [00:07] vortexx, sofar no reports https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bugs?orderby=-datecreated&start=0 [00:07] have fun! [00:12] vortexx; that was discussed on the lubuntu dev room and also i think in the generals flavors room. https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/7SMDvZXbdN/ [00:13] i did not follow the whole discussion but the main argument why they did not implement it is that that scenario is not part of any test case [00:13] so it could break at any point === Bencraft424033 is now known as Bencraft42403 [00:15] ravage: thanks for the link [00:17] well I've been using luks1 encrypted /boot in 22.04 for a couple of years (I did the manual install that the OpenZFS docs describe) and it's been working fine throughout updates. I realize I'm on my own for this but it does work [00:17] and if you try luks2 PBKDF2 grub will break [00:17] 23.10 unbroke that [00:17] I've still got the install script, I'll try in a VM again to see how it goes with 22.04 [00:18] good luck 🙂 [00:18] cheers [00:20] s/with 22.04/with 24.04 [00:22] this laptop (Dell XPS 9310) has an AX500 wifi+bt chip (Qualcom 6390) and every time I've tried to upgrade to a later version of ubuntu or just a more recent kernel than 5.15, I've found that either wifi or bluetooth stops working. Only solution is to rollback (which is where ZFS has paid off in spades). Hopefully 24.04 when it arrives for 22.04 users will work but I'm not hopeful [00:25] !mainline [00:25] The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds [00:25] just test it on your 22.04 install [00:26] I've done 6.5 on 22.04 and same result [00:26] 6.8.0-31-generic is my current version [00:26] also 6.0 and 6.2 [00:26] (thats the default noble version) [00:27] https://gist.github.com/mtint/fada761a5b8e96b2fc1a131d8773291e also looks helpful [00:28] but i would try the 6.8 kernel first [00:28] I'll give it a go and report back, thanks [00:29] firmware issue? [00:29] possible. the link installs firmware from git [00:29] and the ubuntu firmware package is always.. lets call it stable [00:29] jups [00:29] scan for firmware messages in the logs? [00:31] but in theory booting the 24.04 live usb should work to test the wifi? [00:32] yes [00:32] old situation https://askubuntu.com/questions/1280328/ubuntu-20-04-killer-ax500s-dbs-drivers-support [00:32] no need anymore [00:38] 20.04 and 20.10 didn't have support when I got the laptop back in Nov 2020, I used an external card till around Feb 2021 when 5.10 landed in daily dev releases, and then 5.11 allowed for suspend without having then having to reboot cos the card wouldn't reinitialize. It's been quite the cantankerous bit of hw [00:39] try 24.04, and have fun [00:40] live mode should work with wireless [00:42] it should indeed [00:52] hi === ocean is now known as ocean1224 [00:53] [00:54] hello fellow ubuntu users C: [00:54] anyone here using lubuntu or a distro with lxqt? [00:55] sure, there is also #lubuntu for specific issues [00:56] and for the basics #linux [00:56] okay i'll switch to that channel thank you [00:56] have fun! [00:56] would #linux be the best channel for learning different commands? [00:56] i've been using it for about a year now but i haven't learned everything very well [00:59] so much to learn [01:00] system, virtualisation, music, video, games, server and application .. [01:00] start with the official ubuntu docs [01:00] then compare with blogs and other sire [01:00] sites [01:01] askubuntu, https://fullcirclemagazine.org/ === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === tass is now known as Guest823 === antonispgs8 is now known as antonispgs === AKTheKnight33 is now known as AKTheKnight3 === pitch1 is now known as pitch [05:31] hi! i'm working to restructure an ubuntu 24.04 install so it runs with full disk encryption under luks. i've gotten very far, and i've done this before, but currently i'm hitting a wall where update-initramfs doesn't generate any images, and grub doesn't generate any menu entries [05:32] i'm running the relevant commands from a chroot and i've already updated /etc/{crypt,fs}tab for the new partitions [05:32] but `update-initramfs -c -k all -v` just outputs "Nothing to do, exiting." grub-install runs without errors, update-grub runs without errors but generates only a "UEFI Firmware" menu entry [05:36] i have a partition for /boot/efi, a partition for /boot, and a luks partition for /. everything is mounted correctly in the chroot [06:19] wow there's like a circular dependency now. ok i had to `touch /boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r)` and then run update-initramfs and then do an apt reinstall of the linux image [06:23] should have just copied all that nonsense over from the old folder. i didn't know that it couldn't be regenerated [06:23] looks like it used to be but isn't any more [06:28] Widdershins: please dont use this channel to describe every step you do, instead ask a question and wait for volunteers to pickup on your issue [06:28] i'm familiar with irc, thank you === kvn_ is now known as kvn [07:45] Could someone please help me with my SDR on Ubuntu - I can only seem to connect to it as sudo, and not as normal user. [07:45] I think its something to do with udev rules (whatever they are) [07:46] this is the software - https://github.com/airspy/airspyhf [07:46] which involves installing udev rules? [07:46] and I have several udev rules in /etc/udev/rules.d [08:00] Ali_nz: there is gqrx-sdr ive never used airspy though [08:05] rock8008: its something to do with the udev rules not allowing normal user access to the HW [08:56] Hi everyone. I need someone to confirm this: Since the upgrade to Firefox 126.0 I'm having issues with drag-n-drop in Firefox. When I select random text or image from a site in the browser and drag the image or selection and let it 'drop back', all dragging and dropping functionality ceases in Firefox. So: no dragging dropping of URLs, tabs and selected texts. [08:56] To enable dragging and dropping again, I must restart Firefox or... drag some random text from outside the application unto the URL-bar so that it causes Firefox to open a new tab. [08:56] After that, the drag-and-drop functionality is restored again. Until the next time you accidentally drag a selected item again. [08:56] I noticed that the following conditions play a role: This only happens in Firefox versions 126.0 and above, and (this is important!), I'm using a Wacom pen tablet as input device while doing the dragging and dropping. [08:56] So, if there's anyone here that uses Ubuntu (or other desktops) 22.04, Firefox 126.0 or above AND a Wacom pen tablet as input device: I'd like to know if you experience the same problem. [08:57] I also made this animated gif to illustrate the problem: https://imgur.com/a/O7Z30dT [09:05] Bibbles: that's both so concrete a description as well as such a specific scenario that you'd best file a bug report against the firefox snap directly (assuming that's what you're using). [09:06] It's actually in both APT and snap versions. [09:07] so this even more points to a firefox issue [09:07] I'm going to make a bug report about it, for sure, but I wanted to check first if this only applies to Xubuntu or all blends of Ubuntu. [09:08] ah, sorry i can't help there. [09:09] I also posted this on #xubuntu and #firefox. So far I got one confirmation from a user using Xubuntu 22.04 + FF 126 + Wacom Pen Tablet. [09:10] We already found that using the ESR version 'fixes' the problem. But the bug probably remains in FF 126.0+ versions. [09:13] Bibbles: before filing a bug , we reccomend you to browse around abit the existing bugs first to see if something similar exist yet [09:14] Bibbles: upstream snap contact points to; https://support.mozilla.org/kb/file-bug-report-or-feature-request-mozilla [09:14] lotuspsychje: Yes, thanks. I already did. Nothing turned up. I'm guessing not a whole lot of people use a Wacom as their default input device on their computers. [09:17] Bibbles: allright, then il agree with tomreyn and you proceed with filing a bug ID and share it with the volunteers here if you like [09:18] lotuspsychje: Yes, I'm already on it. I'm just trying to gather a little more information before filing the bugreport. [09:18] good luck! [09:19] Thanks! [09:33] is/ayz ubuntu on lyyyyyyfe sukkort abandonware? because the time it takes 23.10 to load/boot is abominable-snowman-tier slow [09:35] also:    what would ubuntu be ayt it couldn't tell the time/date/datetime? [09:42] gest22: !details [09:43] !details | gest22 [09:43] gest22: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. [09:44] assuming during install time date should work asumming it is connected to internet and yes each version is a bit bigger with more options so yes install may take a bit longer === jan is now known as Guest7318 [11:47] is there some way to figure out which pid a particular chrome window corresponds to? [11:48] in my case I have a window open to my self-hosted audiobookshelf server set up as a chrome open-in-window shortcut and it's causing issues. i'd like to be able to look at the underlying PID for that window, but I don't know how to elucidate a correspondence b/w the two. Further, in order to troubleshoot my particular problem, I need all the other chrome tabs open too. [11:59] Does anyone know what package I need for vulkan capability of ffmpeg? [12:00] did you look at ffmpeg's ubuntu build guide? [12:03] https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/Ubuntu === do is now known as youngengineer === pah is now known as pa [12:52] Hi all [13:04] is there a way to run docker on ubuntu 24.04 lts without 'sudo sysctl -w kernel.apparmor_restrict_unprivileged_userns=0'  ? [13:04] docker desktop [13:08] hey Guest16, my systemctl docker.service is called with `ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock` [13:09] iconoclast_hero so what should i change ? i am still learning about this userspace stuff [13:12] my /usr/bin/ has docker and docker-credential-desktop but no dockerd [13:14] is  this supposed to be put in /etc/apparmor.d/  someway ? [13:15] ah simply edit sudo systemctl edit docker.service ? [13:20] i have no docker service; systemctl list-units --type=service | grep docker [13:23] into .docker/daemon.json ? [15:48] kurac [15:48] fak you all [15:49] LookUp [16:03] @guest16 i don't know.. i answered just the first question, but when i installed docker it was setup as a systemd service so that's how i use it. [16:05] but the way i found that call was $ systemctl status docker -> which gave me the file it's calling on line 2: [16:05] Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) [16:05] which is where I got the above. [16:36] ravage: I tested the mainline kernels... forgetting I need zfs support, so they're a no go for testing unless I work out how to add that in a non-pita way. I also booted the live image for 24.04, and WiFi firmware crashes, and bluetooth turns itself off randomly. Just like with with other kernels I'd tried (5.17, 6.0, 6.2 & 6.5) [16:36] I'm going to test every release since 22.04 via live image [16:43] So maybe try a newer firmware  [16:43] The kernel is not the problem then maybe [16:43] possible yeah [16:44] See the link I posted about getting the firmware  [16:44] The kernel log should also show you what firmware it loads or tries to load [16:46] yeah I've got it open from last night for the link. Cloning the code now [16:50] vortexx: wich chipset is that you testing? [17:07] lotuspsychje: ath11k / 72:00.0 Unassigned class [ff00]: Qualcomm QCA6390 Wireless Network Adapter [AX500-DBS (2x2)] [17:07] it works in 22.04 with 5.15 (and kernels before that from 5.10 onwards) but anything above 5.15 gives me firmware crashes [17:08] just installed linux-image-oem-22.04d, going to reboot now and see if it works with the added firmware. I hope the newer one gets selected, I've never messed around with upgrading wifi firmware packags in Linux [17:09] vortexx: you got a bug ID for that? [17:35] lotuspsychje: no I do not, none one else seems to have a problem with this. Tried the 6.5 kernel again, didn't work, firmware loads but the connection can't be made with AP [17:35] vortexx: i only find a few old bug reports for that chip, maybe would be good to file a new one [17:36] also I md5sum'd the board-2.bin of the git repository download and the firmware in /lib/firmware/ath11k/QCA6390, they're identical [17:37] lotuspsychje: I can try, yes [17:37] how do I check which firmware got loaded, apart from moving the supplied firmware's dir out of /lib/firmware ? [17:38] sudo lshw -C network should show the firmware/driver version [17:40] configuration: broadcast=yes driver=ath11k_pci driverversion=5.15.0-107-generic firmware=N/A <--- apparently not =) === zniavre_ is now known as zniavre [17:42] ath11k_pci 0000:72:00.0: fw_version 0x101c06cc fw_build_timestamp 2020-06-24 19:50 fw_build_id <-- from dmesg | grep ath11k [17:43] vortexx, quite sure there 's more than that; sudo dmesg | grep ath | nc termbin.com 9999 [17:57] hi, can I expect gcc 14 to be backported to noble? I see it's in oracular [17:58] noble only has a nightly build from april [18:03] mgaunard: the #ubuntu-release crew might know more of that === kiska31 is now known as kiska3 [18:17] ioria: dmesg | grep fw_ [18:17] [ 14.760833] ath11k_pci 0000:72:00.0: fw_version 0x10121492 fw_build_timestamp 2021-11-04 11:23 fw_build_id [18:17] Which packages provide Unit apt-news.service and Unit esm-cache.service ? [18:17] this is the newer firmware. It works with 5.15, but not with 6.5. 6.5 will load it but can't connect to the AP === kostkon__ is now known as kostkon [18:35] is there a bug in unanttended-upgrade where it ignores pins? it seems to regularly ignore my firefox pin (mozilla.org package) and forces the snap version to be installed [18:52] ok I tried 5.17 6.2 and 6.5 with new firmware, no dice. I'll try and file a bug === ulna2 is now known as ulna === ajfriesen1 is now known as ajfriesen === ggherdov_ is now known as ggherdov === Exterminador_ is now known as Exterminador === driib3 is now known as driib === MrMobius_ is now known as MrMobius === hikikomori_ is now known as hikikomori === Fossil_ is now known as Fossil === CheckMyBrain_ is now known as CheckMyBrain === ItsAGeekThing8 is now known as ItsAGeekThing === hughrawlinson_ is now known as hughrawlinson === patviafore_ is now known as patviafore === global_elites__ is now known as global_elites_ === mawk` is now known as mawk === fauxpride- is now known as fauxpride === vorteckz_ is now known as vorteckz === jose_ is now known as jose [19:41] hey folks, how can I change the mouse icon when it hovers over the terminal? === diogeness_ is now known as diogeness [20:16] I hope ubuntu has plans to certify that new Dell XPS with the snapdragon X chipset === riOwnage9 is now known as riOwnage [20:32] Has anyone tried the linux-nvidia kernel from 24.04 proposed updates? [20:32] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/noble/amd64/linux-nvidia/6.8.0-1006.6+1 [20:33] I'm having trouble finding clear documentation on how that is different from the linux-generic kernel and the nvidia drivers [20:53] Hello, i'm not sure whether i've come to the right place to ask, but after upgrading my Ubuntu Desktop to 24.04 and by that also upgrading my gnome to 46 I have the issue, that whenever I re-login into my session after suspend or after switching users, my extensions seem to be gone. They all work just fine on first login though. How do i debug/fix that? [20:55] did they enable upgrades now? cool! [20:56] nope, i did it with the last pre-release preview that came out before the official release via commandline [20:56] och :( [20:57] Had i little bit of a hickup with my disk-encryption setup and grub, but apart from that and the extension thing everything worked just fine as far as i can tell. [20:57] Or rather disk-encrypting + missing initramfs extension [21:06] quit === lenix is now known as lenix-de [22:34] hey, I can't login into my launchpad account, because of a "forgotten" password. but I don't get any email about resetting that password. is there a way to reach out to somewhere where I can fix that? [22:44] rrahl0: I assume you already checked your spam folder etc. [22:45] could take an hour? [22:45] and maybe checked if you used another mail address instead? [22:46] yeah, sometimes wait a bit, especially if you use Hotmail or similar [22:49] JanC: yes, nothing [22:49] JanC: am using proton, and even days, weeks after requesting, nothing ever came (and it's the only email address I ever used) [22:50] maybe ask in #launchpad if they can help [22:52] not sure if anyone there will be awake right now, so maybe stay there & wait for answer if you can [22:52] awesome thanks :3 [22:52] will ask "later" when some people should be awake. there is no rush [22:53] I don't know if they have people working on Launchpad who are in other timezones, so you can always try :) [22:54] other means non UK? === ken-ken is now known as yukenjie [22:56] yeah [22:56] oh that's fine, am +2 myself === ubuntu is now known as Guest1230 === yukenjie is now known as ken-ke === ken-ke is now known as yukenjie