
LocutusOfBorghello, bos01, bos02, bos03 down?08:07
guruprasadLocutusOfBorg, there were some issues around the time you asked. But afaics, things are back working again. Please let us know if you still notice issues.09:08
LocutusOfBorgthanks you, I'm scared of friday outages, because they might delay until monday :D09:15
LocutusOfBorgand I have an ongoing haskell transition I would like to progress during the weekend09:15
guruprasadLocutusOfBorg, I would say that if something goes wrong during the weekend, it might take until Monday or so for someone to look into it and resolve things.10:33
guruprasadPeople will be travelling back home from the sprint during the weekend and while I suspect some of our sysadmins would be on-call, I am not sure how much they will be able to get done during the weekend.10:34
kutstill no response from askubuntu20:04
RikMillsthis is now a official kubuntu staging PPA for the Qt6/KF6 transition in oracular20:14
RikMillscould we have the size limit bumped to 20-30 GB as we have in our existing ppas?20:15
alorbachHello, is this the right place for help on launchpad build / upload errors?22:23
tsimonq2alorbach: Depends, what is the error?22:30

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