
lotuspsychjegood morning02:31
=== esv_ is now known as esv
JanC<tomreyn> "ip link" rather than "ifconfig -a" nowadays16:29
JanCshouldn't that be "for the last 15 years" or so instead of "nowadays"16:29
tomreynlet's say 'for a good while'16:30
tomreynbut nowadays, too16:30
leftyfbI'll be honest, I only transitioned after xenial :)16:54
leftyfbthe output of ifconfig IS a lot easier to read16:55
leftyfbhell, just spacing the interfaces out would be an improvement 16:56
leftyfband TIL of -br. That's a lot nicer if all you're looking for is an ip16:59
leftyfbthe default colors of -c are awful17:00
JanCip can output to JSON too, so it should also be easy to create your own custom commands if you want17:04
leftyfblove me some jq17:04
JanChaving exactly the info & colours you prefer  :-)17:04
leftyfbbut -br is a lot easier17:04
JanCif it has all you need17:05
daftykinsfrankly the loss of ifconfig was not progression imo20:48
daftykinsi no longer know how to statically address an interface after bringing it up via CLI - and this is a crying shame20:48
Bashing-omdaftykins: It's now ' ip ' to take the place of ifconfig .20:53
daftykinsoh yeah i very regularly use 'ip a' but i don't know enough to assign20:54

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