
AaronRainboltThis is a code block to test a fix for the localhost link bug.04:15
AaronRainboltDoes this work?04:15
* AaronRainbolt sent a code block: https://chat.staging.ubuntu.com/_matrix/media/v3/download/chat.staging.ubuntu.com/IWlJEdLChvkrXuHDmKMospDr04:16
arraybolt3^ woot it works!04:16
guiverclooks a bit like nonsense... person typing alphabet or trying to think of what to list...  data corruption maybe can't be ruled out from my read of it arraybolt3  :)06:39
TimAndersson[m]<AaronRainbolt> "yeah me too :P" <- Haha, okay, noted, I've made a note of the logs and when I have a bit more time I'll dig into it in depth. Cos that sucks tbh hehe08:18

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