
PrunersSo Thunderbird is capable of newsgroups.01:32
devslashMy Ubuntu Server 23.10 experienced a power outage and is now booting into maintenance mode. I tried reinstalling grub but it didn't help01:39
rboxwhat does the error say01:41
devslashI'm in emergency mode01:42
devslashMy root partition /dev/sda2 is mounted at /01:44
oerheksread only?01:44
devslashNo rw01:45
oerheks type "journalctl -xb" to view system logs, "systemctl reboot", "systemctl default" or "exit" t01:46
devslashYea it says all that01:46
oerheksor  fsck -y /dev/sda201:46
devslashWill that work if it's mounted with -y?01:47
oerheksthink so , yes01:47
devslashOh so i found the problem01:48
devslashIn fstab it mounts my usb drive. I commented it out & rebooted and now it boots up so at least now I know what was causing it. Thanks for the help01:49
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blacknessjust installed 24.04 after distrohopping forever05:23
blacknessand here I shall stay05:24
LuckyManGood :-)05:24
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)05:25
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ScribolusFriendly Greetings! the Gnome of Ubuntu 24.04 uses Wayland, is that true?08:25
oerhekstrue, standard, but the x11 session is also available, change at login08:25
Scribolusin case i prefer to stay with Wayland, would there be a tool that allows me to manipulate window positions, sizes etc.?08:26
Scribolusi miss xdotool and wmctrl :(08:27
masberhi, I have ubuntu 23.20 install and would like to upgrade to 24.04, for some reason the software updater won't realise there is an update available10:00
masberI have "Notify me of a new Ubuntu version" --> For any version10:00
ravageupdates are paused due to open bugs. to get 24.04 you currently need to do a clean install10:01
masberI have all updates instaled10:01
masberah ok, so there is a bug10:01
masbernp I will wait then10:01
masberwhat is the official channel to follow when ubuntu 24.04 is safe to upgrade?10:14
oerheksyou will notice in your update dialog10:14
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Tkayahow one can make a partition image with gzip while showing status?10:33
TkayaI can do dd if=/local/path | gzip > /remote/path/in/local/network/backup.img.gz but this will give me no indication about status I suppose10:33
EriC^^maybe with dd ... status=progress ?10:34
EriC^^or use 'pv' between the pipes10:34
ravageyou can actually use both at the same time10:35
EriC^^if status=progress outputs to stderr i guess it should show10:35
ravagedd if=/local/path status=progress | pv | gzip >/remote/path/in/local/network/backup.img.gz10:36
ravage104857600 bytes (105 MB, 100 MiB) copied, 2 s, 52.4 MB/s10:37
ravage200MB 0:00:04 [  50MB/s] [========================>           ] 66% ETA 0:0210:37
ravagewould be an example output of that10:37
EriC^^actually without pv is better, it shows with just status=progress and doesnt keep adding lines10:39
EriC^^dd status=progress | gzip ftw imho10:39
ravageWould be fun to get a status of the data written by gzip10:40
ravageSo you could maybe use pv for that and then write that to the compressed file 10:41
ravageOr you just check the file in another terminal.10:42
mgaunardhi, can I expect gcc 14 to be backported to noble? I see it's in oracular10:45
mgaunardnoble only has a nightly build from april10:45
oerheks!info gcc-14 noble10:51
ubottugcc-14 (14-20240412-0ubuntu1, noble): GNU C compiler. In component universe, is optional. Built by gcc-14. Size 471 kB / 542 kB10:51
oerheks!info gcc-14 oracular10:51
ubottugcc-14 (14-20240412-0ubuntu1, oracular): GNU C compiler. In component universe, is optional. Built by gcc-14. Size 471 kB / 542 kB10:51
oerhekssame ...10:51
fwehtwhen vscode wants to update itself, will it update via snap or will it install a second version (apart from the snap version)?  unfortunately snap only gives me version `0cd8d6ac` so i dont know how to compare this to my actual vscode11:21
ravagea snap cant update itself11:39
ravageso any update from within the snapped app will just fail11:40
BluesKajHi all12:08
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vortexxfor those who'd like to follow along, I posted a bug report for my QCA6390 issue over on launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta-oem-6.5/+bug/206593812:48
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2065938 in linux-signed-oem-6.5 (Ubuntu) "QCA6390 won't work with any kernel above 5.15 in 22.04" [Undecided, New]12:48
jeremy31vortexx: Do you know how to edit grub?12:57
vortexxjeremy31: yes, why?13:01
vortexxI've been using grub since grub replaced lilo13:01
jeremy31vortexx: add memmap=12M\$20M13:04
jeremy31vortexx: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1960273#p196027313:04
vortexxjeremy31: that was an old bug, it shouldn't be necessary anymore13:10
vortexxI'm going to try Fedora Workstation 40 quickly to see if that fails too (it probably will)13:11
vortexxI can add it just to see though13:12
lotuspsychjevortexx: can you apport-collect 2065938 , from the default kernel you boot 22.04 please?13:27
vortexxlotuspsychje: apport-collect 206593813:31
vortexxPackage linux-signed-oem-6.5 not installed and no hook available, ignoring13:31
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic jammy13:31
ubottulinux-image-generic (, jammy): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta. Size 3 kB / 21 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.)13:31
vortexxjeremy31: adding memmap=12M\$20M prevents my system from booting13:32
lotuspsychjethis would be stock kernel^13:32
vortexxadditional news: I tried Fedora Workstation 40 which uses 6.8 and that works13:32
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic-hwe-22.0413:33
ubottuPackage linux-image-generic-hwe-22.04 does not exist in noble13:33
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic-hwe-22.04 jammy13:33
ubottulinux-image-generic-hwe-22.04 (, jammy): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta-hwe-6.5. Size 3 kB / 22 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, ppc64el, s390x.)13:33
Guest91ubuntu should got 60 text editors by now:   xed, xedit, gedit, kwrite, kate, librewriter, <textarea>, leat3ad,   -- we need more dumb text editors ayn/in the downloadable/installable rekosz/rekoze/rekoz13:33
lotuspsychjewich one of these 2 did you install jammy by default vortexx ?13:33
lotuspsychjevortexx: ok since your bug says chipset works on 5.15 , boot back into and apport-collect 2065938 from there13:38
vortexxlotuspsychje: linux-image-generic is the one that has been working for me for several years, currently on I've tried the linux-image-generic-hwe-22.04 one ( and it fails in the same way the does (future linux-image-generic-hwe-22.04 )13:38
vortexxlotuspsychje: I've got a problem that I can't assign the right package on launchpad, it won't let me use linux-image-generic13:39
vortexxso apport-collect fails13:39
lotuspsychjevortexx: oh, holdon ill change for you13:39
lotuspsychjeok try again vortexx13:40
vortexxI'll connect via wired ethernet on 6.5 so apport-collect will work13:40
poeHello guys13:43
lotuspsychjevortexx: apport-collect seem to have picked 5.15 there13:44
lotuspsychjevortexx: but no sweat, you can add a comment with 6.5 dmesg if you want13:45
vortexxlotuspsychje: yeah I ran it on 5.15 to provide a working config. Let me reboot into 6.5 and 6.8 and I'll provide dmesg for both13:47
lotuspsychjevortexx: the dev will be happy, as he asks an older working kernel (5.15 you got now) and your non-working 6.813:50
vortexxlotuspsychje: so no need to run apport-collect in 6.5? I'm logged into it now14:01
vortexxI've collected the dmesg14:01
lotuspsychjevortexx: no its ok, just add a new comment with full dmesg of 6.5 and 6.814:01
lotuspsychjeotherwise the collect logs will spam the bug14:02
vortexxyeah as I thought. Will do14:02
vortexxok all dmesgs posted14:18
lotuspsychjetnx vortexx looking all good now14:18
vortexxlotuspsychje: thanks for your assistance, much appreciated14:23
vortexxI really should have reported this when I noticed it on 22.10 back in the day. Oh well.14:24
vortexxbtw rebooting takes about 2:30 mins because I have to enter the password to decrypt /boot, then the password to decrypt /, then login to GDM then enter the password for the gnome-keyring14:27
vortexxthus delays in posting in here when rebooting a lot14:27
lotuspsychjevortexx: no problem, the devs will surely take over from here now14:32
vortexxhopefully so14:32
vortexxI'm ready to test any kernel if it'll help, so long as there's ZFS support included14:32
lotuspsychjevortexx: feel free to test !mainline kernels yourself too at, https://kernel.ubuntu.com/mainline/14:41
lotuspsychjethat can help the devs too knowing a higher working kernel version14:43
aroI struggle with a non booking kernel in ubuntu. I want to go back to the last booted kernel, but I struggle how. Grub is not even listing my last kernel, but dpkg shows it's still installed.14:43
vortexxlotuspsychje: problem with that is I use ZFS and mainline kernels don't have that by default. I guess I'd have to patch and compile a custom kernel15:22
vortexxaro: you need to boot a live image, mount all the paritions into /mnt, then chroot into it. Check your /boot does have the old kernel, then run update-grub, check /boot/grub/grub.cfg has your old kernel listed, then exit chroot and reboot15:23
vortexxlotuspsychje: I did try Fedora Workstation 40's 6.8 kernel, and it works. So it clearly is a ubuntu specific issue15:26
aroOK, now I run into network issues.15:27
aroThe old kernel network is not coming up. It's hard to debug for me.15:27
vortexxis the interface listed in ifconfig -a? Does it have an IP address ? Is this wifi or wired ethernet? Are you using DHCP (automatic) IP configuration or static (manual) ?15:29
tomreyn"ip link" rather than "ifconfig -a" nowadays15:29
aroI do not know, I didn't setup this machine.15:30
aroIt certainly does not have any wifi15:30
aroSo everything is wired15:31
tomreynaro: which ubuntu version is it? does it seem to be a server (CLI only) or desktop (GUI) setup?15:34
tomreynlsb_release -ds says?15:34
aroUbuntu 22.04.4 LTS15:35
aroApparently I have a network connection now, but the dns is broken.15:35
tomreynls -l /etc/resolv.conf15:35
tomreyn+ cat15:36
arolrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 39 Mar 21 15:24 /etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf15:36
aroit's empty15:36
tomreynfor now you can just write something into the target or replace the symlink by a static file15:38
ioriaaro, is systemd-resolved running ? systemctl status systemd-resolved15:38
tomreynmake sure you remove a static file once networking is sorted, and before you reboot, though15:38
vortexxtomreyn: indeed, I keep forgetting about iproute2. ip a s is what I prefer when using it, bit more explicit15:39
tomreynvortexx: i guess you want both a + l, yes15:40
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aroI can't get systemd-networkd to start.17:12
aroThe status is empty and I struggle to understand why.17:13
leftyfbaro: which release of ubuntu?17:13
aroUbuntu 22.04.4 LTS17:14
leftyfbaro: desktop or server?17:14
leftyfbaro: what changes have you made? systemd-networkd will start on it's own just fine on a default install of ubuntu server 22.04. You're supposed to use netplan for network configurations17:16
aroI have rebooted the system.17:17
aroI never touched the network config before today.17:17
aroAnd today I tried to start systemd-networkd.17:18
aroBecause the system had no network.17:19
aroAfter the reboot.17:19
leftyfbaro: what made you think it had anything to do with systemd-networkd?17:19
aroThat was the first point of goto for me. Where else should I have looked first?17:20
aroI am just trying to debug this.17:20
aroThe netplan yaml looks reasonable to me.17:21
leftyfbaro: why was that the "first point of goto" for you? Default installs of ubuntu don't have any reason to mess with networkd at all. netplan is the config tool to make changes.17:21
aroHow am I supposed to know that?17:21
leftyfbaro: how did you know to look at systemd-networkd?17:21
aroI am used to debug with systemd, so I greped for according systemd services.17:22
aroI tried to look at it, I didn't change anything.17:23
aro(re)start shouldn't change anything, no?17:23
aroThe question remains: How do I debug this?17:23
vortexxleftyfb: scroll up, aro posted a pastebin. There's an error here: May 17 16:51:50 bts1 dbus-daemon[744]: [system] Activation via systemd failed for unit 'dbus-org.freedesktop.network1.service': Unit dbus-org.freedesktop.network1.service not found.17:24
vortexxaro: better check that dbus is installed and running I guess17:25
vortexx(network might be dependent on this service)17:26
leftyfbaro: please run thew following and share the resulting url here:  ( cat /etc/os-release ; for iface in `ls /sys/class/net` ; do echo $iface $(cat /sys/class/net/$iface/operstate); done ; cat /etc/netplan/* ) | nc termbin.com 999917:26
tomreynfrom what i understood earlier, aro took over management of this system from someone else, lacks information on how it was installed / configured.17:29
leftyfbI'll be starting from the basics assuming it's setup with netplan as it should be and debug from there17:30
aroThe netplan yaml looks fine, so that makes sense.17:33
leftyfbaro: please post the URL here from the command I gave you17:33
aroI am working on it. Getting responses is sadly a bit time consuming.17:35
leftyfbhuh? You can't copy and paste the command to your machine?17:35
leftyfboh wait, there's no network. bah17:35
leftyfbcat /etc/os-release ; for iface in `ls /sys/class/net` ; do echo $iface $(cat /sys/class/net/$iface/operstate); done ; cat /etc/netplan/*17:36
leftyfbcan you run that and take a screenshot?17:36
aroThe machine is not sitting in front of me. But I will paste that.17:36
tomreyndidn't you have the network working other than dns lookups earlier? termbin.com has ip address
leftyfbhow are you running anything on it if it's not sitting in front of you and it doesn't have network?17:37
vortexxleftyfb: if you scroll back you'll see what happened earlier, which was that a new kernel wasn't booting and the old kernel wasn't listed in grub. I gave aro instructions on how to fix this, now the old kernel is booted and network is half working, just no DNS. Or at least that was the situation earlier17:40
vortexxleftyfb: KVM probably?17:40
leftyfbI prefer not to make assumptions and there seems to be details being left out that could verywell affect the support being provided17:41
aroI sadly have kvm. I have a second access point to a storage server (don't ask me how that works). So I can mount the filesystem if the original system is down. But I have to unmount when I bring up the main system.17:45
arosystemctl status dbus returns empty17:48
leftyfbwhat do you mean empty?17:48
aroSTDOUT and STDERR are empty.17:49
leftyfbtry it with sudo17:49
tomreynand then run   echo $?17:50
leftyfbthis doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Why is there a route to everywhere to a .65 address(is that a router you're aware of?) and then a default route to ipv6 link-local address?17:52
leftyfbdoing some googling, apparently it's a thing, but one that I don't fully understand and can't really debug17:52
leftyfbso many dockers running17:53
aroYeah, I made a mistake17:55
aroI'm sorry17:55
aroI need to rerun this again.17:55
leftyfbyeah, taking over this very non-standard, undocumented system :)17:55
vortexxaro: dbus-daemon not dbus, my bad.17:56
leftyfbdbus should also work17:56
leftyfbthe dbus service should be running on a default install of ubuntu-server17:57
aroShould it?17:57
aroI'll try17:59
aroThe problem is, I need to reboot two times every time I try something.17:59
leftyfbthere's nothing to try, if it's not running, something is wrong/non-standard with your system17:59
leftyfbyou shouldn't need to reboot for anything17:59
aroThe way I currently do it is to shutdown the system, mount the fs elsewhere, insert a custom script to execute and examine the logs afterwards.18:00
aroI can't have the fs mounted two times.18:00
* leftyfb taps out18:01
aroAnd I can't unmount the root for obvious reasons.18:01
aroWhat does power even mean?18:10
xvxIs it possible to set a time threshold for window tiling/snapping? (e.g. have to hold window at edge for >0.5 secs)18:45
xvxOr can I stop horizontal row tiling?  (I never want there to be 2 short horizontal windows 🤮)18:48
vortexxaro: group power would be for thermald, so it can shut down the system in case of overheat18:49
vortexxaro: so you can't just ssh and restart services? is this some read only / system?18:50
aroI don't have network.18:51
aroThat is the thing I am trying to debug here.18:51
aroI still have no idea, why this system has no network. I am absolutly clueless what might be wrong.18:54
aroTo me it looks like it doesn't even try to bring up the eth0, but I have no clue why not.18:54
ph88sometimes orange boxes appear on my desktop to move windows into them, i don't know what triggers these boxes to come up. How can i disable this ?18:55
aroI have no idea how netplan works, so I think I have to give up.18:56
vortexxaro: systemd renames eth0 to something else, in your case it's eno118:56
vortexxtry netstat -rn | grep to check the default route is set and try pinging that?18:57
vortexxit should end with .65 according to your netplan file18:59
aroit does, let me try19:01
vortexxafter that check if dns resolution is working19:01
vortexxdig www.google.com19:01
leftyfbcheck if routing is working first19:02
vortexxyeah, try tracerouting IPs outside the lan once you've checked you can ping the router19:04
vortexxwell, the uplink19:04
slow_jamminIs Ubuntu offtopic a channel?19:04
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slow_jamminAre you using VLC for music playback?19:09
slow_jamminTry using the Playback > speed > slower (fine) with your next music listening session19:11
aroPinging the route gives me 100 % package loss.19:16
eldowanI have an installation on an embeded 20.04 that I cannot update to a new release, but am having issues with interface names changing if the device is rebooted with a NIC plugged in. The interface names are correct if booted with no NICs plugged in. Is there a way that I can enforce consistent naming via networkmanager or similar?19:16
vortexxaro: maybe your server's firewall is having an issue then19:16
aroDo you mean ufw by that?19:23
aroufw ony affects incoming traffic, no?19:23
aroty, the firewall was the issue. I need to look at this more in depth.19:28
vortexxaro: yes, but your firewall might be misconfigured and blocking traffic because of the wrong interface being in use.19:28
vortexxor something similar19:28
aroThe server has network now. :party:19:29
vortexxyou're welcome19:29
aroProps to you. I would not have suspected the firewall at this stage.19:29
vortexxnow you have to work out why the more recent kernel doesn't work19:29
aroI think I want to fix the firewall first.19:31
vortexxyeah that'd be the top priority19:32
arothanks again19:48
JoeLlamalubuntu or xubuntu?19:58
leftyfbJoeLlama: do you have a support question?20:01
cobraerikoJust got a new ThinkPad T490, installed Ubuntu 20.04, everything was working fine. But after I unplugged the HDMI and ac cord and plugged it back in again, I got an error message saying system experienced a probelm from which it could not recover. The screen froze and I had to reboot. Now every time I boot up my computer the OS fails to20:04
cobraerikoload--before the GUI loads I get this error on the boot screen (https://paste.pics/8ab481238c78864cfeda0d79a2e221bb). And I cannot do anything from this screen. I cannot get into TTY when booting now either. I did make a disaster disck recovery USB stick. But before I use that is there anything I should try?20:04
cobraerikoMORE CONTEXT: This is the second time this happened to me after unplugging the HDMI and ac cord. I reinstalled Ubuntu the first time. And after tha I updated all the firmware and modules/drivers. In so doing I found that one module/driver seemed to be unsupported --- the Prometheus Fingerprint Reader. I wonder if this is the culprit.20:04
vortexxcobraeriko: that looks like a BIOS bug at first sight. Maybe try 22.04 or 24.04 to see if you get the same result? 20.04 is kinda old but still supported20:12
vortexxfingerprint reader crashing the system doesn't sound super likely but possible20:15
vortexxarch wiki says the fingerprint reader is supported: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Lenovo_ThinkPad_T490#Fingerprint_Sensor20:18
JoeLlamaNemo - The Code | Switzerland 🇨🇭 | Official Music Video: https://youtu.be/kiGDvM14Kwg20:35
leftyfbJoeLlama: please don't20:36
JoeLlamawhat's wrong leftleg_ :(20:36
JoeLlamayou don't like the eurowinner?20:36
leftyfbJoeLlama: this is a support channel20:36
cobraerikovortexx Good hypothesis. I just searched the "Ubuntu certified hardware" page on Ubuntu.com for ThinkPad T490 and found that it's not listed for 22.04 or 20.04, but is for 18.0420:36
JoeLlamasorry leftleg_!!20:36
leftyfbJoeLlama: feel free to go to #ubuntu-offtopic for idle chat20:36
JoeLlamaI opened this window in over another one oops my appologies20:37
* JoeLlama is embarrased20:37
JoeLlamaoh yes I came here asking:20:37
JoeLlamalubuntu or xubuntu?20:37
JoeLlamaanyone wish to comment please?20:37
cbreakI like kubuntu personally20:38
JoeLlamaI have about 25 laptops from around 2007 and ddon20:38
cbreakeven though I started with stock-ubuntu, switching was easy20:38
JoeLlamadon't like lubuntu power manager20:38
cbreakyou can basicaclly try it out without being stuck with one20:38
JoeLlamahrm cbreak is kubuntu streamlined and low memory usage?20:38
cbreakstreamlined? yes. Low memory? I don't think so20:39
cbreakalthough it does use less memory than many of my other things :D20:39
JoeLlamaI have 6 GB of ram on these maximum20:39
cbreakkubuntu offers a very large, very customizable desktop, it's definitely not made to be minimal, but powewrful and easy to use20:39
cbreakthat's almost less than a mobile phone :( it might work... you can try it. But as I said, switching is easy20:40
JoeLlamaalso I'm running a dell PowerEdge R720 and I want to use a very simple version of ubuntu20:40
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours20:40
vortexxcobraeriko: 18.04 goes out of support next month, but you can try20:40
cbreakif you have enough storage space you can install multiple desktops and chose at login which to use20:40
oerheksuse the one you like best?20:40
JoeLlamayes cbreak I'm looking for minimal configuration as far as processor usage and memory20:41
cbreakI did use i3 in the past, it was super minimal.20:41
cbreakbut no normal user will like it.20:41
JoeLlamahrm ok thanks cbreak20:41
JoeLlamaso lubuntu or xubuntu? :)20:41
JoeLlamapretty sure I'm going to run xubuntu for a bit anyways20:42
cbreakI threw a coin for you. It was heads.20:42
JoeLlamalubuntu power manager crashes on battery20:42
oerheksI'd like ubuntu to fill the ISO to the brim, 7.9gb20:42
JoeLlamaheh ok cbreak20:42
cbreakoerheks: seems they're going the other direction20:42
JoeLlamaI need to run RAID 1 under ZFS also20:43
JoeLlamaoh and RAID 620:43
JoeLlamathe R720 has 80 GB ram and 64 TB hard drive space20:43
JoeLlamaand I wanna run xubuntu I think on that20:44
JoeLlamanot sure how that is going to work out...20:44
oerhekslet us know20:44
JoeLlamanothing personal but I'm old skool my first PC was an IBM PC 16 KB motherboard around 1981 or so20:44
cbreakJoeLlama: I did run zfs with 6 GB of RAM years ago, it was very painful20:44
JoeLlamaubuntu the GUI makes my head spin I like simple guis20:44
cbreak80GB should be plenty though, especially if you add an NVME ssd for L2ARC20:45
JoeLlamaoh sorry cbreak20:45
JoeLlamawell the RAID 1 won't be zfs I suspect20:45
JoeLlamathat is on the 6 GB system20:45
JoeLlamajust need to mirror drives20:45
cbreakI have a bunch of NASes at work with ZFS, around 250TB, running raidz220:46
cbreakI think they have around 96GB ram too, works fine20:46
Bashing-omJoeLlama: Simple/fast: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-minimal/current/ :D20:46
JoeLlamait's amazing what a processor upgrade and an SSD did for a 2007 system20:46
JoeLlamawow neat cbreak20:46
JoeLlamayeah gunna run raidz 620:47
JoeLlamaI'm kinda using it also as a backup although I know that is not the right way to back up files20:47
cbreak(I've configured them for bulk storage / large data streaming, not random access, so record size is 1MB on most datasets, whcih helps a lot with RAM)20:47
JoeLlamaI have an LTO-7 tape backup but they are expensive and this one is slightly borked :(20:47
cbreakoh, antique20:47
JoeLlamawow large size20:48
cbreakwe're using LTO-8, when we can find the motivation :(20:48
JoeLlamahee hee yes antique but still not cheap20:48
JoeLlamayeah LTO drives.. I learned you really don't do major repairs on them...  you get a new one and use it until it drops20:48
JoeLlamahopefully a good internal clkeaning can keep it going longer but...20:49
cbreakI'm always surprised they work at all20:49
JoeLlamadon't buy used :(20:49
JoeLlamayes! heh20:49
JoeLlamavoicecoil head inside20:49
cbreakthe manual says the cleaning take damages the read heads, so should be avoided20:49
JoeLlamayeah well I clean with 1,1,1- trichloroethane20:50
JoeLlamabut it's really hard to get into those tight spaces20:50
cbreakwe have a drive with two bays, so we can write to two tapes at once. But back when we got it, we'd always get write errors at random ... so I wrote a program to retry on every error... super hacky20:50
JoeLlamabut yeah the cleaning tape I'm sure is abrassive20:50
cbreaknowadays the tapes seem better20:50
JoeLlamayeah hacky for sure20:51
cbreakapparently there was a patent dispute a few years back, so no tapes were manufactured, and the older ones seem to be crappy20:51
JoeLlamayes the technology on LTO drives has improved20:51
JoeLlamajust way too expensive20:51
cbreakLTO-8 tapes are maybe 120CHFr per piece, for 12 TB of storage20:51
cbreaka bit cheaper than hard disks, and more durable20:51
cbreakbut a lot more annoying :(20:52
JoeLlamawell... for now gunna rely on RAIDz 6 to keep data safe20:52
cbreakMake sure to set up a job to periodically scrub the pool :)20:52
JoeLlamaand might get another R720... I literally pay like 100 USD to despose of their ewaste :(20:52
JoeLlamahrm scrub the what now?20:53
cbreakthat's why I only use ZFS, and not other raid solutions: Scrubbing can actually fix problems reliably20:53
JoeLlamahrm,,.,. ok20:53
cbreakzfs scrub will read all your data, compare checksums, and recover from redundancy if there's a problem20:53
JoeLlamawell I hear good things about zfs20:53
cbreakrecommendation is to do it every 1 or 2 months20:53
cbreakI really like zfs :)20:54
JoeLlamahrm... I will have to read up20:54
JoeLlamaI know little about this stuff20:54
cbreakit's one of the main reasons I stay with ubuntu20:54
eldowanI've ran a raidz2 volume for years, and I've never had any issues, second regular scrubbing20:54
JoeLlamabut I have 8 8TB sitting here20:54
JoeLlamagot them for less than 80 USD each zero hours20:54
cbreaknice :)20:54
JoeLlamawhich I wonder what that means I think they turn smart off or something20:54
JoeLlamathey tell me they are new but,,..20:55
JoeLlamaI dunno20:55
cbreakwell, they could be lying. true.20:55
cbreakyou can always just read the raw data and look if something's on the empty drives20:55
JoeLlamaright true20:55
cbreakunless they took the time to zero 8TB of disk surface20:55
JoeLlamayeah probably that would do that20:55
JoeLlamaso I take a chance can't afford new20:56
JoeLlamacheap is good sometimes20:56
cbreakif you have redundancy20:56
JoeLlamaRAIDz 620:56
cbreakthe problem with redundancy is that it only helps with fast recovery20:56
eldowanI thought the drive firmware ran regardless of if smartd or similar was running, if you have a host turn smart off it'd prevent the drives from doing it's thing?20:56
cbreakif you have 6 disks, and lose two of them because both were scams, then you have zero redundancy until the resilver finishes20:56
JoeLlamayeah could be screwed if theere is a crash and I cannot hot swap20:56
cbreakeldowan: the firmwawre can be reflashed20:57
eldowanaaah good point20:57
JoeLlamawell I plan on having other backups using RAID 1 etc20:57
JoeLlamabut it's not good to keep mechanical hard drives on a shelf...20:57
JoeLlamathey go bad just sitting there...20:57
JoeLlamathey like being used20:57
cbreakJoeLlama: zfs mirrors are better than raid1 usually :)20:57
JoeLlamain fact I was told that you should install mechanical hard drives, turn them on, and never turn them off20:58
eldowanplus snapshots are even better20:58
JoeLlamayup I heard that about zfs20:58
eldowanJoeLlama: THat's teh advice from when I was learning zfs from truenas. keep the idle turned off so they never spin down20:58
JoeLlamaI'm gunna keep your nick handy cbreak and pick your brain later if you don't mind :)20:58
JoeLlamaI'm sure I will need a little help with this stuff20:59
cbreakJoeLlama: not sure about that, running is not harmless for a drive. Constant spinning up and down is harmful, sitting on a shelf should be fine, if it was shut down properly20:59
cbreakI kind of expect the manufacturers solved the sticky head problems from the early days20:59
JoeLlamarunning them is better than letting them sit on a shelf though20:59
cobraerikovortexx I assume I can try out 18.04 with a live USB, right?20:59
JoeLlamaeldowan :)20:59
cbreaksure, there's also #zfs, #zfsonlinux and others21:00
vortexxcobraeriko: of course21:00
JoeLlamaand that's another question...  if I am running a machine "air-gapped" not on the internet, what is the best version ubuntu to use?21:00
JoeLlamaI don't need security updates for internet stuffs21:01
cbreakthe newest LTS? :)21:01
JoeLlamaoh ok21:01
eldowanWhatever meets your needs best. I'd go LTS, 24.04 is out and i'm testing it for our production rollouts21:01
JoeLlamaso like also... what is the nain differences between xubuntu and lubuntu?21:01
cbreakbecause you will probably want to update eventually, and LTS have updates for years, while non-lts only have it for 9 months21:01
JoeLlamaI have been running lubuntu for a long time but that power manager crashing when on battery is a deal breaker21:02
eldowanJoeLlama: I think it's the DE/WM basically, lxde vsxcf or w/e it is21:02
JoeLlamayeah ok cbreak and eldowan21:02
cbreakJoeLlama: apt install xubuntu-desktop vs apt install lubuntu-desktop21:02
JoeLlamahrm ok21:02
oerheksraid 6 on battery?21:02
JoeLlamano no21:02
cbreakoerheks: it works!21:02
JoeLlamaraid 6 on dell R72021:03
cbreakmy desktop can run for half an hour on its UPS :)21:03
JoeLlamaraidz 1 on Dell Inspiron 172021:03
JoeLlamaunfortunately most of those has the old nvidia graphics21:03
JoeLlamawell almost all of them like 23 laptops21:04
JoeLlamacbreak I hope xubuntu power manager is not the same as lubuntu's :(21:04
JoeLlamaI'll just have to try it21:04
JoeLlamain fact I got it right here on flash21:05
eldowanJoeLlama: check out the apt install of the 2 envs like cbreak said, you should see any differences int he package list21:05
JoeLlamahrm ok eldowan21:06
JoeLlamais there a way to replace the power manager?21:06
JoeLlamait just isn't compatible with those old PCs21:06
JoeLlamaI hate tossing computers in the trash 8(21:06
eldowanNo idea about that21:06
JoeLlamano one seems to be able to tell me21:07
JoeLlamao k I go eat thanks for the conversation :)21:07
JoeLlamaa lot to consider21:07
vortexxor move to another platform... a BSD perhaps JoeLlama ?21:07
gordonjcpJoeLlama: tell you what?21:07
JoeLlamayeah I would love to go freeBSD but... seems like a big learning curve21:07
eldowanfreebsd is a learning curve, but it's not horrible. a lot of the tools are the same21:08
JoeLlamayeah so I am told21:08
vortexxcertainly all the zfs commands are identical21:08
vortexxand if you want more gnu tools you just install them21:08
eldowanand most of the daily tools for most things21:08
eldowanWhen I was learning freebsd, I had great success with truenas -- now truenas core -- for the hand holding installation.21:09
eldowanand it gives you a nice web interface you can use to setup zfs pools, etc21:09
cbreaknot sure what you mean with power manager21:10
cbreakthe frontend software might be different, but the backend is probably the same, inside the kernel21:10
cbreak(among other places)21:10
JoeLlamahrm ok21:10
gordonjcpI'm using TrueNAS, it's okay21:10
ShidoHi guys21:10
JoeLlamacbreak power manager... when the pc goes on batteries it crashes21:11
JoeLlamaand defaults to be things21:11
JoeLlamalike slowing down the system21:11
JoeLlamaanyone know how to restart the power manager process?21:11
JoeLlamathat would save some grief21:12
eldowanTruenas has been great to me as far as it goes, but I'm looking to transition away from it. I'm not a fan of the new core or scale21:12
JoeLlamafood screams my name...21:12
JoeLlamaI will bee bak later most likeloy (:21:12
JoeLlamabye for now21:12
* JoeLlama is idle & afk21:12
gordonjcpeldowan: at this point I actually need something that'll run Xen at home so my HP Microserver is going to get its OS disk swapped21:16
gordonjcpeldowan: I expect the ZFS storage disks will "just work" with a different ZFS21:16
eldowangordonjcp: I'm in the process of moving over to proxmox actually. I tried out xen / x-o a while back and it wasn't for me. Have a 10 node cluster at work with proxmox/ceph and WOW am I pleased21:17
eldowangordonjcp: I think so too. I want to remember something about as long as all the feature flags are presend on the new host system. When I virtualized truenas from an atom to a dual xeon system, I just imported my old pool and everything worked great21:19
cbreakhmm... didn't the xen people somehow screw up their license recently?21:20
eldowanI hadn't heard, but I don't follow xen very much21:23
namehereok i have a second usbdrive now21:26
gordonjcpcbreak: Xen is GPL, whether that is screwed up or not is a matter of opinion21:26
nameherei cant find my second usb stick now to install to?21:29
nameherei had to delete all partitions on it21:30
cbreakgordonjcp: I think I was remembering some change in some vmware licensing changes, not xen: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2024/03/proxmox-adds-easy-import-option-for-vms-after-broadcom-kills-vmwares-esxi/21:33
xanguaWhy you need a second usb stick? namehere21:34
eldowanrecently vmware opend workstation and somethign else for personal use, but far as I'm concerned vmware is dead to me21:35
nameherewell someone in here told me i needed another to install to im trying to install to usb to install a driver in linux since the livetry doesnt let me?21:36
oerheksyes after treat closed security advisories21:36
oerheksKVM is good enough21:37
nameherebut i guess i cant use the same usb so i have another but21:37
eldowani'm currently using virtualbox on my workstation, but looking at kvm/virtmanager instead21:38
namehereit sees the second usb now but i cant make a partition table in setup21:39
oerheksdon' t partition, ubuntu installs in one partition, including swap file21:40
nameherei cant go to next?21:40
nameherei have sdb selected new partition table is an option21:41
nameherebut it doesnt do anything21:41
vortexxoerheks: depends on setup, if you choose FDE it does 3 partitions these days (/boot, swap and /)21:46
vortexxnamehere: you'll need a partition table on the second usb drive21:47
vortexxnamehere: you can always close the installer, open up gparted and prepare the drive if you want21:48
nameherevortexx: what does the installer need to proceed?22:01
vortexxnamehere: just needs to know which drive you want to use and it should just do it's job22:05
vortexxyou can try manual partitioning if you want within the installer. Which release are we talking here? I was messing with 24.04 installs today, I wanted to what LUKS was using for FDE22:06
vortexxand if it was using LUKS for ZFS encryption or if it used ZFS's own. It uses ZFS's own22:06
ravageit used to place the key in a luks partition22:07
ravagedid that change?22:07
namehereidk its acting buggy why does new partition table not work i guess ill try and gparted make / and see what it does but im orders of not working over and over22:09
vortexxravage: it still does22:09
vortexxat least for ext4 based installs with FDE22:10
vortexxjust a sec I'm booting the VM now, I want to see if it used LVM or not22:11
vortexxyeah it still uses LVM + LUKS22:12
vortexx(I'd be surprised if that changed but I've rarely seen the use for LVM within LUKS, I know it's best practices but still)22:13
vortexxalso I tried my script to do a setup where / is in a LUKS partition with ZFS as the fs, when I rebooted the VM it gave me a security error once grub tried to launch the kernel22:14
vortexxprobably some Secure Boot thing22:14
nameheretwo usb keys for s simple full install and its a mystery? v24.?22:15
vortexxnamehere: try a different usb key just to be sure?22:15
vortexxmaybe it's the key22:15
namehereits brand new vortexx less than a week old22:17
namehereits the same one ive booted linux too several times already22:18
nameherei just partitioned for / but i guess it might want something else? it partitioned without issue22:20
vortexxtry doing it the other way round if need be, stick the installer on the stick you're trying to install and install to the current installer one22:22
nameherewouldnt the installer fail at partition8ng?22:23
nameherethis isnt hardware yet22:24
vortexxthe installer should just work22:24
namehereso the key is hardware broke not software?22:24
vortexxthe fact it isn't is symptomatic of something, possibly hw related22:24
namehereare you trolling?22:24
nameherei think youre a liar im blocking you22:25
vortexxas you wish22:25
namehereanyone else know whats going on these are teo brand new usbs22:29

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