=== guiverc2 is now known as guvierc === ubot3 is now known as ubottu === axeKirves is now known as kirvesAxe === lexandrop_ is now known as lexandrop === Bluefoxicy_ is now known as Bluefoxicy === oerheks1 is now known as oerheks === vincejv_ is now known as vincejv === johuck_ is now known as johuck [06:00] Hello everyone! [06:01] I installed kubuntu! (NOTE: KDE is silimar to Windows and easy like a piece of cake!) === tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn [09:35] rex [09:36] oops [10:11] You cannot file a bug-report against the installer either from the installed system or from the live-iso. Ubuntu-bug is apparently only interested in "packages". It`s a pain for a normal user to send a bug report that concerns something more specific than installed and maintained packages. At least, I don`t know how. (re @IrcsomeBot: I guess I would file it against the installer, which is now calamares) === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [12:43] I have installed Kubuntu 24.04 over the top of a prior Ubuntu 22.04 ext4 partition on my Acer SWIFT 3 (Intel Corei7) laptop.  After installation the network is working fine, but when I try to run firefox from the menu/taskbar or Konsole it never runs.  When I run firefox in the console I get a the message: [12:43] Content [12:44] Content snap command-chain for /snap.fuirefix/4259/gnome-platform/command-chain/desktop-launch not found: ensure slot is connected [12:51] I'm now using my Kubuntu 22.04 desktop to message as I obvious can't use the latop, so having to manually type in the error message. [12:51] I search online for the error and see that others have hit this a well dating back before 24.04, general recommendation is to do [12:51] sudo snap remove firefox [12:51] sudo snap install firefox [12:51] But this doesn't make any difference, I still get the same error on the console.  Rebooting doesn't make a difference. [12:51] I also tried install chromium-browser and while it also installed without any errors I get the same issue - it doesn't run and in the console it reports the same issue. So I tried installed both firefox and chromium-browser using apt-get install but this doesn't work either. [13:14] Hi all [15:28] Hello, I can't seem to find where to change the "Lock screen" when I lock the computer:( [15:29] the picture [15:37] System Settings -> Workplace Behavior -> Screen Locking -> click the Appearance (Configure) button. [15:38] That's what I did but it didn't change. DO i have to reboot for it take affect? [15:38] Checking here.. just a sec... [15:39] I appreciate the help [15:40] when i lock the screen it flashes the new picture I want but reverts to the one already applied. [15:40] Hmmm,. worked fine here without a reboot. Which version of Kubuntu? [15:40] 22.04 KDE Plasma version 5.24.7 [15:40] i'm new to linux so apologies [15:41] kde frameworks version 5.92.0 [15:41] qt version 5.15.3 [15:41] No apology needed! I don't have a 22.04 version to test. I only have 23.10 and 24.04. [15:42] You may have encountered a bug. Do you have the Kubuintu PPA installed? [15:42] I honestly don't know how to tell [15:42] https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports [15:44] i updated it:D [15:45] maybe reboot it after? [15:45] I tested 23.10 and 23.10 also worked as expected. After adding the backports PPA and update, you man need to log out/in or restart for the updates to take full affect. [15:46] I'll try that, thank you so much [16:32] hi, i'm on kubuntu 24.04 and want to connect my pc-audio with whatsapp, any ideas? [16:32] so i can talk between whatsapp from android and pc [16:33] the whatsapp clients dont allow calling [16:33] (under linux) [16:33] did you try kdeconnect? [16:33] not yet [16:34] no devices there [16:35] TZDG [16:35] TZD6 [16:36] you need to install kdeconnect on phone and pc [16:40] it seems to be connected [16:40] but how can i do a call? [16:46] how can i connect maybe whatsapp now with the pc? [16:47] from the smartphone [16:47] I do notuse whatsapp [16:49] what possibilities are there to record an audio-conversation via android-phones on kubuntu? [16:52] take this question, replace "kubuntu" by "some other system" and see if you find any results first of all. [16:55] you should explore by yourself what's possible with kdeconnect (re @IrcsomeBot: from the smartphone) [17:07] p01nt3r, , i guess you could setup bluetooth and steam the audio to the pc, if your pc has bluetooth aswell. [17:07] amd on the pc you can use several apps to record audio. example Audacity once the correct input is selected. [17:09] i want to use obs studio for the record [17:10] yeah sure.. whatever floats your boat. [17:14] can't see any bluetooth-audio-device in kubuntu [17:14] does you pc have a blootooth chip or a dongle ? [17:14] dongle [17:14] :\ [17:16] so... "lsusb" lists it ? [17:17] yes [17:18] idk. do you see it on the phone ? is there some bluetooth service you need to start ? [17:22] pc and phone are connected. [17:24] i read on a site that the pc gives android-audios's output but it doesnt work for me [17:24] check on phone what type of connection is it.. does it say something use for media or audio on it? [17:24] then go into audio setting on the pc. and see if its listed [17:25] p01nt3r, yea.. that might as well be. [17:26] there are no settings on the phone for bluetooth [17:26] :( [17:26] you can do a ugly HW hack :p.. if your phone has headphone output.. you can create a custom cable so you just plug the phone directly into the pc :p [17:27] into linein or mic. should work. but is far from a optimal solution. [17:28] often cable is the most reliable👍 [17:38] Just tried Kubuntu coming from manjaro plasma KDE that failed to work for me... [17:38] Realised that kubuntu is quite good with power management. [17:38] I'm trying to get system information like memory, CPU , Battery usage pattern like in manjaro KDE plasma ... Any ideas will be highly appreciated [17:38] Thanks [17:41] Thanks, i just build it from source (krecorder 23.08.5) dependencies needed: cmake qtquickcontrols2-5-dev qtdeclarative5-dev libkf5windowsystem-dev libkf5coreaddons-dev libkf5i18n-dev kirigami-addons-dev kirigami2-dev [17:47] Nero2070 what do you mean? have you poked around in /proc/stat /proc/cpuinfo /proc/meminfo ? or even in /sys/class/power_supply/* [17:53] fre, lscpu, lsusb, lspci, dmidecode, lshw [17:53] c/free [17:55] inxi [17:55] inxi -Fmz [18:06] Also new though like 1 year old in Linux.. I have version 5.27.11.... (re @IrcsomeBot: i'm new to linux so apologies) [23:29] https://youtube.com/shorts/0z-4qi_fFIk?si=uMQhzGhTPGIQliOX [23:43] IrcsomeBot, no politics videos here, thanks