=== DArqueBish0p is now known as DArqueBishop === ubot3 is now known as ubottu === lexandrop_ is now known as lexandrop === gjolly_ is now known as gjolly === oerheks1 is now known as oerheks === bahama- is now known as bahamat === open10k8s_ is now known as open10k8s === halves1 is now known as halves === jamespage_ is now known as jamespage === Exterminador_ is now known as Exterminador === nibbon_0 is now known as nibbon_ === jinky is now known as jink === patrick_ is now known as patrick === bbezak6 is now known as bbezak === zareem9 is now known as zareem === rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti === blackboxsw_ is now known as blackboxsw === kenoba6 is now known as kenoba === nightstrike_ is now known as nightstrike === Kamilion|ZNC is now known as Kamilion === bahamat is now known as bahama- [04:02] RADIO SUPER NETS IS LIVE CALL IN NOW 1-877-293-1933 [04:02] zei-ed Byteflux odc leosilva genii lostbeard Bert ChmEarl Fossil WaVeR abydon haggertk tjaalton jink jamespage Nick bbezak halves mybalzit1h BarnabasDK_ jaskal_ zareem axino` znf_ Droid jelly-home felimwhiteley_ dak__ Screedo_ logan- kc2bez_ blackboxsw rsalveti nightstrike Exterminador Kamilion tomreyn_ combinare_ nibbon_ kenoba bryyce bahama- open10k8s oerheks gjolly lotuspsychje frickler u [04:16] Meh bots [04:22] lonely people === Screedo_ is now known as Screedo === BarnabasDK_ is now known as BarnabasDK === tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn === znf_ is now known as znf [22:27] What is the temperature reading on login message? Is it cpu? [22:35] Marz: what does it say? [22:39] 50c [22:55] i don't think i've seen such [22:55] you can compare it to the "sensors" output [23:39] tomreyn, new to me too, thermal_zone_path, zone_name https://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2469999.html [23:42] "the temperature reported in MOTD is the highest temperature of all thermal zones reported by Sysfs API, at login" [23:43] that's mildly useful, i'd say [23:43] thanks for looking it up, though