
ali1234why doesn't my CPU support VT-x any more after installing 24.04?00:04
ali1234it worked fine in 23.0400:04
ali1234i have a i7-6700 (skylake)00:04
ravagecheck your bios00:04
ali1234VT-x is enabled in the bios00:04
ali1234the lags are missing from /proc/cpuinfo00:04
ravageand you actually checked the bios?00:05
ali1234unless the ubuntu installer has the ability to overwrite bios settings, then it is enabled. but i will check it, just for you00:05
ali1234it was disabled00:10
ali1234very odd considering i was using it right before i installed 24.0400:10
ali1234which was yesterday00:11
ravageyou're welcome00:11
ali1234hmm i've got that audio popping issue again00:12
peacefulmananyone have an issue with xfreerdp keep connecting in ubuntu 22.04?01:07
peacefulmandisconnecting rather01:07
ravageNever had a problem with that. But now on 24.0401:08
peacefulmanI wonder if it's because I'm using the multimonitor feature01:08
peacefulmanbecause it works fine on my laptop on another distro01:09
* peacefulman goes to test it out01:09
peacefulmanits consistent at disconnecting, has been doing this for a few weeks now01:09
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ubottuA netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Libera) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:43
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felcohey guys, is only me or gimp on 24.04 is crashing on exit, second machine that happened with me09:13
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webchat78Hi Team09:35
webchat78I am getting an issue for some missing files while creating an ISO09:36
webchat78I am trying to create an ISO with some Packages, when we update grub packages in that , and create a new ISO with that, then some boot files are missing in the newly created vm from that ISO09:36
webchat78have anyone faced this before09:37
lotuspsychjefelco: thats a known bug already09:56
lotuspsychjefelco: bug #205504409:56
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2055044 in gimp (Ubuntu Oracular) "GIMP crash at closure on systems with GLib 2.80.0 (and 2.79.x)" [High, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/205504409:56
webchat78which bug you are taking about felco10:38
webchat78is it related to boot10:38
lotuspsychjewebchat78: i already passed him the bug ID10:38
lotuspsychjewebchat78: did you try cubic, to make an ubuntu iso?10:39
webchat78no, I am using mkisofs to create an ISO10:40
lotuspsychjewebchat78: try the not supported, https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/02/cubic-is-a-custom-ubuntu-iso-creator10:42
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Nehajhi team10:59
Nehajwhen we are updating our grub packages , we have created an ISO using , after booting that ISO , we found that some files are missing in boot folder11:00
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felconice, thanks!12:10
BluesKajHi all13:14
TingoBluesKaj: Hi, Question ?13:26
BluesKajHi Tingo, not atm, do you?13:30
windowsI've just added a Crucial P3 Plus NVMe to my system, Every time I use rsync or cp - my system locks up after 20 minutes. Is there a way to stop this? why does linux freeze when using rsync or cp with a Crucial P3 Plus NVMe?13:46
cbreakis it a hardware problem?13:47
cbreakdoes it only "lock up" if you write to that new device, or also if you only read, or use some other device only?13:48
windowscbreak, I ran a memtest86 and it said my memory has zero defects13:48
cbreakhmm... that will only check RAM, not the crucial nvme13:49
cbreakyou can try to look at the smart data of the new device with sudo smartctl -x /dev/devicenamehere13:49
windowsalso, when using apps that migrate data, I can move a few hundred GB without locking up. It just seems to be cp and rsync directly on the host - /media mount to / mount13:49
JanCwhat do you mean by "lock up"?13:51
windowsfreeze, frozen, keyboard and mouse unresponsive, and a while true `date` loop freezing too, to show me how long it takes before freezeing13:52
JanCcan you still switch to a different console with e.g. Ctrl+Alt+F4 ?13:53
JanCand did you check the logs for anything useful just before the freeze?13:54
windowssmartctl result: https://bpa.st/7OCQ13:54
windowsJanC yes, https://bpa.st/7KSA is the journalctl data13:57
cbreakwindows: looks like the device already found some errors13:57
windowscbreak, you mean the "Error Information Log Entries:      6"13:59
cbreakyes. No idea how critical that is14:00
windowssure. thanks, I'll RMA the NVMe back then.14:00
cbreakyou can initiate a smart self-test with smartctl -t offline14:01
cbreakand after some time the result should show up in smartctl -x14:01
JanCmaybe check if there are firmware upgrades for your motherboard & the NVME drive14:02
windowsI've checked. At this time there are no firmware updates for the Crucial P3 Plus14:03
JanCand your motherboard?14:03
windowsyup, updated all the firmware for the mobo etc14:03
cbreakwindows: since the error is in the nvme log and not the smart section, it might just be a transient communication error? Not sure. A smart selftest might tell you more.14:04
JanCin that case maybe replace it indeed14:04
windowsI did receive those popups, clicked okay, etc, rebooted after downloads and installs14:04
cbreakare you sure the drive is properly seated / cooled?14:04
windowsit's new - less than a week old and the Crucial P3 Plus line itself too is quite new14:04
JanCmaybe try to remove the drive & fit it back in14:05
windowsI've swapped the drive into a caddie and out again, same behavior14:05
windowsfreeze happens somewhere between 20 and 50 minutes, both for an rsync and a cp14:06
JanCit really sounds like a hardware issue with the drive then14:06
windowsPersonally I was leaning towards a hardware issue myself, but good to run a few suggested commands to show the issues14:06
windowsthanks cbreak, thanks JanC for your pointed, I'll RMA it ASAP14:06
JanCit _could_ also be a software (firmware) issue as it's a fairly new line as you say, but that's their problem to solve then  :)14:10
JanCwindows: did you also try with a different kernel (e.g. booted from a live image) just to test?14:11
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eelstreborwhy does snap show an update to firefox but when i click on update all it gives me a window that there are no updates? i'm having a problem firefox, btw.17:16
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cbreakeelstrebor: snap is terrible17:24
cbreakyou have to exit firefox, and then run sudo snap refresh17:24
eelstreborlooks like snap is the only ubuntu  (?) repository   available for firefox?17:26
cbreakthere are other ways17:26
cbreakfor example https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/ppa (that's what I use). But you can stay with snap firefox if you're not bothered by all its shortcommings17:27
cbreakhttps://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/install-firefox-linux?utm_source=www.mozilla.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=firefox-download-thanks#w_install-firefox-deb-package-for-debian-based-distributions is an other option17:27
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blackafricanamerUsing linux literally gives you cancer. Save yourself switch to Windows 11 instantly18:15
lotuspsychjeplease no statements like that in the ubuntu support channel blackafricanamer18:17
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant18:17
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eelstrebori re-installed firefox and it fixed the problem but it also did weird things with tabs like add some that wasn't there before re-installing and it changed my extensions and plugins.19:06
jacoplease how do i solve this19:39
lurtztry sudo apt --fix-broken install19:40
jaco@lurtz this iis what i am getting19:44
lurtzim not sure, but i would try sudo apt clean19:45
lurtzand then remove the file it tries to unpack19:45
lurtzand that text file it tries to overwrite19:45
lurtzand then run sudo apt --fix-broken install again19:46
jacopls how do i remove the file19:46
jacoplss give me step by step guide19:47
lurtzrm /path/to/file19:47
lurtzthe full path, with the including extended ending of the file, such as .txt or .deb19:47
jacoso u mean i should run "rm /path/to/file"19:48
jacohi lurtz19:49
lurtzit's better if you use pastebin.com19:49
lurtzand post your output there instead of printscreens19:50
lurtzit's easier to copy and paste from that :P19:50
bpromptjaco: in essence just doing -> sudo apt clean <- will do away witth the .deb files downloaded, you don't have to track their path19:51
jacobprompt: sudo apt clean does not run in terminal19:54
bpromptjaco: ok, then use the old -> sudo apt-get clean ;  <- :)19:54
bpromptjaco: same thing pretty much, on newer versions apt-get has bein aliased to just "apt"19:55
lurtzi have setup privoxy on my router (RT-AX86U) and i want to route the traffic from privoxy over my wireguard client, is this possible through iptables? and if so, how do i do it? :D19:55
jacosudo apt-get clean ;  <- :)     its also not working19:56
bpromptjaco: of course I meant just -> sudo apt-get clean19:56
bpromptlurtz: dunno, but I'd think the guys at #wireguard may have better ideas, or you can also try the guys at #ubuntu-server19:58
bpromptlurtz: you could also give a shot at the guys at #netfilter19:59
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jaco"sudo apt-get clean"   this is not running in terminal20:02
lurtzok, i nag there20:03
bpromptjaco: hmmm that's unusual, sudo apt clean; should be fine too, not sure what's cooking there, but I'd think try in a new terminal window, it should work20:03
bpromptjaco: saw that already, yes we know20:08
jacobprompt: this is what i am getting20:08
lurtzuse pastebin.com instead20:08
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lurtzmark all the text, press ctrl+c and in pastebin ctrl+v then press post20:09
lurtzpost the link here20:09
oerheks23.04 is EOL20:11
jacostill not able to use pastebin20:16
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:17
MarzDuring server install I checked search for third party drivers. How would I check if any were installed?20:19
jacolurtz: hi20:20
tomreynMarz: ubuntu-drivers (but i forgot the exact argument to it)20:21
lurtzsudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/melt_7.12.0-1build1_amd64.deb20:21
lurtzsudo rm /usr/share/mlt-7/avformat/blacklist.txt20:21
lurtzsudo rm /usr/bin/melt-720:22
lurtzsudo apt clean20:22
lurtzsudo apt update20:22
lurtzsudo apt --fix-broken install20:22
bpromptjaco: I think what oerheks is saying that, even if "apt" were to start working again, the "dist-upgrade -y" part won't work, because 24.04  is EOL20:23
bprompterk, 23.04 for that matter, is EOL20:24
oerheksuse the old-versions trick20:24
bpromptjaco: as opposed to 23.10 which isn't EOL yet20:24
jacoso pls what do i do now20:24
oerhekshow about a fresh install, on saturday?20:27
oerheksor see ubottu > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:27
Marztomreyn: turns out the installer tells you if any exist or not.20:28
jacooerheks: which old version trick20:30
tomreynjaco: search the page for "old-releases"20:31
jacotomreyn: old release and do what20:45
tomreynfollow. the steps. which are listed. on that page.20:47
jacoyou mean tis page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:48
jacotomreyn: this is what i am getting20:54
tomreynjaco: use 'apt' rather than 'aptitude' there20:55
tomreynis this kubuntu, though?20:56
tomreynyou're not meant to take everything written in the grey boxes verbatim, do read the full text.20:57
jacothis is what i am getting20:58
tomreynsame url as before20:58
jacotomreyn dont get you21:00
jacowill come back later21:01
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gordonjcpdoes 24.04 fix this terminal input bug in Ubuntu? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutter/+bug/205984721:21
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2059847 in mutter (Ubuntu Mantic) "Input lag or freezes on Nvidia desktops with X11 after logging 'MetaSyncRing: Sync object is not ready -- were events handled properly?'" [High, Fix Committed]21:21
gordonjcpI'd quite like to be able to use Ubuntu again some time21:21
gordonjcpideally without bodging in temporary fixes21:21
LuckyMangordonjcp, have you tried Wayland?21:23
gordonjcpLuckyMan: no, I can't21:23
LuckyMangordonjcp, why?21:23
gordonjcpWayland isn't accelerated21:23
gordonjcpit doesn't support the NVidia binary drivers21:24
LuckyManI have a nvidia card and I'm using Wayland21:24
gordonjcpokay, with NVidia binary drivers or nouveau?21:24
gordonjcpdoesn't appear to work here, I get slideshow-speed graphics and no CUDA21:25
LuckyManbut it's a MX230... it's a low end board21:25
gordonjcpthis is a GTX1650 so not exactly a screaming speed demon21:26
LuckyManI'm using the recommended driver21:26
gordonjcpwith Wayland neither Blender nor DaVinci Resolve work21:26
LuckyManI see21:27
oerheks[23:21:16] <gordonjcp> does 24.04 fix this terminal input bug .. fix released, in your bug report url21:35
gordonjcpoerheks: there's a bodge involving downloading some packages that get wiped out on every update21:38
gordonjcpoerheks: the "fix" breaks installing or updating21:39
oerheksoh that is a new question21:39
oerheksfile a bugreport on that?21:39
gordonjcpoerheks: I'll do that in the morning, I'd need to reboot into my now-broken Ubuntu install to test that21:40
gordonjcpI'm within about ten minutes of finally ditching Linux altogther, tbh, because of nonsense like this21:40
gordonjcpit's only because I need a proper video editing package that I still bother with it :-/21:41
Doc-SaintlyUsing Linux Kernel 6.5.0-1023-oem on new hardware, facing issues with system freezing whenever there's lots of storage read/writes. I see this in dmesg output: nvme nvme0: I/O 97 QID 1 timeout, completion polled . Any ideas on where to start?21:49
rboxget better computer?21:56
oerheksnew hardware, check for a bios update?21:59
tomreynDoc-Saintly: i would try the following: firmware update using fwupdtool (sudo fwupdtool get-devices && sudo fwupdtool update DEVICENAME), thermal issues (check temperatures on sensors, using sensors-detect + sensors), make sure the power supply provides sufficient power, test whether it happens with a non oem kernel, search the web for the specific nvme model and this error message (without "97") on google.21:59
Doc-Saintlytomreyn: thanks. I've done the firmware check (no updates available), using OEM power supply, and the issue is worse with the standard kernel.22:07
Doc-SaintlyAll hits I find are about the drive completeing dropping out (and being resolved by adjusting it to never sleep, which I've also done). All posts I've found with this timeout issue have no responses or solutions given :(22:07
tomreynwhich hardware are we talking about?22:07
Doc-Saintlyit's a new Intel 7-155H based laptop.22:08
tomreynand the nvme?22:08
Doc-SaintlySamsung NVME22:08
Doc-Saintlylooking for a specific model number. but it's new.22:09
tomreynwhy does it need the oem kernel? did you get an installation cd / iso with it?22:09
Doc-Saintlytomreyn: It's an MSI laptop, and they don't directly support Linux. Doing a fresh install worked OK but had some slowness and a few more dmesg errors. Upgrading to the OEM kernel has the graphics and wireless actually working22:10
tomreyndid it come with this nvme installed (as in hardware)?22:11
tomreynwhich ubuntu release are you using?22:11
Doc-SaintlyI'm using Mint, which is based on Ubuntu 22. And I found the SSD (I think) https://www.harddrivebenchmark.net/hdd.php?hdd=NVMe%20SAMSUNG%20MZVL41T0HBLB-00BTW22:12
leftyfb!mint | Doc-Saintly22:12
ubottuDoc-Saintly: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/22:12
leftyfbDoc-Saintly: Mint is loosely based on ubuntu. It is not Ubuntu and cannot be supported here22:13
Doc-Saintlyheh. Yep, was waiting for that to happen. Even though we're all quite aware it's going to be the same hardware issue with the kernel. :shrug: oh well, thanks anyway22:13
leftyfbIt's not22:13
Doc-Saintlyleftyfb: I'll take you up for a bet on that :)22:13
leftyfbit's not the same kernel nor is the same package versions22:13
Doc-Saintly$50 if I find the issue and it would have happened on Ubuntu just the same as on Mint?22:14
tomreynthe point is that there are regularly differences between ubuntu and mint. they may not get in the way here, or they may. we won't know unless you use ubuntu. and it's sure frustrating to help out someone for hours to finally learn they've run into this exact issue because of not using ubuntu. which has happened here before, and not just once.22:16
leftyfbDoc-Saintly: good luck. I hope #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org is able to help you. If you decide to run Ubuntu at some point, we'll be here and happy to help you22:16
Doc-Saintlyleftyfb: honestly, I stopped running ubuntu a while ago because of the default unity UI and then snap packages XD22:16
leftyfbDoc-Saintly: Unity is no longer the default and there's nothing wrong with snap packages. But either way, good luck with Mint22:17
yukenjiewhat about Ubuntu Pro?22:17
leftyfbyukenjie: what about it?22:17
Doc-Saintlytomreyn: I can understand many cases where it'd be impossible to support mint when the issue is software packages and configurations; but when it's brand new hardware, most versions of Linux face the same issues, dealing with the same open source drivers that are missing something due to hardware doing weird things.22:18
oerheksmost posts i read about nvme  I/O QID timeout, completion polled : is bad power supply22:18
Doc-Saintlyanyway, best of luck to you all :)22:18
yukenjiei mean for the security reason vs Ubuntu. i Just subscribe it22:18
oerheksreseat the NVME sometimes fixes things too22:18
Doc-Saintlyoerheks: thanks, but it's a brand new computer, everything worked fine on windows before wiping, so I doubt it's a connectivity issue. But thanks for trying.22:19
tayneHi, I'm yet another user that foolishly ran a do-release-upgrade with the -d flag and broke my system. I haven't rebooted the machine since I ran the command. Initially, I wasn't able to run many commands, including sudo, because libssl and libcrypto went away, but I was able to restore the .so's from a backup by privilege escalating with Docker and now I have root again. If at all possible I'd really prefer to untangle my22:32
tayne packages somehow rather than do a clean install. This is where I'm at currently: what happens when I try to run apt --fix-broken install https://bpa.st/BZWA22:32
oerheksboot into an older kernel, or reinstall with an usb 24.0422:34
tayneI'm already booted into an older kernel, since I never rebooted after running the upgrade22:34
tomreyntayne: i'd keep both old and new apt sources configured initially, and make sure sections are identical. and, of course, run 'apt update' first of all.22:57
tomreyni'm not going to be able to help you fix this one, though.22:57
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eelstreborfirefox is really making me mad - i removed the snap version and installed the ppa version and now vlc doesn't get launched anymore. what a piece of junk (to put it mildly).23:54
xanguaWhat does VLC has to do with Firefox?23:55
oerhekstons of videoplayers23:55
oerheksremoved snapd? and vlc is a snap too?23:55
leftyfbeelstrebor: remove the ppa package and reinstall the snap23:57
vortexxtayne: I can't help you recover... but next time... use a filesystem that can do snapshots, preferably automatic snapshots every time you add or remove a snapshot. And do a backup of the package list, just in case. I'm not sure if apt-key still exists, but there's this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/9135/how-to-backup-settings-and-list-of-installed-packages23:58
cbreakvlc works just fine without snap / firefox23:58
vortexxs/remove a snapshot/remove a package23:58
eelstreborlooks like it's a permissions issue - i chmod the downloaded file to 777 and now i can manually launch it23:58
leftyfbdownloaded file?23:59
cbreakwhat permission did it have before?23:59

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