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BANnNEDoo_ygod bless super nets irc network03:51
BANnNEDoo_yBANnNEDoo_y troglodi1o kc2bez_ Exterminador_ tomreyn_ guiverc Pokey ubottu Israphel bynarie_ GridCube xangua nanotube ruenoak tomg_ tcuthbert diogenes_ rfm rinzewind Eickmeyer torv chuanshi Exterminador Bardon_ kiska3 JanC ikwyl6 Drone moetuning kc2bez koo5_ militantorc jwash bodiccea calcmandan doc krytarik mneptok keypusher PeGaSuS niska linsux ubot9 jmcgnh DarkTrick_ Hackerpcs roadkill 03:51
=== Exterminador_ is now known as Exterminador
=== tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn
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DarkTrick_do I need to understand that?14:27
tomreynDarkTrick_: what's "that"? BANnNEDoo_y was spam, and i doubt there was much to be understood about what vvxpxr wrote.15:56
DarkTrick_thx for the clarification.16:32
xu-help66wHello, im unable to install xubuntu 24.4 alongside windows, I get this error: Command unshare --fork --pid --mount-proc=/target/proc -- chroot /target apt-get --quiet --assume-yes --option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io --option= etc18:22
xu-help66wExit code: 10018:22
xu-help66wReason: -18:22
xu-help66wNo stdout or stderr18:23
xu-help66wIts clearly -- chroot and not --chroot18:23
xu-help66w"Unexpected error while running command"18:24
tomreyn-- indicated that anything following it should be treated as non-option arguments18:50
tomreynand there is no "--chroot" option to unshare, so this looks fine18:51
tomreynxu-help66w: you're installing using the xubuntu installer there, not the ubuntu server installer, right?18:54
xu-help66wYes, xubuntu installer from website, torrent download18:55
xu-help66wBefore the error it says:18:55
tomreynhave you verified the ISO checksum against the one published on the website?18:55
xu-help66wraise ProcessExecutionError18:56
xu-help66wcurtil.util.ProcessExecutionError: and then the error18:56
xu-help66wI was honestly unable to find the sha sum on the website...18:56
xu-help66wso I didnt verify18:57
tomreyncan you share the full log file? cat /path/to/logfile | nc termbin.com 999918:57
xu-help66wThe sum is not next to the download links, at s it usually is on other distros18:57
tomreynthis would require internet access18:58
xu-help66wil try18:58
tomreyni agree it would be nice to have those stated on the download page18:59
xu-help66wWTF the checksum does not match, I get bbd869f20cf24a017e75758a209e5d9b6b5d5469976ae8253d95c29fcee4800d  xubuntu-24.04-desktop-amd64.iso19:02
xu-help66wfirst time, i guess im downloading again19:03
xu-help66wit works now yes19:44
tomreynvery well19:56
tomreynnrmally, a bittorrent should do checksumming, too, though, so i'm wondering whether, maybe, the .torrent is broken19:57
loswedsededhow come I still cannot smart upgrade to 24.04? do-release-upgrade shows no new candidates20:05
tomreynhttps://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release does not list noble, yet, so apparently upgrades have not been enabled, yet20:07
loswedsededtomreyn, so all ubuntu flavors are meta enabled at the same time? that list is for ubuntu20:09
tomreyni believe so, yes20:09
loswedsededwill xubuntu also have a 24.04.1 released in August, like ubuntu?20:10
tomreynhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/NobleUpgrades states that "Upgrades from Ubuntu 23.10 will be enabled shortly after the release, once any known upgrade issues are resolved."20:10
tomreyni assume thaz will be so, but am not really sure.20:11
tomreynxu-help66w: for what it's worth, i just downloaded xubuntu-24.04-desktop-amd64.iso using the https://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/24.04/release/xubuntu-24.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent file and got a matching checksum on the downloaded .ISO file (to the one at https://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/24.04/release/SHA256SUMS )20:14
loswedsededtomreyn, but I want to smart upgrade20:34
tomreynwhat's that?20:41
tomreynloswedseded: ^20:43
loswedsededapparently upgrade not deleting your configuration20:44
tomreynsupported release upgrades should not delete your configuration (unless those would break theupgraded version of some software - but there, too, i'd rather expect the new version to move the unsuitable configuration out of the way, not outright delete it)20:51
loswedsededtomreyn, this is an option I found on synaptic. I like using synaptic to see package names, but it was last updated in 2021, should I use something else?20:54
tomreynloswedseded: if you don't mind using apt in a terminal too much, use that21:00
loswedsededtomreyn, do you use any app to give you an idea of what apps are available?21:06
tomreynloswedseded: apt search 'something'   and    https://packages.debian.org    and    https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/madison.cgi21:09
tomreynthose are for debian packages (*.deb, via apt) only, though, not snaps or other package formats.21:10
tomreynthere's also package and command "apt-file", which you can use to "apt-file search 'something'" which you'd otherwise only find while the package was installed.21:12
mp_moin moin21:41

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