
arraybolt3Are autopkgtest infra failures a Launchpad thing?17:35
arraybolt3Using triggers like https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi/?release=oracular&arch=arm64&package=beads&trigger=qt6-5compat%2F6.6.2-1&all-proposed=1 I'm getting 503 Service Unavailable.17:35
arraybolt3(reported in #canonical-sysadmin too since I don't know which one is responsible for autopkgtest.ubuntu.com)17:35
arraybolt3seems to have resolved itself17:40
ginggsarraybolt3: you want # ubuntu-quality17:52
ginggsbut from the scrollback there, that's a temporary failure while rabbitmq restarts, try again in 5 minutes17:53
arraybolt3kk, /me adds another channel to my slowly growing-out-of-control list18:09
cjwatsonarraybolt3: And to answer your question directly, no, they're not a Launchpad thing.  The only common element is that the worker nodes that execute LP build farm jobs and autopkgtest jobs run on the same clouds.21:19

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