=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [17:31] Tim Andersson: Looks like Beads died again. https://objectstorage.prodstack5.canonical.com/swift/v1/AUTH_0f9aae918d5b4744bf7b827671c86842/autopkgtest-oracular/oracular/amd64/b/beads/20240519_123124_9b414@/log.gz [17:32] I'm going to retry it with all-proposed=1 one last time since this looks like autopkgtest just being weird. [17:32] If that fails I'm just going to try to test it locally and then have it be hinted. [17:34] ah fun, autopkgtest is down. [18:10] down? what error message did you get? [18:11] i'm afk till tuesday but i have the bug you reported high on my todo list ! [18:11] if you get "local variable (msg) referenced before assignment", this is a tmpfail, try back again in 5-10 minutes [18:12] sorry i'd usually take a look right away but i'm out celebrating my partners birthday ! [18:13] TimAndersson[m]: 503 Service Unavailable, resolved itself. [18:13] (rabbitmq restart apparently) [18:14] that's the one. it's an issue we're hoping to fix in the coming weeks, long overdue [18:14] rabbitmq restart is exactly the issue :)