[02:12] hey [06:43] https://xparty.net/static/Burglar_-_100_Percent_SID_Part_2_-_Live_at_X2024.mp3 i love SID in the morning [12:13] https://imgur.com/a/cDVzwmD [12:20] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWXjO7hIeuA blue monday [12:24] zxmpi: https://berlin2024.mini.debconf.org/schedule/venue/1/ watching the Lightning Talks at the Mini Debian Conference in Germany now :p [12:24] but Blue Monday is a classic [12:25] i just saw kraftwerk on image and went with my fave starting electro pop 80s track [12:28] zxmpi: listening to Blue Monday now, 22 minutes break until the regular talks [12:29] 19m mix at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1zu7DIlKwA