
eelstrebori changed it to 764 and it launched00:02
leftyfbeelstrebor: what does a downloaded file have to do with firefox installed from ppa and vlc not opening anymore?00:02
eelstrebori don't know why it's not getting the executable flag00:02
cbreakyou downloaded an executable?00:03
leftyfbeelstrebor: what file?00:03
cbreakwhy not use apt install vlc-bin?00:03
cbreakbrowsers don't write files as executable for security reasons00:03
eelstrebori have a webif program for my satellite receiver and when i click on the satellite channel it's suppose to launch vlc for the program that i want to watch00:04
leftyfba webif program? You mean a website? an .html file on your desktop? You click on a link/button on the page within firefox and vlc is supposed to open?00:05
eelstreborwebif is an app that i connect to on the satellite receiver using the browser00:06
leftyfbok, so you go to a website to click on a link to open vlc. What does this file with the wrong permissions come in?00:07
eelstreborwebif has a list of all the satellite channels that i can watch00:07
eelstrebortechnically it's not a website - it's a local thing - for C-band satellite services00:08
eelstrebor /me knew that this was going to be difficult to explain00:10
* eelstrebor knew that this was going to be difficult to explain00:10
ali12341its just serving up a playlist?00:10
ali12341and you want firefox to open it with vlc00:10
eelstreborpretty much00:10
ali12341so this is not a permissions issue, it's a problem of filetype associations00:11
eelstreborlike it did before using the snap version00:11
leftyfbso why did you remove the snap version if it worked fine?00:11
eelstrebori got a box asking how to handle the downloaded file and i told it to open it with vlc  which it wouldn't do00:12
eelstrebori was having problems with connecting to x.xom using the snap version00:13
leftyfbx.com works fine for me00:13
eelstreboralways something - at least i have less problems using linux as compared to windows00:14
eelstreborx.com works fine with the ppa version but not the snap version00:15
leftyfbit's working fine here with the snap version00:15
vortexxlooks like apt-key is still a thing in 24.0400:15
leftyfbapt-key is deprecated. Use gpg instead00:16
vortexxleftyfb: that's nice, but how do you backup the packages keys? I'd love an updated version of the link I posted above, but it still works00:18
vortexxapt-key still works, even if deprecated, even in 24.0400:18
leftyfbbackup package keys? why would you need to do that?00:18
vortexxleftyfb: part of the backup & restore procedure if you want to copy over a config after a fresh install00:19
vortexxhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/9135/how-to-backup-settings-and-list-of-installed-packages look at this. It's been working for me for 5+ years if I need it00:19
vortexxone of my major frustrations on linux compared to OpenBSD is how not so easy it is to move a config over using apt00:20
vortexxor rather, ubuntu linux00:21
leftyfbvortexx: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <package key> ;  gpg --export <package key> |sudo gpg --dearmor --output /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/<package name>.gpg --yes00:21
vortexxleftyfb: thank you, I'll give that a go in a VM00:22
leftyfbI run that for every 3rd party repo I need as part of my ansible playbook00:22
vortexxwhat was wrong with apt-key? just a need to use a tool that was more generic?00:24
leftyfbvortexx: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-fix-the-apt-key-deprecated-warning-in-ubuntu/#:~:text=One%20of%20the%20reasons%20why,have%20a%20signed%2Dby%20option.00:25
eelstrebori wiped out anything to do with firefox, remove and reinstall the ppa firefox and rebuild all my bookmarks - now vlc launches - what a hassle00:34
leftyfbeelstrebor: let us know if you need support with anything. Feel free to chat/rant in #ubuntu-offtopic00:35
eelstrebor"thanks" for your help - see ya00:39
leftyfbdid we help with something?00:39
vortexxleftyfb: sometimes just being there is enough to help. sometimes00:42
Maceri'm still wondering what a webif program is. maybe a web interface to the sat receiver?00:43
Macerwhich in turn feeds an m3u to vlc through the browser it seems maybe?00:43
leftyfbthere was apparently firefox(installed from ppa, not supported here), vlc and some unknown file that had a permissions issue.00:44
leftyfba downloaded file, that needed to be executable for firefox/vlc to work00:45
Macerbut that still doesn't explain why x.com formerly known as twitter didn't work00:45
leftyfbnone of which makes sense00:45
leftyfbit does work00:45
Maceri could see some sort of snap awkwardness with regard to in snap filesystems being a thing to pipe to vlc from ff00:45
Macerah so i was about rgiht00:46
vortexxx.com is migrating various regions of the world from twitter.com to x.com, not that that has anything to do with ubuntu00:46
vortexxit's possible there's DNS issues going on for some people in some part of the world00:47
Macerreally going 'all in' on the whole x.com thing huh?00:47
Macerbut yah that doesn't have much to do with ubuntu .. i doubt accessing it in a snap version makes much difference00:48
JanCthat will be awkward when he has to sell it00:48
vortexxmore offtopic speculation00:48
Maceri don't run the snap version of brave because of gvfs smb access not working00:48
Macerwhich i never sorted out other than not using it and adding the brave ppa00:49
vortexxI use brave, what do you mean by gvfs smb access? that it doesn't allow access to files when opening via the file manager? with file:/// ?00:53
vortexxnot that I use the snap version either, I use the ppa as well00:54
vortexxmainly because I'm stuck in my ways and haven't really wanted to rely on snap00:54
JanCGvfs allows you to do userspace SMB/NFS/SFTP/etc. "mounts" to access files on a file server00:55
vortexxyes I know00:57
vortexxvlc doesn't seem to like gvfs, but it speaks enough other things I don't really care00:57
JanCVLC is Qt IIRC, so it probably doesn't support Gtk's Gio/Gvfs indeed00:58
JanCbut IIRC it links to the same libraries that can do userspace "mounts"?00:58
vortexxI'd forgotten about Qt00:59
=== oerheks is now known as Oracular
=== Oracular is now known as oerheks
vortexxJanC: I usually mount things via Nautilus apart for NFS, so I guess VLC can't talk to Nautilus things01:17
vortexxsince that's gtk not Qt01:19
JanCit can, but only through the FUSE mounts Gvfs creates when 'gvfs-fuse' is installed, which are a bit awkward to use  :)01:19
vortexxugh, fuse01:19
vortexxit's not really an issue, NFS covers my VLC needs01:19
vortexxand DLN01:19
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
JanCgvfs-fuse mounts them under /run/user/$UID/gvfs/01:21
vortexxgood to know, thank you01:21
JanCor in your file manager use "open in terminal"01:22
JanCthat will show the somewhat ugly & long-winded location   :)01:23
JanCalso, not all operations will work IME01:24
=== ali12341 is now known as ali1234
vortexxyeah there's nothing more that I like than tons of really longs UUIDs01:26
JanCvortexx: but sometimes it's useful to get quick access to something01:26
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vortexxJanC: or when debugging grub configs, especially with LUKS01:28
ali1234ssh-import-id-gh does not work on an ipv6 server, because github does not have an ipv6 address?01:36
JanCali1234: you mean an IPv6-only server?01:39
ali1234ssh-import-id-lp works tho01:39
JanCand GitHub doesn't have an IPv6 address indeed01:40
ali1234been scratching my head for like an hour trying to work out why it wasn't working01:40
ali1234also even though my server doesn't have a pubic ipv4, i am surprised hetzner doesn't set up NAT or whatever so you can still access things01:42
JanCali1234: IPv6-only is cheaper, so...01:44
JanCthen again, they might have a proxy or something else that you can use when configured properly; check their documentation01:45
ali1234the final server is going to have ipv4, i was just being cheap while messing around with cloud-init trying to learn it01:47
ali1234the other annoying thing about hetzner here is there doesn't seem to be any way to modify the config after you create the server. you have to delete it and start over.01:47
ali1234it does at least remember it if you rebuild01:48
JanCare you using the API (e.g. using hcloud-cli) or the web interface?01:50
ali1234web interface01:51
ali1234i should get the cli set up01:52
ali1234but i'm worried about accidentally getting a huge bill, heh01:52
JanChcloud-cli is packaged in Debian/Ubuntu, as is the Python implementation of the API01:52
ali1234i'm trying to fully automate my multi-container docker app01:53
ali1234but i've never actually done anything like this before01:53
ali1234most i've done is run home assistant locally with docker compose01:54
ali1234random hetzner question: if i host my app in helsinki instead of nuremberg will the BSI stop sending me false-positive security alerts?01:55
ali1234German Federal Office for Information Security ( BSI )01:56
ali1234apparently they port scan01:57
JanCwhy would they send you security alerts?  I've never seen those...01:57
geekyanyone know why my ubuntu desktop cant seem to open settings but terminal opens fine01:57
ali1234JanC: do you know "telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl"?01:58
ali1234my app does something similar to that01:58
ali1234ie it has port 23 open01:58
JanCcan't you tell them it's fine?01:58
ali1234i get a security report once a week from the BSI, forwarded via hetzner01:58
JanCeither Hetzner or the BSI...01:59
ali1234hetzner dont seem to care, they just forward the report01:59
JanCprobably auto-forward   :)02:00
JanCbut maybe there is some way to whitelist your port 23   :)02:00
ali1234it says as much, basically "you can ignore this, but we're required by law to forward it to you"02:00
JanCthe other option is to tarpit the BSI so that they stop scanning you  ;-)02:01
ali1234i considered just firewalling them specifically02:01
geekyseems a number of apps are crashing on my system, gnome-initial-setup crashed with SIGSEGV in_dl_close()02:02
ali1234geeky: did you update or upgrade recently? is it a new install?02:03
geekynew install just completed today02:03
ali1234have you run memtest?02:03
geekyyes, passed 5 passes02:03
JanCdoes it happen on every boot?02:04
geekyshould I have run it longer?02:04
ali12345 full passes is usually enough02:04
JanCmaybe some bug...02:04
geekysegvanalisys destination not located in a known vma region02:04
JanCgeeky: did you check the bug tracker to see if others got that too?02:04
geekyguessing I need to adjust some memory settings in the bios02:05
JanCI don't think that's the problem02:05
ali1234its unusual for everything to be crashing with segv all over the place02:05
ali1234usually a hardware problem, or perhaps a corrupted installer image02:06
ali1234or harddrive/ssd is corrupted somehow02:06
geekylet me check my vma values in the bios anyway, i have an nvidia egpu so that might be it02:06
JanCmaybe try a new install indeed, and make sure to verify02:06
geekythird time installing today, same issue each time02:07
geekyright after boot the gnome setup fails then i can't get into settings02:07
ali1234egpu as in a discrete card in external box?02:07
JanChmm, there were some Nvidia-related issues in 24.04 a while ago, but I don't know the details02:07
geekyali1234 correct02:07
JanCnor do I know if they were fixed02:07
geekyI selected install additional drivers during install02:08
ali1234in theory it shouldn't make any difference but... i just don't trust PCIe over a cable02:08
ali1234i've tried it with non-gpu cards and i always got weird errors eventually02:09
JanCI'm not sure the cable would be the issue or the different timings for the longer distance or something like that02:10
ali1234i would try with on-board graphics if possible. just to rule it in/out as the cause02:10
JanCgeeky: certainly also make sure your UEFI firmware is up-to-date02:10
JanCand try internal graphics indeed02:11
geekythe internal graphics card doesn't seem to boot at all, which is why I ended up with the egpu02:12
geekyseems like there is an open bug for this02:16
ali1234bug 206294902:16
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2062949 in gnome-remote-desktop (Ubuntu) "gnome-remote-desktop-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_iteration()" [Undecided, Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/206294902:16
ali1234try an X11 session?02:17
ali1234seems to be wayland specific02:17
ali1234not sure if gnome even supports x11 session any more but you could always install xubuntu - it doesn't support wayland at all :)02:18
geekynot sure how to do that02:21
geekyneofetch worked, saw both the igpu and egpu02:21
ali1234it used to be that at the login screen you could select the session type - "GNOME on Wayland" or "GNOME on X11" or such02:22
ali1234i'm not sure if that is still possible as I use xubuntu/xfce and so no such choice is ever available to me02:22
geekyah, i am using stock ubuntu 24.04 desktop amd6402:23
geekyI didn't see that option02:23
ali1234it's not very obvious. they kept making the button for it smaller and smaller... it may have completely gone by now, idk... it's been a long time since i used ubuntu desktop02:24
oerheksall ubuntu flavors give x11 and wayland session option at login02:26
ali1234xubuntu doesn't02:26
ali1234but point taken02:26
oerheksmaybe because you installed nvidia prop drivers?02:26
arraybolt3oerheks: I'm unaware of *any* Ubuntu flavor that does that, no Ubuntu flavor has a default Wayland option yet AFAIK.02:26
ali1234no, because xfce doesn't support wayland at all02:26
oerheksgnome does wayland as default02:27
arraybolt3But yes, if your flavor has a Wayland option (like Kubuntu does) and you go out of your way to install that, then you will get the switch on the login screen.02:27
arraybolt3Xubuntu has no Wayland option now.02:27
geekyi checked additional drivers, it says its using nvidia-driver-535 (proprietary, tested)02:27
geekyI do have the option of using X.Org nouveau display driver under additional drivers02:28
ali1234you could try nouveau but it will probably fail even harder than it already does02:29
geekyI will try more google02:31
geekythis machine was previously running 23.10 without the egpu. the igpu was okay, but now it wont launch the installer with the igpu02:32
geekyguess I can go back to running more memtest and see if something shows up02:33
ali1234i suspect that is related02:33
ali1234gnome seems to want to treat egpu as an "accelerator"02:33
ali1234according to the bug you mentioned02:33
ali1234it will try to use the igpu in some cases02:33
ali1234so if that isn't working, that won't end well02:33
ali1234what is the ipgu?02:34
geekycpu: i7 1165g7, gpu rtx 3050, gpu intel tigerlake-lp gt2 [iris xe]02:36
ali1234nothing too exotic then02:37
ali1234i would expect that to just work02:37
geekyyes, was hoping it would just work02:38
geekyi changed the nuc bios to point to the thunderbolt ports for gpu02:38
oerheksiris xe .. maybe a help https://itsfoss.com/intel-nvidia-graphics-switch-ubuntu/02:39
geekyokay, swapped known good ram from my laptop and starting memtest86 7, this will take a while03:08
=== john is now known as Guest5312
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Psil0hey question04:05
Psil0i am trying to configure fail2ban and cannot understand why so many python3 packages are missing and not picked up04:05
Psil0you have to basically build it from srcs, or go down line by line fixing packages.04:05
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Guest28please help i can't login to terminal when i press ctrl alt f7 and it is just a blank screen with cursor blinking at top left08:24
webchat39hi, I attempted to install ubuntu 24.04 in my brand new laptop dell xps 16, I am having trouble with input devices specifically camera and audio , linux 24.04 doesn't detect them and I have tried many many solutions from web to solve this but was not succsfull anybody can help me please ?08:28
DiagonBoot failing@ "Job gpu-manager.service/ start running...". Booting recovery works. Haswell+Nvidia. Thoughts?09:16
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DiagonWith nomodeset, boot freezes@:11:11
Diagonsnd_had_intel 0000:00:03.0: HSW/BDW HD-audio HDMI/DP requires binding with the gfx driver11:11
DiagonIf I remove 'gfxmode $linux_gfx_mode' and add nomodeset, it boots.11:11
BlueSharkHey folks. I'm trying to test something related to case senstivity. Is there an easy way to create a case insensitive file system? `mkdcir a && mkdir A` should fail with `mkdir: cannot create directory ‘A’: File exists`. Preferably some method that would allow me to test this inside docker.11:48
=== PotatoGim_ is now known as PotatoGim
name_hereBlueShark: its been quiet so far these past few minutes11:53
Diagontwo and a half hours11:53
name_hereheh ive only been here a few min trying to remember all my questions but get weirded sometimes just for ... at least starting out first questions11:56
name_herecurious is ok (yes) say when mirroring displays why the supported resolutions arent including 1366x76811:59
name_herebut when join they are both able to have that one12:00
anankeBlueShark: your key words are 'casefold ext4'12:00
anankeBlueShark: eg: https://www.collabora.com/news-and-blog/blog/2020/08/27/using-the-linux-kernel-case-insensitive-feature-in-ext4/12:00
name_hereAnyone have a site for simple commands and such to save?12:03
name_herepreferrable NOT in video format12:03
BlueSharkananke: That's what I've been searching with, yes.12:03
anankeBlueShark: if so, then you should have been able to get similar hits12:05
name_hereI've still got the question of if there's a way to boot legacy mode from uefi (the hardware bios has removed the feature)12:16
name_hereI've got a videocard I think I may need to update the firmware on to be compatible with uefi12:17
name_herebut i dont really know how uefi works so i dont know if its more than a chainloader(?) say if it removes access to firmware? so say if i had a virtualmachine booting a legacy bios could it in theory update the firmware of a host device?12:19
name_herebecause what would be different between those scenarios?12:22
cbreakso, finally jumping onto 24.04. Made a physical replica of my desktop to try an upgrade :)12:41
name_herecbreak: ha thats funny if thats funny12:43
UbuSer12I have Ubuntu Studio 24.04 and Ubuntu 24.04 - the problem is identical on both. Namely, I have a 4K external monitor connected to my laptop. I would like to use the native 4K resolution on both the laptop and the external monitor. Unfortunately, if I use the 4K resolution, every time the computer goes into sleep mode or just screen saver mode, the13:36
UbuSer12external screen doesn't wake up. Changing the resolution to a lower one and then back to 4K helps, and everything works until the next sleep. The problem does not occur at resolutions lower than 4K - the external monitor wakes up every time.13:36
UbuSer12I am using an NVIDIA GeForce 2080 RTX graphics card with the nvidia-driver-550 drivers, but I have checked with several earlier versions. The same issue occurs with the Nouveau drivers.13:36
cbreakdo you have the option to compare display port vs hdmi?13:39
cbreakI've made bad experiences with HDMI in particular13:39
UbuSer12theoretically yes, but only via thunderbolt. I wanted to avoid that13:46
DiagonHow do I look up the value of a kernel module option?  (snd-intel-dspcfg)14:16
BluesKajHi all14:20
UbuSer12modinfo snd-intel-dspcfg14:28
UbuSer12cat /sys/module/snd_intel_dspcfg/parameters14:28
UbuSer12Diagon: ^14:29
DiagonUbuSer12 / Very much helpful!  :))14:30
cbreakupgrade to 24.04 seems to have worked! (at least it didn't catch fire immediately)14:51
cbreakjust have to rip out snap thunderbird and get the normal one...14:52
leftyfbcbreak: why?14:52
cbreakI'm expecting similar issues as with the snap firefox14:52
cbreakwell, I'll give it a few months, but ...14:52
leftyfbI've been running the thunderbird snap since February14:53
cbreak... the upgrade reinstalled that shitty snap firefox... *grumble*14:55
cbreakleftyfb: I don't expect the same issues as with ff, so I'll also give it some time14:55
cbreakbut considering the issues with many of the snap packages I've seen, I'm not too hopeful14:55
cbreakwho ever designed snaps doesn't seem to have though of people using more than one storage location14:56
leftyfbI have 33 snaps installed. Zero problems with any of them14:56
cbreakI have problems with at least four of them14:56
cbreakmostly with interacting with the outside world14:57
cbreaklike the snap firefox STILL (after TWO YEARS) can't talk to the 1password app14:57
cbreakor the snap slack can't send any files without me copying them to ~/Downloads or similar14:57
cbreakI expect thunderbird to have the same problem14:57
cbreakthat I have to copy the files to Downloads for it to be able to atach them14:58
cbreakbut ... I'll see once I try that14:58
leftyfbSlack can open files from any location on my laptop14:58
leftyfbas can thunderbird14:58
cbreaknot on my three systems14:58
cbreakwhen ever I try to atach anything from anywhere outside ~/ it chokes and gives some misleading error message14:59
leftyfbdid you install slack as --classic?14:59
cbreakno, what's that?14:59
cbreakI have 4.38.12114:59
leftyfbsudo snap install slack --classic15:00
cbreakhmm... interesting15:00
cbreakI shall try that the next time I'm annoyed with it, thanks! :)15:01
cbreakwould that also work with FF and TB?15:01
cbreakor do snaps have to be specially made for it?15:01
Guest36Hi, I am running Ubuntu 23.10 and updated to the latest. My laptop reccently broke two times. Do anyone have time to check part of my journalctl output? I am not familiar with this kind of debug, and have no ideas what's going on.15:01
leftyfbI don't have either of those installed as classic and they both can open files from anywhere on my machine15:02
Guest36Btw, What pastebin is recommended in this channel? Thanks.15:02
leftyfbcbreak: Guest36 "broke two times" doesn't really help debug anything. Can you be more specific? Also, what release are you running now? cat /etc/os-release | nc termbin.com 999915:03
leftyfbcbreak: https://imgur.com/a/P4M9jZM15:05
Guest36leftyfb: yeah, I am trying to paste part of my journalctl log to pastebin. Trying to figure out which pastebin is recommended here. I am running Ubuntu 23.10. https://termbin.com/sexx15:05
leftyfbGuest36: just know, 23.10 will be end of life in July(2 months)15:06
Guest36This is part of my journalctl log: https://termbin.com/1cqa15:07
Guest36I forgot to look at what time is broken.15:08
Guest36Yeah, I am waiting to update to LTS. But ubuntu hasn't finished the update app.15:08
cbreakGuest36: I've just tried it with do-release-upgrade -d... it seems to have worked... for now :)15:09
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Guest36The laptop is broken two times recently. When it broke, the monitor turns to black. So I have no ideas if the keyboard still works or not.15:09
Guest36cbreak: Thanks for the tip. I think I will wait for the official GUI app. I am using customized LUKS encrypted partitions. (LUKS partitions created manually instead of using the installation tool).  I don't want to break my files and system.15:11
Guest36When I look at the log, I feel the broken might be caused by amdgpu driver. But I am not sure. I saw some messages about amdgpu driver in the log.15:13
Guest36I found this: "amdgpu_job_timedout [amdgpu]] *ERROR* GPU Recovery Failed: -62"15:15
Guest36Is this broken caused by chrome with enabled vulkan driver? I don't really see any clues from the journalctl log. ( https://termbin.com/1cqa )15:22
Guest36Two suspect softwares that were running are chrome (with vulkan enanled) and virtualbox running windows. Other softwares are less suspect than these two. OR maybe just becaues bad amdgpu driver. OR something else. Not sure.15:24
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loswedsededdoes dosbox on 23.04 use much resources?16:04
rboxloswedseded: probably about the same it did on 22.0416:09
Guest36Anyway, Thanks. Just ignore my question. I gotta go. Bye.16:21
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ph88sometimes orange boxes appear on my desktop to move windows into them, i don't know what triggers these boxes to come up. How can i disable this ?16:49
geekyquick update 13hr memtest, 6 passes complete, no errors17:04
geekypeak temp was 79c on the i7-1165g717:04
geekygoing to try reimaging the usb and trying the install for the 4th time17:05
loswedsededcan any of you tell me where to find dosbox' config file so I see a bigger window? default is too small17:33
rboxits gonna be in your home directory17:35
rboxyou might need to create it if it doesnt exist17:35
geekyfresh install, same issue, sigsegv writing null vma17:41
ioriageeky, might be a cpu issue; open bios and see if you can disable something (core, threads, etc. etc.); go with try & err17:51
geekyoddly enough didn't happen on 23.1017:53
geekysame hardware minus the egpu17:53
vortexxloswedseded: it's ~/.dosbox/dosbox-0.74-3.conf  for me17:58
ioriageeky, in alternative, try the daily build : http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/17:58
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loswedsededthx vortexx , what parameter do I have to edit for a bigger window?17:59
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vortexxloswedseded: windowresolution: Scale the window to this size IF the output device supports hardware scaling.18:16
loswedsededvortexx, so, windowresolution=1600x800 forced?18:18
TomBombadillsomeone can help me please?18:40
rboxTomBombadill: you would have to tell us the problem first18:43
bprompt!ask | TomBombadill18:45
ubottuTomBombadill: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:45
TomBombadillIn questo momento il mio file manager ha il simbolo di 3 notifiche, in realtà sono fasulle e non so come toglierle! Ho provato a riavviare anche il sistema18:47
TomBombadillRight now my file manager has the symbol of 3 notifications, in reality they are fake and I don't know how to remove them! I tried restarting the system too18:47
TomBombadillgreen symbol*18:47
bprompt!it | TomBombadill18:56
ubottuTomBombadill: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi «/join #ubuntu-it» senza virgolette)18:56
TomBombadillNon voglio cambiare chat perchè in quello italiano non mi risponde mai nessuno19:01
TomBombadillI don't want to change chats because in the Italian one no one ever answers me19:01
bpromptTomBombadill: well, hmmm your issue has to do with an specific file manager, how about providing a quick picture of the issue, the window showing the notifications icon, use a pastebin like snipboard.io  , copy your picture and at snipboard.io simply press ctrl-v, you can do the same in imgur.com , and paste the url here for us to check19:04
bpromptTomBombadill: most likely I don't  use the same file manager  you're using, but others may19:05
Hootchhey, I got a problem with gdm3 vs sddm. I changed gdm3 into sddm and the window manager don't start. Can I modify the mounted file system to reset it to gdm?19:07
tomreynTomBombadill: which ubuntu version is this? is it actually ubuntu, or some derivative?19:08
HootchUbuntu 24.04 LTS19:08
Hootchoh not me :) sorry19:08
tomreynHootch: i think you can    sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm319:08
HootchI can only boot the live system with my mounted local drive19:09
Hootchreconfigure will not run on a live system19:09
bprompt!chroot | Hootch19:10
ubottuHootch: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot19:10
tomreynit will if you chroot19:10
TomBombadillI'm using Ubuntu official canonical 24.0419:10
bpromptHootch:  in essence, "chroot"ing to your installed system from the LiveUSB session, will make any command within the chroot session, to take effect in the installed system, not the LiveUSB session19:11
bpromptHootch: however, I wonder how come "sddm" didn't run the manager, usually you'd be presented with a pulldown menu of which manager session you want, you pick one and off  you go19:14
tomreynTomBombadill: The green emblem on the Files (Nautilus) icon indicates a previously completed file operation. Click on the date / time on the top panel to access and remove notifications19:14
TomBombadillis so easy hahahaha19:15
TomBombadillthank you19:15
tomreynonce you know where to click, which is not too obvious19:15
TomBombadillthank you very much19:16
tomreynyou're welcome19:16
bpromptTomBombadill:    To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle. ~~ George Orwell, "In Front of Your Nose" ~~19:16
TomBombadillmaybe in the Italian chat they were as good and funny as you! However, they are very absent and aggressive if I insist on asking them for support19:17
Hootchbprompt, my current problem is .. I have no dialog programm to see the gdm configure view. any hints?19:19
bpromptHootch: well, a chroot session won't have any dialogs per se, is in a terminal19:20
HootchI ment the CLI dialog gui not a gui like gnome etc.19:20
HootchI meant the CLI dialog gui not a gui like gnome etc.19:21
TomBombadillHei, i'm getting another trouble with Libre office19:28
TomBombadillIf i click the center of writer interface… i get another hidden interface app as is an ologram!19:28
TomBombadilli made a simple video19:31
bpromptTomBombadill: from the video there, I can't see it :|19:37
HootchI fixed it :) thx a lot19:37
devslashSo I've got a weird issue. My ubuntu server has a USB drive attached to it. I have a row in fstab to auto mount it at boot up but it's stuck at boot up trying to mount the drive. I unplugged the drive and checked it on my ubuntu laptop and was able to mount the drive just fine. It seems to hang when trying to mount it and boot up19:40
devslashIt eventually boots into emergency mode19:45
tomreyndevslash: i don't know why it does this, but it's common to add the "nofail" mount option for external devices19:48
ioriadevslash, probably wrong fstab line19:49
devslashIoria ithis ftsab lone had been working for quite a while so it seems suspect that that's the problem19:50
ioriadevslash, sudo findmnt --verify19:50
devslashTomreyn I'm running an fsck on it but I will all no fail19:50
devslashThis started when there was a power outage but I plugged the drive into another computer, mounted, and then i did fsck on it then. although it's slow to mount for some reason, no issues were found.19:52
tomreynonline fsck is a bad idea if you can do it offline19:53
devslashAfter commenting out the line in fstab it boots normally and I was able to mount it manually but again, it was slow19:53
devslashWhat do you mean online fsck ?19:54
tomreyn"I plugged the drive into another computer, mounted, and then i did fsck on it"19:54
tomreynfsck while mount = "online"19:54
tomreynfsck while mounted = "online"19:54
devslashBefore I run fsck I unmount it19:54
tomreynwhich file system is this?19:55
tomreynand what kind of media?19:55
devslashAll kinds19:55
devslashI added nofail and did mount -a and I'm just waiting now19:58
tomreyna (blind) guess would be that it got physically damaged during the power outage and the fsck repaired the file system (somewhat?) but could not repair the physical damage which keeps breaking the file system becausenot all physically defective blocks have yet been marked as such.19:59
devslashIs there anything I can do19:59
devslashFWIW I can browse the file system just fine19:59
devslashOnce I manually mount it19:59
tomreynso what type of disk is this?20:00
devslashUsb drive20:00
tomreynthat's how it is connected, this says nothing about the storage technology20:00
devslashI don't know what you're asking20:00
devslashIt has a mechanical drive inside of it20:01
tomreynis it a hard disk, a cheap flash key, a proper flash storage as in ssd or nvme20:01
TomBombadillHi, can I get some support? With Libre office Writer I'm encountering a problem:20:03
TomBombadillWhen I access the interface to write, if I press the mouse in the center, it opens what's underneath, as if it were a hologram!20:03
TomBombadillI made a video to explain better, can anyone help me?20:03
tomreyndevslash: check your system log for any read / write errors. run ddrescue on the usb disk, either overwriting all blocks or creating an image of it.20:04
devslashSystem logs via dmesg ?20:04
tomreynyes, or journalctl -kb20:04
tomreyn" media sense " messages point to such issues20:05
tomreynor may20:05
bpromptdevslash: I'd side with tomreyn  on the power outage "guess", not too much of a guess, unless you're using an UPS or some decent power surcharge protection, hardware will be negatively affected during an outtage, it'd be a good idea to run a SMART check20:06
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devslashHow so you do a smart check20:07
bprompt!smart | devslash20:07
ubottudevslash: smart is Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, a monitoring system for hard drives. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools20:07
bpromptdevslash: but hmmm don't understimate power outtages, they can toast a motherboard or a HDD in a zinch, reason many cord extensions come with power surcharge protection20:08
devslashI know but I can still  read the files on it20:09
bpromptdevslash: granted, so is not totally damaged if at all, HDD can be readable "until they are not"20:10
devslashThe difference is its not mounting on this computer at the moment20:11
tomreynwhat's the error message?20:11
bpromptdevslash: hmmm are you using the correct UUID for it in  fstab?   maybe is the UUID20:11
bprompt!blkid | devslash20:12
ubottudevslash: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)20:12
devslashI'm not using the uuid20:12
devslashIn fstab20:12
bpromptdevslash: hmmmm ohh this is a hotpluggable, hmm haven't bothered checking, but I think you can still use an UUID for it20:14
tomreynnot using the uuid may be why it fails to mount in the first place20:15
devslashNo it's always sdb220:15
devslashIf it was the wrong uuid it'd fail immediately bit that's not what it's doing20:16
tomreynso when you manually try to mount the file system now, and it fails to do so, what's the error message?20:16
tomreynyou wrote "its not mounting on this computer at the moment", i assume this does not just refer to mounting on boot, right?20:17
devslashSo I moved the usb plug to a different usb port and added nofail. It now boots up normally but doesn't mount the drive20:17
devslashSmartctl isn't working for me20:21
devslashSays scsi unsupported field in scsi command when I run smartctl -I /dev/sdbw20:22
bpromptdevslash: changing the usbHDD to another port may simply account to a different slot location from where it was expected on fstab, which may account for the fast boot, the machine is booting fine "so long it doesn't have to try to mount a faulty" drive, and when it tries to do so, it takes a while, the delay possibly accounting for the "mount laboring"20:22
devslashNot in my case20:23
devslashIt's still sdb2 no matter where it's plugged into20:23
tomreynshouldn't this be /dev/sdb2 ?20:24
tomreynactually /dev/sdb20:25
devslashYea u made a typo20:25
tomreyni quoted what you wrote20:25
devslashYou said sdbw instead of sdb220:25
devslashWhatever ryou know what I mean20:25
bpromptdevslash: with the usbHDD plugged in, what does the command "sudo blkid" show?20:25
tomreynso the command you ran is? "sudo smartctl -I /dev/sdb"?20:26
devslashShows my partitions with their block id20:26
bpromptdevslash: may we see them?20:26
devslashNo I have no way to do that20:26
bprompt!paste | devslash20:26
ubottudevslash: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:26
devslashNo easy way to do that20:26
devslashI'd have to take a picture and upload it20:27
bpromptdevslash: well, in a running system with wifi, is mostly a copy/paste gig20:27
devslashI can't do that right now20:27
bpromptdevslash: no wifi?20:28
devslashWell it's connected to the internet buti have kb connected to it and there no gui20:28
tomreynecho i am online | nc termbin.com 999920:29
linuxianhello guys20:29
devslashBesides there's no errors in the blkid output20:29
linuxiantomreyn what is that link20:29
devslashIt's just my blk id's which are long hex strings20:29
bpromptdevslash: so the system is booted, but no GUI?20:29
devslashNo there's never been one ever on my machine20:29
tomreynlinuxian: a pastebin-like service, try it.20:30
bpromptdevslash: this is the ubuntu-server running headless, right?20:30
bprompt!termbin | devslash20:31
bpromptwoops, no alias for that20:31
devslashWhy do you want to see my blkid so badly20:31
devslashThere's nothing useful in that output20:31
devslashI'm not using my blk ID in fstab anyways20:32
devslashFor this usb drive20:32
ali1234cbreak: problem of sandboxed software not being able to access files is usually down to xdg-desktop-portal20:32
bpromptdevslash: anyhow, whatever blkid output, is the devices and locations and UUID assigned to each, what tomreyn posted above, is you can use that pipe command to output text online20:32
devslashMy blk id's aren't the issue here20:32
ali1234cbreak: each desktop has a different implementation and if you are using certain flavours you might not have it installed at all20:33
bpromptdevslash: well, then with the info provided, I'd side with the power outtage doing some type of damage to the usbHDD20:34
devslashMy fstab looks like this : /dev/sdb2 /mnt/usb ext4 defaults, nofail 0 020:34
tomreyndevslash: i think the main issue is that you're not trying much of what is being suggested here, and provide too little information on what you do try for anyone to be able to support you.20:35
devslashI'm not convinced since I can totally access the files on this drive that it's toasted. It mounts on my ubuntu desktop20:35
devslashI've tried everything that I can20:35
devslashSome of those suggestions aren't working20:35
tomreyn"not working" is the worst way to provide feedback on a command you have run, and until now you had not even provided that feedback.20:36
bpromptdevslash: I have mounted damaged drives from a "parted magic" iso and mount partitions and get files from them, or not even mount them, simply run a recovery on them to get files, nothing esoteric20:36
tomreyntry to explain what exactly you have tried, what exactly the outcome was, how you know that it did not succeed.20:37
bpromptdevslash: so it can be damaged, and be mounted and accessed, as I said, if damaged, it'll damaged more on every powerup, and it'd be accessible "until is not"20:37
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babulai need to ask again, is there a tool for ubuntu to help with the two displays problem and programs opening in the secondary (wrong display)? maybe something you could use to move the windows to the main display.21:55
oerheksMove or resize a window using only the keyboard. Press Alt+F7 to move a window or Alt+F8 to resize. Use the arrow keys to move or resize, then press Enter to finish, or press Esc to return to the original position and size21:57
tomreynyou can also hold super and press cursor keys to move windows between certain positions22:03
babulaoerheks: puuh, how do i choose a window that i cannot see from another display that's not turned on?22:06
oerhekson gnome you might be able to force mirror between displays, in settings, so all apps are on one22:08
oerheksyou did not specify not turned on display22:08
babulaoerheks: no, i don't want to mirror the displays. i thought people here understood it's a display that i cannot see where some of the program windows open. i just thought maybe there's a nifty tool for this!22:10
oerheksone could switch workplace, not to windows that are not turned on22:12
babulawindows are turned on but the another display where they open is not!22:13
tomreynbabula: normally, screens which are connected but unpowered will not be used. however, since this does not seem to work there, you could also manually disable a screen (using the Settings GUI or xrandr), which should make all windows move to the remaining active screens.22:41
tomreynalso, you could just physically disconnect the screen not to be used22:41
babulatomreyn: mmh, i need it time to time, i don't really have an idea why some programs open their window(s) to the secondary display!23:11
gaelheartrunning 24.04 ... screen seems to randomly start flickering. if i just move the pointer it stops.  ideas?  this happens on x and wayland. gnome and plasma. i have a lenovo thinkpad t480 laptop23:18
oerheks thinkpad t480 with what GPU?23:20
gaelheartIntel® Core™ i7-8650U × 8     &     Intel® UHD Graphics 620 (KBL GT2)23:22
oerheksfew hints here https://askubuntu.com/questions/1404771/screen-flicker-after-fresh-install-of-ubuntu-22-0423:24
oerheksGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="i915.enable_psr=0" and intel_idle.max_cstate=423:25
gaelheartthank you23:25
oerheksand in the beginning; i915.enable_dc=0 intel_idle.max_cstate=2 ..23:25
oerheksbugreport like your issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/206295123:26
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2062951 in linux (Ubuntu) "Random flickering with Intel i915 on Linux 6.8 (Ubuntu 24.04)" [Undecided, Confirmed]23:26
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WaVWhen 22.04 first came out, I had the same issue. I have hybrid graphics. The fix was the same though.23:45
DiagonAnyone have experience with snd_hda_intel driver? Boot fail@ "snd_hda_intel 0000:00:03.0: HSW/BDW HD-audio HDMI/DP requires binding with gfx driver." snd_intel_dspcfg isn't helping.23:58

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