
IrcsomeBot<keyboard4321> cxja05:06
IrcsomeBot<keyboard4321> sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop --autoremove05:14
IrcsomeBot<keyboard4321> uninstall kubuntu05:14
IrcsomeBot<keyboard4321> no uninstall05:15
IrcsomeBot<keyboard4321> How should I restore original ubuntu05:17
=== matt_ is now known as matt__
dreamhawkUbuntu (Gnome) has a built in rdp-server (right?) Is there none for Kubuntu? I've tried KRFB but the VNC is slow compared to RDP. At the moment i use NoMachine which does the job fine, but i'd prefer a built in solution. Is there none?06:28
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
IrcsomeBot<mr_honesty1> I don't know why kubuntu always crash12:55
tomreynnor do we13:07
tomreynyour logs might know, though13:07
IrcsomeBot<mr_honesty1> How i can get the log (re @IrcsomeBot: <tomreyn> your logs might know, though)13:08
tomreynjournalctl -eb-1    would show you the end of what was logged during the previous kernel session13:10
tomreynthat's assuming the entire system freezes13:10
tomreynif it's just the graphics server which crashes, or the window manager, you would want to look at   journalctl -eb     and scroll up a bit.13:11
tomreynthere's probably also some graphical systemd-journal log viewer application for kubuntu, if you prefer this.13:11
IrcsomeBot<mr_honesty1> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/a1ba9ee6/file_75262.jpg13:12
tomreynthe GUI application seems to be called "journal-viewer"13:12
IrcsomeBot<mr_honesty1> What is the solution?13:13
tomreynthe image you just posted shows a regular shutdown for a reboot, which took place at 18:39 your local time13:13
tomreynit doesn't seem to show any malfunction13:13
IrcsomeBot<mr_honesty1> Ok13:14
tomreynat what time did kubuntu last crash? and what was the crash like?13:14
IrcsomeBot<mr_honesty1> Topbar stop showing13:17
IrcsomeBot<mr_honesty1> That automatically hide13:17
nuxilthis Plymouth splash thingy is causing black screen on boot here. if i remove "guiet splash" from the grub and boot. everything is fine.13:22
nuxili suspect some drivers issues.. or its trying to do its thing before the drivers are ready or something..13:22
nuxili am using a older amd radeon 5700 rx card.13:23
nuxilannoying :(13:26
tomreynmr_honesty1: okay so that's not a system crash, that's only part of the graphical user interface failing. you can probably spawn a terminal emulator or switch to a !TTY and then just run   kwin --replace   to bring it back.13:38
tomreynmr_honesty1: this will still be logged in the systemd-journal, but linux has not failed so this is still in your current log, which can be access using   journalctl -eb13:39
BluesKajHi all13:41
KangaroooWhere this menu i got from? How did i got this on? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/206618115:48
-ubottu:#kubuntu- Launchpad bug 2066181 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "How did i got this HTML document popup when copyin url in any app? From where i can turn it on?" [Undecided, New]15:48
DSDotNameHi folks. Two day ago migrated from Windows 11 to Kubuntu 14.04 and shocked how genial this OS is.16:29
DSDotNameDue to constant general pains with MS Windows 11 and for their exemplary practical decomposition over time (GUI mess, GPU support) in something fragmented, after many diverse tests of different OS, I moved to the new Kubuntu 24.04 LTS Linux system , which works on HP ZBook Firefly 14 G10 A with AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 7840HS chipset, AMD Radeon 780M almost16:30
DSDotNameimmediately out of the box.16:30
DSDotNameLast think I need is to solve the MS OneNote migration because Web version is totally unusable.16:33
=== diogeness_ is now known as diogeness
=== aekara is now known as Mariannn
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> Upgrade path from 23.10 still not possible?21:31
bpromptksenchy: https://itsfoss.com/upgrade-ubuntu-to-newer-version/21:34
oerheksoh no, the -d trick ...21:40
oerheksprepare a fresh usb with 24.04 before you even think of that21:41
ILikeHamWhere do you set your screen saver ?22:46
ILikeHamAnd lock ?22:46
ILikeHamI see the power management to turn the monitor off, etc22:48
ILikeHambut where's the screen saver22:49
ILikeHamI don't want to wait for the monitor power off.22:51
ILikeHamIs there a way to adjust all the screen fonts like you would Windows 10 with "zoom" ?23:58
ILikeHamIE: 125% zoom in23:58

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